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package org.glassfish.embeddable;
* GlassFish has a very sophisticated command line interface (CLI) viz.,
* 'asadmin' to executive administrative commands.
* <p/>This is a programmatic interface equivalent to 'asadmin'.
* <p/>This interface allows the execution of the adminstrative commands
* from an application which embeds GlassFish.
* <p/>A command runner is obtained by calling
* {@link org.glassfish.embeddable.GlassFish#getCommandRunner()}.
* <p/>A command runner is a per-lookup type object, which means each time
* {@link GlassFish#getCommandRunner()} is called, it returns a new instance of command runner.
* Command specific options are passed in the var-args argument of {@link #run(String, String...)} method.
* @author Sanjeeb.Sahoo@Sun.COM
public interface CommandRunner {
* Execute an administrative command in {@link GlassFish} using the supplied
* command arguments. Refer to GlassFish Administration Guide to know about the commands supported
* in GlassFish and their usage.
* <p/>Example: To add an additional http listener 9090 :
* <pre>
* commandRunner.run("create-http-listener", "--listenerport", "9090",
* "--listeneraddress", "",
* "--defaultvs", "server",
* "--securityenabled", "false",
* "listener_id", "my-http-listener-1");
* </pre>
* asadmin commands also allow option values to be specified using '=', so the above example can be written as:
* <pre>
* commandRunner.run("create-http-listener", "--listenerport=9090",
* "--listeneraddress=",
* "--defaultvs=server",
* "--securityenabled=false",
* "listener_id=my-http-listener-1");
* </pre>
* @param command command to be executed.
* @param args command arguments.
* @return {@link CommandResult} which encapsulates exit status, command output, failure cause (if any).
CommandResult run(String command, String... args);
* Set the terse level.
* If true, output data is very concise and in a format that is optimized for use in programs
* instead of for reading by humans. Typically, descriptive text and detailed status messages are
* also omitted from the output data. Default is true.
* @param terse true to get concise output, false otherwise.
void setTerse(boolean terse);