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* @author Tim Quinn
public class FileArchiveTest {
private final Set<String> usualExpectedSubarchiveEntryNames = initUsualExpectedSubarchiveEntryNames();
return expectedEntryNames;
return result;
return result;
public FileArchiveTest() {
archiveDir = tempDir();
public void tearDown() {
if (archiveDir != null) {
archiveDir = null;
return f;
if (f.isDirectory()) {
if ( ! f.delete()) {
* Add some entries.
final WritableArchive parent,
final String subarchiveName,
private void createAndPopulateAndCheckArchive(
private void getListOfFilesCheckForLogRecord(FileArchive instance, final Set<String> expectedEntryNames) throws IOException {
.append(": ")
fail("Expected 1 log message but received " + logger.logRecords().size() + " as follows:" + LINE_SEP + sb.toString());
* We have a stale file under a stale directory. Make sure a direct
* request for the stale file fails. (We know already from above that
* getting the entries list triggers a warning about the skipped stale file.)
* Computes the expected entry names for an archive which contains a subarchive.
* <p>
* The archive's entries method will report all the entries in the main
* archive, plus the subarchive name, plus the entries in the subarchive.
* @param expectedFromArchive entries from the main archive
* @param subarchiveName name of the subarchive
* @param expectedFromSubarchive entries in the subarchive
* @return entry names that should be returned from the main archive's entries() method
private Set<String> expectedEntryNames(Set<String> expectedFromArchive, final String subarchiveName, Set<String>expectedFromSubarchive) {
return result;
* Subarchives are a little tricky. The marker file lives only at
* the top level (because that's where undeployment puts it). So
* when a subarchive tests to see if an entry is valid it needs to
* consult the marker file (if any) in the top-level owning archive.
* This test creates a directory structure containing a stale file
* in a lower-level directory, creates the top-level marker file
* as undeployment would, then creates an archive for the top level
* and a subarchive for the lower-level directory (as the next
* deployment would). The archive and subarchive need to skip the
* stale file.
* Create a file in the directory before creating the archive.
* Mimic what undeployment does by creating a marker file for the
* archive recording the pre-existing file.
* Now create the archive and subarchive on top of the directories
* which already exist and contain the stale file and directory.
private static class ArchiveAndSubarchive {
return result;
* Test of open method, of class FileArchive.
* Now add the stale entry explicitly which should make it valid.
private ReadableArchive createWithOlderLeftoverEntry(final Set<String> entryNames) throws Exception {
* Create a file in the directory before creating the archive.
* Mimic what undeployment does by creating a marker file for the
* archive recording the pre-existing file.
* Now create the archive. The archive should not see the old file.
return createAndPopulateArchive(entryNames);
System.out.println("Skipping (as successful) testCreateWithOlderLeftoverEntryAndThenOpen because this is not a Windows system");
* The IBM Java implementation seems not to work correctly with
* File.setReadable. So report this test
System.out.println("Skipping testInaccessibleDirectoryInFileArchive (as successful) because the Java vendor seems to be IBM");
* FileArchive will log a warning if it cannot list the files in the
* directory. Here's the message key it will use.
* Now make the lower-level directory impossible to execute - therefore
* the attempt to list the files should fail.
lower.setExecutable(false, false);
if ( ! canRead) {
* If we cannot change the permissions then the test will fail.
* We'd like to dynamically ignore this test but that's very involved
* and requirea a custom test runner and notifier. So we just
* say the test passes.
* Try to list the files. This should fail with our logger getting
* one record.
if (logRecords.isEmpty()) {
fail("FileArchive logged no message about being unable to list files; expected " + EXPECTED_LOG_KEY);
assertEquals("FileArchive did not log expected message (re: being unable to list files)",
* Change the protection back.
lower.setExecutable(true, false);
lower.setReadable(true, false);
assertTrue("FileArchive was incorrectly unable to list files; error key in log record:" +
private RecordingLogger() {
super("TestLogger", null);
void clear() {
return records;