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package com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.IiopUrl;
import com.sun.corba.ee.spi.folb.ClusterInstanceInfo;
import com.sun.corba.ee.spi.folb.SocketInfo;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Cluster;
import java.net.Inet4Address;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.glassfish.internal.api.ORBLocator;
* The list of endpoints are randomized the very first time.
* This happens only once( when called from the static block
* of SerialInitContextFactory class).
* Simple RoundRobin is a special case of Weighted Round Robin where the
* weight per endpoint is equal.With the dynamic reconfiguration
* implementation, the endpoints list willhave the following structure:
* - server_identifier (a stringified name for the machine)
* - weight- list of SocketInfo {type (type = CLEAR_TEXT or SSL) +
* IP address + port }
* The above structure supports multi-homed machines
* i.e. one machinehosting multiple IP addresses.
* The RoundRobinPolicy class can be the class that is also implementing
* the Listener interface for listening to events generated whenever there
* is a change in the cluster shape. The listener/event design is still
* under construction.This list of endpoints will have to be created during
* bootstrapping(i.e. when the client first starts up.) This list will comprise
* of theendpoints specified by the user in "com.sun.appserv.iiop.endpoints"
* property. We can assume a default weight for these endpoints (e.g 10).
* This list will be used to make the first lookup call. During the first
* lookup call, the actual list of endpoints will beprovided back.
* Then on, whenever there is any change in the clustershape,
* the listener will get the updated list of endpoints from theserver.
* The implementation for choosing the endpoint from the list of endpoints
* is as follows:Let's assume 4 endpoints:A(wt=10), B(wt=30), C(wt=40),
* D(wt=20).
* Using the Random API, generate a random number between 1 and10+30+40+20.
* Let's assume that the above list is randomized. Based on the weights, we
* have intervals as follows:
* 1-----10 (A's weight)
* 11----40 (A's weight + B's weight)
* 41----80 (A's weight + B's weight + C's weight)
* 81----100(A's weight + B's weight + C's weight + C's weight)
* Here's the psuedo code for deciding where to send the request:
* if (random_number between 1 & 10) {send request to A;}
* else if (random_number between 11 & 40) {send request to B;}
* else if (random_number between 41 & 80) {send request to C;}
* else if (random_number between 81 & 100) {send request to D;}
* For simple Round Robin, we can assume the same weight for all endpointsand
* perform the above.
* @author Sheetal Vartak
* @date 8/2/05
public class RoundRobinPolicy {
// Each SocketInfo.type() must either start with SSL, or be CLEAR_TEXT
private static final String SSL = "SSL" ;
private static final String CLEAR_TEXT = "CLEAR_TEXT" ;
private static final Logger _logger = LogDomains.getLogger(
RoundRobinPolicy.class, LogDomains.JNDI_LOGGER);
private static java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random();
private List<ClusterInstanceInfo> endpointsList =
new LinkedList<ClusterInstanceInfo>();
private int totalWeight = 0;
private List<String> resolvedEndpoints ;
private static final int default_weight = 10;
private static void warnLog( String fmt, Object... args ) {
doLog( Level.WARNING, fmt, args ) ;
private static void infoLog( String fmt, Object... args ) {
doLog( Level.INFO, fmt, args ) ;
private static void fineLog( String fmt, Object... args ) {
doLog( Level.FINE, fmt, args ) ;
private static void doLog( Level level, String fmt, Object... args ) {
if (_logger.isLoggable( level )) {
_logger.log(level, fmt, args );
//called during bootstrapping
public RoundRobinPolicy(List<String> list) {
// Copy list, changing any type that does not start with SSL to CLEAR_TEXT.
private List<SocketInfo> filterSocketInfos( List<SocketInfo> sis ) {
final List<SocketInfo> result = new ArrayList<SocketInfo>() ;
for (SocketInfo si : sis) {
final String newType = si.type().startsWith(SSL) ?
si.type() : CLEAR_TEXT ;
final SocketInfo siCopy = new SocketInfo( newType,
si.host(), si.port() ) ;
result.add( siCopy ) ;
return result ;
private boolean isWeighted() {
String policy = System.getProperty(
SerialInitContextFactory.IC_BASED );
if (!policy.equals(SerialInitContextFactory.IC_BASED)) {
final boolean isw = policy.equals(
return isw ;
private List<ClusterInstanceInfo> filterClusterInfo(
List<ClusterInstanceInfo> info ) {
boolean isw = isWeighted() ;
ArrayList<ClusterInstanceInfo> newList =
new ArrayList<ClusterInstanceInfo>() ;
totalWeight = 0 ;
for (ClusterInstanceInfo clinfo : info) {
final int newWeight = isw ? clinfo.weight() : default_weight ;
final List<SocketInfo> newEndpoints =
filterSocketInfos( clinfo.endpoints() ) ;
final ClusterInstanceInfo newClinfo = new ClusterInstanceInfo(
clinfo.name(), newWeight, newEndpoints ) ;
newList.add( newClinfo ) ;
totalWeight += newWeight ;
return newList ;
private boolean containsMatchingAddress( List<ClusterInstanceInfo> list,
String host, int port ) {
for (ClusterInstanceInfo info : list) {
for (SocketInfo si : info.endpoints()) {
if (si.type().equals( CLEAR_TEXT )) {
if (si.host().equals( host) && si.port() == port) {
return true ;
return false ;
// Add those elements of the second list that do not contain a clear
// text address that appears in the first list.
