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XML DTD for Glassfish Application Server specific Java EE web
deployment descriptor. This is a companion DTD to web-app_3_0.xsd
and web-common_3_0.xsd.
It must include a DOCTYPE of the following form:
<!DOCTYPE glassfish-web-app PUBLIC "-//GlassFish.org//DTD GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Servlet 3.0//EN" "http://glassfish.org/dtds/glassfish-web-app_3_0-1.dtd">
<!ENTITY % boolean "(yes | no | on | off | 1 | 0 | true | false)">
<!-- root element for vendor specific web application (module) configuration -->
<!ELEMENT glassfish-web-app (context-root?, security-role-mapping*, servlet*, idempotent-url-pattern*, session-config?,
ejb-ref*, resource-ref*, resource-env-ref*, service-ref*,
message-destination-ref*, cache?, class-loader?,
jsp-config?, locale-charset-info?, parameter-encoding?,
property*, valve*, message-destination*, webservice-description*, keep-state?, version-identifier?)>
<!ATTLIST glassfish-web-app error-url CDATA ""
httpservlet-security-provider CDATA #IMPLIED>
Idempotent URL Patterns
url-pattern URL Pattern of the idempotent requests
num-of-retries Specifies the number of times the Load Balancer will retry a request that is idempotent.
<!ELEMENT idempotent-url-pattern EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST idempotent-url-pattern url-pattern CDATA #REQUIRED
num-of-retries CDATA "-1">
Context Root for the web application when the war file is a standalone module.
When the war module is part of the Java EE Application, use the application.xml
<!ELEMENT context-root (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT security-role-mapping (role-name, (principal-name | group-name)+)>
<!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT principal-name (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST principal-name class-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT group-name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT servlet (servlet-name, principal-name?, webservice-endpoint*)>
<!ELEMENT session-config (session-manager?, session-properties?, cookie-properties?)>
<!ENTITY % persistence-type "(memory | file | custom | ha | s1ws60 | mmap | replicated)">
<!ELEMENT session-manager (manager-properties?, store-properties?)>
<!ATTLIST session-manager persistence-type CDATA "memory">
<!ELEMENT manager-properties (property*)>
<!ELEMENT store-properties (property*)>
<!ELEMENT session-properties (property*)>
<!ELEMENT cookie-properties (property*)>
<!ELEMENT jndi-name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT resource-env-ref (resource-env-ref-name, jndi-name)>
<!ELEMENT resource-env-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT resource-ref (res-ref-name, jndi-name, default-resource-principal?)>
<!ELEMENT res-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT default-resource-principal ( name, password)>
This node holds information about a logical message destination
<!ELEMENT message-destination (message-destination-name, jndi-name)>
This node holds the name of a logical message destination
<!ELEMENT message-destination-name (#PCDATA)>
message-destination-ref is used to directly bind a message destination reference
to the jndi-name of a Queue,Topic, or some other physical destination. It should
only be used when the corresponding message destination reference does not
specify a message-destination-link to a logical message-destination.
<!ELEMENT message-destination-ref (message-destination-ref-name, jndi-name)>
name of a message-destination reference.
<!ELEMENT message-destination-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
This text nodes holds a name string.
This element holds password text.
<!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ejb-ref (ejb-ref-name, jndi-name)>
<!ELEMENT ejb-ref-name (#PCDATA)>
<!ENTITY % scope "(context.attribute | request.header | request.parameter |
request.cookie | request.attribute | session.attribute)">
<!ENTITY % key-scope "(context.attribute | request.header | request.parameter |
request.cookie | session.id | session.attribute)">
<!ENTITY % expr "(equals | greater | lesser | not-equals | in-range)">
<!-- cache element configures the cache for web application. iAS 7.0 web container
supports one such cache object per application: i.e. <cache> is a sub element
of <ias-web-app>. A cache can have zero or more cache-mapping elements and
zero or more customizable cache-helper classes.
