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package javax.resource.cci;
import javax.resource.ResourceException;
/** The LocalTransaction defines a transaction demarcation interface for
* resource manager local transactions. Note that this interface is
* used for application level local transaction demarcation. The
* system contract level LocalTransaction interface (as defined in
* the <code>javax.resource.spi</code> package) is used by the container
* for local transaction management.
* <p>A local transaction is managed internal to a resource manager. There
* is no external transaction manager involved in the coordination of
* such transactions.
* <p>A CCI implementation can (but is not required to) implement the
* LocalTransaction interface. If the LocalTransaction interface is supported
* by a CCI implementation, then the method
* <code>Connection.getLocalTransaction</code> should return a
* LocalTransaction instance. A component can then use the
* returned LocalTransaction to demarcate a resource manager local transaction
* (associated with the Connection instance) on the underlying EIS
* instance.
* @author Rahul Sharma
* @since 0.8
* @see javax.resource.cci.Connection
public interface LocalTransaction {
/** Begins a local transaction on an EIS instance.
* @throws ResourceException Failed to begin a local
* transaction. Examples of
* error cases are:
* <UL>
* <LI>Resource adapter internal or EIS-specific
* error
* <LI>Connection is already participating in a
* local or JTA transaction
* </UL>
void begin() throws ResourceException;
/** Commits the current local transaction and release all locks held
* by the underlying EIS instance.
* @throws ResourceException Failed to commit a local
* transaction. Examples of
* error cases are:
* <UL>
* <LI> Resource adapter internal or EIS-specific error
* <LI> Violation of integrity constraints, deadlock
* detection, communication failure during
* transaction completion, or any retry requirement
* <LI> Connection is participating in an active JTA
* transaction
* <LI> Invalid transaction context; commit
* operation invoked without an active
* transaction context
* </UL>
void commit() throws ResourceException;
/** Rollbacks the current resource manager local transaction.
* @throws ResourceException Failed to rollback a local
* transaction. Examples of
* error cases are:
* <UL>
* <LI> Resource adapter internal or EIS-specific error
* <LI> Connection is participating in an active JTA
* transaction
* <LI> Invalid transaction context; rollback
* operation invoked without an active
* transaction context
* </UL>
void rollback() throws ResourceException;