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* This provides a mechanism to pass a bootstrap context to a resource adapter
* instance when it is bootstrapped. That is, when
* (<code>start(BootstrapContext)</code>) method on the
* <code>ResourceAdapter</code> class is invoked. The bootstrap
* context contains references to useful facilities that could be used by the
* resource adapter instance.
* @version Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6
* @author Ram Jeyaraman, Sivakumar Thyagarajan
public interface BootstrapContext {
* Provides a handle to a <code>WorkManager</code> instance. The
* <code>WorkManager</code> instance could be used by a resource adapter to
* do its work by submitting <code>Work</code> instances for execution.
* @return a <code>WorkManager</code> instance.
* Provides a handle to a <code>XATerminator</code> instance. The
* <code>XATerminator</code> instance could be used by a resource adapter
* to flow-in transaction completion and crash recovery calls from an EIS.
* @return a <code>XATerminator</code> instance.
* Creates a new <code>java.util.Timer</code> instance. The
* <code>Timer</code> instance could be used to perform periodic
* <code>Work</code> executions or other tasks.
* @throws UnavailableException indicates that a
* <code>Timer</code> instance is not available. The
* request may be retried later.
* @return a new <code>Timer</code> instance.
* A resource adapter can check an application server's support
* for a particular WorkContext type through this method.
* This mechanism enables a resource adapter developer to
* dynamically change the WorkContexts submitted with a Work instance
* based on the support provided by the application server.
* The application server must employ an exact type equality check (that is
* <code>java.lang.Class.equals(java.lang.Class)</code> check) in
* this method, to check if it supports the WorkContext type provided
* by the resource adapter. This method must be idempotent, that is all
* calls to this method by a resource adapter for a particular
* <code>WorkContext</code> type must return the same boolean value
* throughout the lifecycle of that resource adapter instance.
* @param workContextClass The WorkContext type that is tested for
* support by the application server.
* @return true if the <code>workContextClass</code> is supported
* by the application server. false if the <code>workContextClass</code>
* is unsupported or unknown to the application server.
* @since 1.6
boolean isContextSupported(
* Provides a handle to a <code>TransactionSynchronization</code> instance. The
* <code>TransactionSynchronizationRegistry</code> instance could be used by a
* resource adapter to register synchronization objects, get transaction state and
* status etc. This interface is implemented by the application server by a
* stateless service object. The same object can be used by any number of
* resource adapter objects with thread safety.
* @return a <code>TransactionSynchronizationRegistry</code> instance.
* @since 1.6