max-entries Maximum number of entries this cache may hold. [4096]
timeout-in-seconds Default timeout for the cache entries in seconds. [30]
enabled Is this cache enabled? [true] The default value is changed to true from 8.1
<!ELEMENT cache (cache-helper*, default-helper?, property*, cache-mapping*)>
<!ATTLIST cache max-entries CDATA "4096"
timeout-in-seconds CDATA "30"
enabled %boolean; "true">
<!-- cache-helper specifies customizable class which implements CacheHelper interface.
name Unique name for the helper class; this is referenced in
the cache-mapping elements (see below).
"default" is reserved for the built-in default helper.
class-name Fully qualified class name of the cache-helper; this class
must extend the com.sun.appserv.web.CacheHelper class.
<!ELEMENT cache-helper (property*)>
<!ATTLIST cache-helper name CDATA #REQUIRED
class-name CDATA #REQUIRED>
Default, built-in cache-helper properties
<!ELEMENT default-helper (property*)>
cache-mapping element defines what to be cached, the key to be used, any other
constraints to be applied and a customizable cache-helper to programmatically
hook this information.
<!ELEMENT cache-mapping ((servlet-name | url-pattern),
(cache-helper-ref |
(dispatcher*, timeout?, refresh-field?, http-method*, key-field*, constraint-field*)))>
servlet-name element defines a named servlet to which this caching is enabled.
the specified name must be present in the web application deployment descriptor
<!ELEMENT servlet-name (#PCDATA)>
url-pattern element specifies the url pattern to which caching is to be enabled.
See Servlet 2.3 specification section SRV. 11.2 for the applicable patterns.
<!ELEMENT url-pattern (#PCDATA)>
cache-helper-ref s a reference to the cache-helper used by this cache-mapping
<!ELEMENT cache-helper-ref (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the RequestDispatcher methods for which caching is to be
enabled on the target resource. Valid values are REQUEST, FORWARD, INCLUDE,
and ERROR (default: REQUEST).
See SRV.6.2.5 of the Servlet 2.4 Specification for more information.
<!ELEMENT dispatcher (#PCDATA)>
timeout element defines the cache timeout in seconds applicable for this mapping.
default is to use cache object's timeout. The timeout value is specified statically
ere (e.g. <timeout> 60 </timeout> or dynamically via fields in the relevant scope.
name Name of the field where this timeout could be found
scope Scope of the field. default scope is request attribute.
<!ELEMENT timeout (#PCDATA)>
scope %scope; 'request.attribute'>
http-method specifies HTTP method eligible for caching default is GET.
<!ELEMENT http-method (#PCDATA)>
specifies the request parameter name that triggers refresh. the cached entry
is refreshed when there such a request parameter is set to "true"
<url-pattern> /quote </url-pattern>
<refresh-field name="refresh" scope="request.parameter"/>
<!ELEMENT refresh-field EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST refresh-field name CDATA #REQUIRED
scope %key-scope; 'request.parameter'>
key-field specifies a component of the key; container looks for the named
field in the given scope to access the cached entry. Default is to use
the Servlet Path (the path section that corresponds to the servlet mapping
which activated this request). See Servlet 2.3 specification section SRV 4.4
on Servlet Path.
name Name of the field to look for in the given scope
scope Scope of the field. default scope is request parameter.
<!ELEMENT key-field EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST key-field name CDATA #REQUIRED
scope %key-scope; 'request.parameter'>
constraint-field specifies a field whose value is used as a cacheability constraint.
name Name of the field to look for in the given scope
scope Scope of the field. Default scope is request parameter.
cache-on-match Should this constraint check pass, is the response cacheable?
Default is true (i.e. cache the response on success match).
Useful to turn off caching when there is an attribute in the
scope (e.g. don't cache when there is an attribute called UID
in the session.attribute scope).
cache-on-match-failure Should the constraint check fail, is response not cacheable?
