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package javax.interceptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Map;
* <p>Exposes context information about the intercepted invocation and operations
* that enable interceptor methods to control the behavior of the invocation chain.</p>
* <pre>
* &#064;AroundInvoke
* public Object logInvocation(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
* String class = ctx.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getName();
* String method = ctx.getMethod().getName();
* Logger.global.entering(class, method, ctx.getParameters());
* try {
* Object result = ctx.proceed();
* Logger.global.exiting(class, method, result);
* return result;
* }
* catch (Exception e) {
* Logger.global.throwing(class, method, e);
* throw e;
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @since Interceptors 1.0
public interface InvocationContext {
* Returns the target instance.
* @return the target instance
public Object getTarget();
* Returns the timer object associated with a timeout
* method invocation on the target class, or a null value for method
* and lifecycle callback interceptor methods. For example, when associated
* with an EJB component timeout, this method returns {@link javax.ejb.Timer}
* @return the timer object or a null value
* @since Interceptors 1.1
public Object getTimer();
* Returns the method of the target class for which the interceptor
* was invoked. For method interceptors, the method of the
* target class is returned. For lifecycle callback interceptors,
* a null value is returned.
* @return the method, or a null value
public Method getMethod();
* Returns the parameter values that will be passed to the method of
* the target class. If {@code setParameters()} has been called,
* {@code getParameters()} returns the values to which the parameters
* have been set.
* @return the parameter values, as an array
* @exception java.lang.IllegalStateException if invoked within
* a lifecycle callback method.
public Object[] getParameters();
* Sets the parameter values that will be passed to the method of the
* target class.
* @exception java.lang.IllegalStateException if invoked within
* a lifecycle callback method.
* @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the types of the
* given parameter values do not match the types of the method parameters,
* or if the number of parameters supplied does not equal the number of
* method parameters.
* @param params the parameter values, as an array
public void setParameters(Object[] params);
* Returns the context data associated with this invocation or
* lifecycle callback. If there is no context data, an
* empty {@code Map<String,Object>} object will be returned.
* @return the context data, as a map
public Map<String, Object> getContextData();
* Proceed to the next interceptor in the interceptor chain.
* Return the result of the next method invoked, or a null
* value if the method has return type void.
* @return the return value of the next method in the chain
public Object proceed() throws Exception;