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package javax.resource.spi;
import javax.resource.ResourceException;
/** <p>ConnectionManager interface provides a hook for the resource adapter to
* pass a connection request to the application server.
* <p>An application server provides implementation of the ConnectionManager
* interface. This implementation is not specific to any particular type of
* the resource adapter or connection factory interface.
* <p>The ConnectionManager implementation delegates to the application
* server to enable latter to provide quality of services (QoS) - security,
* connection pool management, transaction management and error
* logging/tracing.
* <p>An application server implements these services in a generic manner,
* independent of any resource adapter and EIS specific mechanisms. The
* connector architecture does not specify how an application server
* implements these services; the implementation is specific to an
* application server.
* <p>After an application server hooks-in its services, the connection
* request gets delegated to a ManagedConnectionFactory instance either
* for the creation of a new physical connection or for the matching of
* an already existing physical connection.
* <p>An implementation class for ConnectionManager interface is
* required to implement the <code>java.io.Serializable</code> interface.
* <p>In the non-managed application scenario, the ConnectionManager
* implementation class can be provided either by a resource adapter (as
* a default ConnectionManager implementation) or by application
* developers. In both cases, QOS can be provided as components by third
* party vendors.</p>
* @since 0.6
* @author Rahul Sharma
* @see javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory
public interface ConnectionManager
extends java.io.Serializable {
/** <p>The method allocateConnection gets called by the resource adapter's
* connection factory instance. This lets connection factory instance
* (provided by the resource adapter) pass a connection request to
* the ConnectionManager instance.</p>
* <p>The connectionRequestInfo parameter represents information specific
* to the resource adapter for handling of the connection request.</p>
* @param mcf
* used by application server to delegate
* connection matching/creation
* @param cxRequestInfo
* connection request Information
* @return connection handle with an EIS specific connection interface.
* @throws ResourceException Generic exception
* @throws ApplicationServerInternalException
* Application server specific exception
* @throws SecurityException Security related error
* @throws ResourceAllocationException
* Failed to allocate system resources for
* connection request
* @throws ResourceAdapterInternalException
* Resource adapter related error condition
Object allocateConnection(ManagedConnectionFactory mcf,
ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
throws ResourceException;