Default is false (i.e. a failure in enforcing the constraint
would negate caching). Useful to turn on caching when the
an an attribute is not present (e.g. turn on caching
when there is no session or session attribute called UID).
Example 1: don't cache when there is a session attribute
<constraint-field name="UID" scope="session.attribute" cache-on-match="false">
Example 2: do cache only when there is no session attribute
<constraint-field name="UID" scope="session.attribute"
<!ELEMENT constraint-field (constraint-field-value*)>
<!ATTLIST constraint-field name CDATA #REQUIRED
scope %scope; 'request.parameter'
cache-on-match %boolean; 'true'
cache-on-match-failure %boolean; 'false'>
value element specifies the applicable value and a matching expression for a constraint-field
match-expr Expression used to match the value. Default is 'equals'.
Example 1: cache when the category matches with any value other than a specific value
<constraint-field name="category" scope="request.parameter>
<value match-expr="equals" cache-on-match-failure="true">
<!ELEMENT constraint-field-value (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST constraint-field-value match-expr %expr; 'equals'
cache-on-match %boolean; 'true'
cache-on-match-failure %boolean; 'false'>
The class-loader element allows developers to customize the behaviour
of their web application's classloader.
extra-class-path List of comma-separated JAR files to be
added to the web application's class path
delegate If set to false, the delegation behavior
of the web application's classloader complies
with the Servlet 2.3 specification,
section 9.7.2, and gives preference to classes
and resources within the WAR file or the
extra-class-path over those higher up in the
classloader hierarchy, unless those classes or
resources are part of the Java EE platform.
If set to its default value of true, classes
and resources residing in container-wide library
JAR files are loaded in preference to classes
and resources packaged within the WAR file or
specified on the extra-class-path.
dynamic-reload-interval Not supported. Included for backward
compatibility with previous Sun Java System
Web Server versions
<!ELEMENT class-loader (property*)>
<!ATTLIST class-loader extra-class-path CDATA #IMPLIED
delegate %boolean; 'true'
dynamic-reload-interval CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT jsp-config (property*)>
<!ELEMENT locale-charset-info (locale-charset-map+, parameter-encoding?)>
<!ATTLIST locale-charset-info default-locale CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT locale-charset-map (description?)>
<!ATTLIST locale-charset-map locale CDATA #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT parameter-encoding EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST parameter-encoding form-hint-field CDATA #IMPLIED
default-charset CDATA #IMPLIED>
Syntax for supplying properties as name value pairs
<!ELEMENT property (description?)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
This text nodes holds a value string.
<!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT valve (description?, property*)>
class-name CDATA #REQUIRED>
Runtime settings for a web service reference. In the simplest case,
there is no runtime information required for a service ref. Runtime info
is only needed in the following cases :
* to define the port that should be used to resolve a container-managed port
* to define default Stub/Call property settings for Stub objects
* to define the URL of a final WSDL document to be used instead of
the one packaged with a service-ref
<!ELEMENT service-ref ( service-ref-name, port-info*, call-property*, wsdl-override?, service-impl-class?, service-qname? )>
Coded name (relative to java:comp/env) for a service-reference
<!ELEMENT service-ref-name ( #PCDATA )>
Information for a port within a service-reference.
Either service-endpoint-interface or wsdl-port or both
(service-endpoint-interface and wsdl-port) should be specified.
If both are specified, wsdl-port represents the
port the container should choose for container-managed port selection.
The same wsdl-port value must not appear in
more than one port-info entry within the same service-ref.
If a particular service-endpoint-interface is using container-managed port
selection, it must not appear in more than one port-info entry
within the same service-ref.
The optional message-security-binding element is used to customize the
port to provider binding; either by binding the port to a specific provider
or by providing a definition of the message security requirements to be
enforced by the provider.
