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* This class acts as a sink for ProgressObject. It registers itself
* as ProgressObject listener for multiple deployment actions and
* tunnel all events to registered ProgressObject listener.
*Whenever this class receives a progress event from one of its sources (one of the deploymentFacility
*actions) it forwards that event on to the sink's listeners, changing the state of the event to
*"running." Then, after the sink receives the completion or failure event from the last source,
*it forwards that event as running (as it had all earlier events) and then sends one final
*aggregate completion or failure event.
*The sink always follows this pattern, even if it encapsulates only a single source. JSR88 clients should
*be aware of this behavior.
* @author Jerome Dochez
/* aggregate state starts as successful and is changed only if at least one source operation fails */
new LocalStringManagerImpl(ProgressObjectSink.class);
private boolean completedStatusReady = false;
* register to a new ProgressObject for ProgressEvent notifications
*The following two statements must appear in the order shown. Otherwise, a race condition can exist.
* receives notification of a progress event from one of our
* registered interface.
// we intercept all events...
if (!forwardedDS.isRunning()) {
// this mean we are either completed or failed...
if (forwardedDS.isFailed()) {
*Once at least one operation fails, we know that the aggregate state will have
*to be failed.
// since this is the completion event
// we are done with that progress listener;
if (source instanceof ProgressObject) {
if (forwardedDS.isCompleted()) {
} else {
"Progress event does not contain a ProgressObject source"
*Update the completionStatus by adding a stage to it and recording the completion
*of this event as the newest stage.
// now we change our event state to running. We always forward every event from a
// source to the listeners with "running" status because the sink is not yet completely
// finished. We will also send a final aggregate completion event
// if this is a completion event from our last source (see below).
} else {
// This is a "running" event from one of our sources, so we just need to swap the source...
// we need to fire the received event to our listeners
synchronized(registeredPL) {
*If we are done with all of our sources, let's wrap up by creating a final event that will
*be broadcast to the listeners along with the forwarded event. Also create the completed status
*that meets the requirements of the JESProgressObject interface.
"At least one operation failed"
} else {
"All operations completed successfully"
*Send the final event if there is one.
if (finalEvent != null) {
* Register a new ProgressListener
* @param the new listener instance
synchronized(registeredPL) {
// now let's deliver all the events we already received.
* removes a ProgressListener from our list of listeners
* @param the ProgressListener to remove
public javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status.ClientConfiguration getClientConfiguration(TargetModuleID targetModuleID) {
// since we are never called upon deploying, I don't
// have to deal with this at this time.
return null;
} else {
return status;
return ids;
public boolean isCancelSupported() {
// if only one of our sources does not support cancel, we don't
if (!source.isCancelSupported()) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isStopSupported() {
// if only one of our sources does not support stop, we don't
if (!source.isStopSupported()) {
return false;
return true;
if (!isCancelSupported()) {
throw new OperationUnsupportedException("cancel");
if (!isStopSupported()) {
throw new OperationUnsupportedException("stop");
private void prepareCompletedStatus() {
*The substages may have status values of success when in fact a warning is present
*in a substage. Traverse all the substages, composing the true aggregate state and
*message based on the most severe state that is present in the entire stage tree.
completedStatusReady = true;
private Status aggregateStages(Status worstStatusSoFar, StringBuffer msgs, DFDeploymentStatus stage) {
*Starting with the stage passed in, see if its severity is more urgent than that seen so far.
*If so, then discard the messages accumulated so far for the less urgent severity and save
*this stage's message and severity as the worst seen so far.
*If the stage's severity is the same as the currently worst seen, then add this stage's message
*to the aggregate message.
if (stageStatus == worstStatusSoFar) {
*Now, do the same for each substage.
return worstStatusSoFar;
*Report completed status for deploytool.
*@return null if not completed, or the DFDeploymentStatus set to reflect the completion
if (completedStatusReady) {
return answer;
*If the status passed in is already a backend.DeploymentStatus then add it as a new stage to the
*completed status. Otherwise, create a new backend.DeploymentStatus, fill it in as much as
*possible, and add it as the next stage.
if (ds instanceof DeploymentStatusImpl) {
} else {
*Create a new status stage and add it to the completed status.
*The new state status depends on the DeploymentStatus outcome.
int stageStatus = -1;
if (newStageStatus != null) {
*Update the final status state if this new stage's state is worse than the final status's
*current state.
*The status being reported may say it is successful but there could be warnings in substages
*(or substages of substages...). So the truly final state and message for the completed
*status is determined once, after the last source of events is removed.
} else {
if (ds.isCompleted()) {
*The deployment status for this source was successful.
msgKey = "enterprise.deployment.client.action_completed";
} else {
*The deployment status for this source failed.
msgKey = "enterprise.deployment.client.action_failed";