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package javax.resource.spi;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
import javax.resource.spi.work.WorkContext;
* The <code>Connector</code> annotation is a component-defining annotation and
* it can be used by the resource adapter developer to specify that the JavaBean
* is a resource adapter JavaBean. The Connector annotation is applied to the
* JavaBean class.
* @since 1.6
* @version Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6
public @interface Connector {
* Describes the resource adapter module.
String[] description() default {};
* An optional short name, providing information about the
* resource adapter module, that is intended to be displayed
* by tools.
String[] displayName() default {};
* Specifies the file name for small GIF or JPEG icon images that are
* used to represent the resource adapter in a GUI tool.
* Each smallIcon must be associated with a largeIcon element and the
* application server must use the ordinal value in their respective
* arrays to find the related pairs of icons.
String[] smallIcon() default {};
* Specifies the file name for large GIF or JPEG icon images that are
* used to represent the resource adapter in a GUI tool.
* Each smallIcon must be associated with a largeIcon element and
* the application server must use the ordinal value in their
* respective arrays to find the related pairs of icons.
String[] largeIcon() default {};
* Specifies the name of the resource adapter provider vendor.
String vendorName() default "";
* Contains information about the type of EIS. For example, the type of an
* EIS can be product name of the EIS independent of any version info.This
* helps in identifying EIS instances that can be used with this resource
* adapter.
String eisType() default "";
* Specifies the version of the resource adapter implementation.
String version() default "";
* Specifies licensing requirements for the resource adapter module and an
* optional description of the licensing terms .
String[] licenseDescription() default {};
* Specifies whether a license is required to deploy and use this resource
* adapter
boolean licenseRequired() default false;
* Specifies the authentication mechanisms supported by the resource
* adapter.
* @see AuthenticationMechanism
AuthenticationMechanism[] authMechanisms() default {};
* Specifies whether a license is required to deploy and use this resource
* adapter
boolean reauthenticationSupport() default false;
* Specifies the extended security permissions required to be provided for
* the operation of the resource adapter module
* @see SecurityPermission
SecurityPermission[] securityPermissions() default {};
* Specifies the level of transaction support provided by the resource
* adapter.
* @see TransactionSupport.TransactionSupportLevel
TransactionSupport.TransactionSupportLevel transactionSupport() default TransactionSupport.TransactionSupportLevel.NoTransaction;
* Specifies a list of fully qualified classes that implements the
* {@link WorkContext WorkContext} interface that a resource adapter
* requires the application server to support.
Class<? extends WorkContext>[] requiredWorkContexts() default {};