<!ELEMENT port-info ( service-endpoint-interface?, wsdl-port?, stub-property*, call-property*, message-security-binding? )>
Fully qualified name of service endpoint interface
<!ELEMENT service-endpoint-interface ( #PCDATA )>
Port used in port-info.
<!ELEMENT wsdl-port ( namespaceURI, localpart )>
JAXRPC property values that should be set on a stub before it's returned to
to the web service client. The property names can be any properties supported
by the JAXRPC Stub implementation. See javadoc for javax.xml.rpc.Stub
<!ELEMENT stub-property ( name, value )>
JAXRPC property values that should be set on a Call object before it's
returned to the web service client. The property names can be any
properties supported by the JAXRPC Call implementation. See javadoc
for javax.xml.rpc.Call
<!ELEMENT call-property ( name, value )>
This is a valid URL pointing to a final WSDL document. It is optional.
If specified, the WSDL document at this URL will be used during
deployment instead of the WSDL document associated with the
service-ref in the standard deployment descriptor.
Examples :
// available via HTTP
// in a file
<!ELEMENT wsdl-override ( #PCDATA )>
Name of generated service implementation class. This is not set by the
deployer. It is derived during deployment.
<!ELEMENT service-impl-class ( #PCDATA )>
The service-qname element declares the specific WSDL service
element that is being refered to. It is not set by the deployer.
It is derived during deployment.
<!ELEMENT service-qname (namespaceURI, localpart)>
Runtime information about a web service.
wsdl-publish-location is optionally used to specify
where the final wsdl and any dependent files should be stored. This location
resides on the file system from which deployment is initiated.
<!ELEMENT webservice-description ( webservice-description-name, wsdl-publish-location? )>
Unique name of a webservice within a module
<!ELEMENT webservice-description-name ( #PCDATA )>
file: URL of a directory to which a web-service-description's wsdl should be
published during deployment. Any required files will be published to this
directory, preserving their location relative to the module-specific
wsdl directory(META-INF/wsdl or WEB-INF/wsdl).
Example :
For an ejb.jar whose webservices.xml wsdl-file element contains
The final wsdl will be stored in /home/user1/publish/a/Foo.wsdl
<!ELEMENT wsdl-publish-location ( #PCDATA )>
Information about a web service endpoint.
The optional message-security-binding element is used to customize the
webservice-endpoint to provider binding; either by binding the
webservice-endpoint to a specific provider or by providing a
definition of the message security requirements to be enforced by the
When login-config is specified, a default message-security provider
is not applied to the endpoint.
<!ELEMENT webservice-endpoint ( port-component-name, endpoint-address-uri?, (login-config | message-security-binding)?, transport-guarantee?, service-qname?, tie-class?, servlet-impl-class?, debugging-enabled? )>
Unique name of a port component within a module
<!ELEMENT port-component-name ( #PCDATA )>
Relative path combined with web server root to form fully qualified
endpoint address for a web service endpoint. For servlet endpoints, this
value is relative to the servlet's web application context root. In
all cases, this value must be a fixed pattern(i.e. no "*" allowed).
If the web service endpoint is a servlet that only implements a single
endpoint has only one url-pattern, it is not necessary to set
this value since the container can derive it from web.xml.
<!ELEMENT endpoint-address-uri ( #PCDATA )>
The name of tie implementation class for a port-component. This is
not specified by the deployer. It is derived during deployment.
<!ELEMENT tie-class (#PCDATA)>
Optional authentication configuration for an EJB web service endpoint.
Not needed for servet web service endpoints. Their security configuration
is contained in the standard web application descriptor.
<!ELEMENT login-config ( auth-method )>
The auth-method element is used to configure the authentication
mechanism for the web application. As a prerequisite to gaining access
to any web resources which are protected by an authorization
constraint, a user must have authenticated using the configured
<!ELEMENT auth-method (#PCDATA)>
Name of application-written servlet impl class contained in deployed war.
This is not set by the deployer. It is derived by the container
during deployment.
<!ELEMENT servlet-impl-class (#PCDATA)>
Specify whether or not the debugging servlet should be enabled for this
Web Service endpoint.
Supported values : "true" to debug the endpoint
<!ELEMENT debugging-enabled (#PCDATA)>
The transport-guarantee element specifies that the communication
between client and server should be NONE, INTEGRAL, or
CONFIDENTIAL. NONE means that the application does not require any
transport guarantees. A value of INTEGRAL means that the application
requires that the data sent between the client and server be sent in
such a way that it can't be changed in transit. CONFIDENTIAL means
that the application requires that the data be transmitted in a
fashion that prevents other entities from observing the contents of
the transmission. In most cases, the presence of the INTEGRAL or
CONFIDENTIAL flag will indicate that the use of SSL is required.
<!ELEMENT transport-guarantee (#PCDATA)>
Runtime settings for a web service reference. In the simplest case,
there is no runtime information required for a service ref. Runtime info
is only needed in the following cases :
* to define the port that should be used to resolve a container-managed port
* to define default Stub/Call property settings for Stub objects
* to define the URL of a final WSDL document to be used instead of
the one packaged with a service-ref
The localpart element indicates the local part of a QNAME.
<!ELEMENT localpart (#PCDATA)>
The namespaceURI element indicates a URI.
<!ELEMENT namespaceURI (#PCDATA)>
The message-layer entity is used to define the value of the
auth-layer attribute of message-security-binding elements.
Used in: message-security-binding
<!ENTITY % message-layer "(SOAP)">
The message-security-binding element is used to customize the
webservice-endpoint or port to provider binding; either by binding the
webservice-endpoint or port to a specific provider or by providing a
definition of the message security requirements to be enforced by the
These elements are typically NOT created as a result of the
deployment of an application. They need only be created when the
deployer or system administrator chooses to customize the
webservice-endpoint or port to provider binding.
The optional (repeating) message-security sub-element is used
to accomplish the latter; in which case the specified
message-security requirements override any defined with the
The auth-layer attribute identifies the message layer at which the
message-security requirements are to be enforced.
The optional provider-id attribute identifies the provider-config
and thus the authentication provider that is to be used to satisfy
the application specific message security requirements. If a value for
the provider-id attribute is not specified, and a default
provider is defined for the message layer, then it is used.
if a value for the provider-id attribute is not specified, and a
default provider is not defined at the layer, the authentication
requirements defined in the message-security-binding are not
Used in: webservice-endpoint, port-info
<!ELEMENT message-security-binding ( message-security* )>
<!ATTLIST message-security-binding
auth-layer %message-layer; #REQUIRED
provider-id CDATA #IMPLIED >
The message-security element describes message security requirements
that pertain to the request and response messages of the containing
endpoint, or port
When contained within a webservice-endpoint this element describes
the message security requirements that pertain to the request and
response messages of the containing endpoint. When contained within a
port-info of a service-ref this element describes the message security
requirements of the port of the referenced service.
The one or more contained message elements define the methods or operations
of the containing application, endpoint, or referenced service to which
the message security requirements apply.
Multiple message-security elements occur within a containing
element when it is necessary to define different message
security requirements for different messages within the encompassing
context. In such circumstances, the peer elements should not overlap
in the messages they pertain to. If there is any overlap in the
identified messages, no message security requirements apply to
the messages for which more than one message-security element apply.
Also, no message security requirements apply to any messages of
the encompassing context that are not identified by a message element.
Used in: webservice-endpoint, and port-info
<!ELEMENT message-security ( message+, request-protection?, response-protection? )>
The message element identifies the methods or operations to which
the message security requirements apply.
The identified methods or operations are methods or operations of
the resource identified by the context in which the message-security
element is defined (e.g. the the resource identified by the
service-qname of the containing webservice-endpoint or service-ref).
An empty message element indicates that the security requirements
apply to all the methods or operations of the identified resource.
When operation-name is specified, the security
requirements defined in the containing message-security
element apply to all the operations of the endpoint
with the specified (and potentially overloaded) operation name.
Used in: message-security
<!ELEMENT message ( java-method? | operation-name? )>
The java-method element is used to identify a method (or methods
in the case of an overloaded method-name) of the java class
indicated by the context in which the java-method is contained.
Used in: message
<!ELEMENT java-method ( method-name, method-params? )>
The operation-name element is used to identify the WSDL name of an
operation of a web service.
Used in: message
<!ELEMENT operation-name ( #PCDATA )>
The request-protection element describes the authentication requirements
that apply to a request.
The auth-source attribute defines a requirement for message layer
sender authentication (e.g. username password) or content authentication
(e.g. digital signature).
The auth-recipient attribute defines a requirement for message
layer authentication of the reciever of a message to its sender (e.g. by
XML encryption).
The before-content attribute value indicates that recipient
authentication (e.g. encryption) is to occur before any
content authentication (e.g. encrypt then sign) with respect
to the target of the containing auth-policy.
An absent request-protection element is the recommended shorthand
for a request-protection element with unspecified values for both the
auth-source and auth-recipient attributes.
Used in: message-security
* Expected evolution to support partial message protection:
* request-protection ( content-auth-policy* )
* If the request-protection element contains one or more
* content-auth-policy sub-elements, they define the authentication
* requirements to be applied to the identified request content. If multiple
* content-auth-policy sub-elements are defined, a request sender must
* satisfy the requirements independently, and in the specified order.
* The content-auth-policy element would be used to associate authentication
* requirements with the parts of the request or response object identified
* by the contained method-params or part-name-list sub-elements.
* The content-auth-policy element would be defined as follows:
* content-auth-policy ( method-params | part-name-list )
* ATTLIST content-auth-policy
* auth-source (sender | content) #IMPLIED
* auth-recipient (before-content | after-content) #IMPLIED
* The part-name-list and part-name elements would be defined as follows:
* part-name-list ( part-name* )
* part-name ( #PCDATA )
<!ELEMENT request-protection EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST request-protection
auth-source (sender | content) #IMPLIED
auth-recipient (before-content | after-content) #IMPLIED>
The response-protection element describes the authentication requirements
that apply to a response.
The auth-source attribute defines a requirement for message layer
sender authentication (e.g. username password) or content authentication
(e.g. digital signature).
The auth-recipient attribute defines a requirement for message
layer authentication of the reciever of a message to its sender (e.g. by
XML encryption).
The before-content attribute value indicates that recipient
authentication (e.g. encryption) is to occur before any
content authentication (e.g. encrypt then sign) with respect
to the target of the containing auth-policy.
An absent response-protection element is the recommended shorthand
for a request-protection element with unspecified values for both the
auth-source and auth-recipient attributes.
Used in: message-security
* Expected evolution to support partial message protection:
* response-protection ( content-auth-policy* )
* see request-protection element for more details
<!ELEMENT response-protection EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST response-protection
auth-source (sender | content) #IMPLIED
auth-recipient (before-content | after-content) #IMPLIED>
The method-name element contains the name of a service method of a web service
implementation class.
Used in: java-method
<!ELEMENT method-name (#PCDATA)>
The method-params element contains a list of the fully-qualified Java
type names of the method parameters.
Used in: java-method
<!ELEMENT method-params (method-param*)>
The method-param element contains the fully-qualified Java type name
of a method parameter.
Used in: method-params
<!ELEMENT method-param (#PCDATA)>
The keep-state element indicates whether the state information should be
preserved across redeployment.
<!ELEMENT keep-state (#PCDATA)>
The version-identifier element contains the version information. The value is
retrieved at deployment.
<!ELEMENT version-identifier (#PCDATA)>