private List<ClusterInstanceInfo> merge( List<ClusterInstanceInfo> first,
List<ClusterInstanceInfo> second ) {
List<ClusterInstanceInfo> result = new ArrayList<ClusterInstanceInfo>() ;
result.addAll( first ) ;
for (ClusterInstanceInfo info : second) {
for (SocketInfo si : info.endpoints()) {
if (!containsMatchingAddress(first, si.host(), si.port() )) {
result.add( info ) ;
return result ;
private List<ClusterInstanceInfo> fromHostPortStrings( List<String> list ) {
List<ClusterInstanceInfo> result =
new LinkedList <ClusterInstanceInfo> ();
for( String elem : list) {
ClusterInstanceInfo info = makeClusterInstanceInfo( elem,
default_weight ) ;
result.add( info );
return result ;
//will be called after dynamic reconfig
// used in GroupInfoServiceObserverImpl
synchronized final void setClusterInstanceInfo(
List<ClusterInstanceInfo> list) {
fineLog( "setClusterInstanceInfo: list={0}", list ) ;
List<ClusterInstanceInfo> filtered = filterClusterInfo(list) ;
List<ClusterInstanceInfo> resolved = fromHostPortStrings( resolvedEndpoints ) ;
endpointsList = merge( filtered, resolved ) ;
// Note: regard any addresses supplied here as a permanent part of the
// cluster.
synchronized final void setClusterInstanceInfoFromString(
List<String> list) {
fineLog( "setClusterInstanceInfoFromString: list={0}", list ) ;
List<String> newList = list;
if (newList.isEmpty()) {
newList = getEndpointForProviderURL(
//randomize the list before adding it to linked list
if (!newList.isEmpty()) {
List<String> newList2 = randomize(newList);
resolvedEndpoints = new ArrayList<String>( newList2 ) ;
endpointsList = fromHostPortStrings(newList2) ;
// Put in a default for total weight; any update will correct this.
totalWeight = 10*endpointsList.size() ;
} else {
fineLog( "no.endpoints" );
* during bootstrapping, weight is assumed "10" for all endpoints
* then on, whenever server sends updates list,
* create the list again here with right weights
private ClusterInstanceInfo makeClusterInstanceInfo(String str,
int weight) {
String[] host_port = str.split(":");
String server_identifier = ""; //for bootstrapping, can be ""
String type = CLEAR_TEXT; //will be clear_text for bootstrapping
SocketInfo socketInfo = new SocketInfo(
type, host_port[0], Integer.parseInt( host_port[1]) );
List<SocketInfo> sil = new ArrayList<SocketInfo>(1) ;
sil.add( socketInfo ) ;
ClusterInstanceInfo instanceInfo = new ClusterInstanceInfo(
server_identifier, weight, sil ) ;
return instanceInfo;
* This method checks for other ways of specifying endpoints
* namely JNDI provider url
* orb host:port is used only if even env passed into
* getInitialContext is empty. This check is performed in
* SerialInitContextFactory.getInitialContext()
public List<String> getEndpointForProviderURL(String providerURLString) {
if (providerURLString != null) {
try {
final IiopUrl providerURL = new IiopUrl(providerURLString);
final List<String> newList = getAddressPortList(providerURL);
warnLog( "no.endpoints.selected.provider", providerURLString );
return newList ;
} catch (MalformedURLException me) {
warnLog( "provider.exception", me.getMessage(),
return new ArrayList<String>() ;
* randomize the list. Note: this empties its argument.
private List<String> randomize( List<String> list ) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>( list.size() ) ;
while (!list.isEmpty()) {
int random = rand.nextInt( list.size() ) ;
String elem = list.remove( random ) ;
result.add( elem ) ;
fineLog( "Randomized list {0}", result ) ;
return result ;
* get a new shape of the endpoints
* For e.g. if list contains A,B,C
* if the logic below chooses B as the endpoint to send the req to
* then return B,C,A.
* logic used is as described in Class description comments
public synchronized List<String> getNextRotation() {
int lowerLimit = 0; //lowerLimit
int random = 0;
//make sure that the random # is not 0
//Random API gives a number between 0 and sumOfAllWeights
//But our range intervals are from 1-upperLimit,
//11-upperLimit and so
//on. Hence we dont want random # to be 0.
// fineLog( "RoundRobinPolicy.getNextRotation -> sumOfAllWeights = {0}",
// totalWeight);
while( random == 0) {
random = rand.nextInt(totalWeight);
if ( random != 0) {
// fineLog( "getNextRotation : random # = {0} sum of all weights = {1}",
// new Object[]{random, totalWeight});
int i = 0;
for (ClusterInstanceInfo endpoint : endpointsList) {
int upperLimit = lowerLimit + endpoint.weight();
// fineLog( "upperLimit = {0}", upperLimit);
if (random > lowerLimit && random <= upperLimit) {
List<ClusterInstanceInfo> instanceInfo =
new LinkedList<ClusterInstanceInfo>();
//add the sublist at index 0
endpointsList.subList(i, endpointsList.size()));
//add the remaining list
instanceInfo.addAll(endpointsList.subList(0, i));
endpointsList = instanceInfo ;
//print the contents...
fineLog( "getNextRotation: result={0}",
return convertIntoCorbaloc(instanceInfo);
lowerLimit = upperLimit;
// fineLog( "lowerLimit = {0}", lowerLimit);
warnLog("Could not find an endpoint to send request to!");
return new ArrayList<String>() ;
private List<String> convertIntoCorbaloc(List<ClusterInstanceInfo> list) {
List<String> host_port = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ClusterInstanceInfo endpoint : list) {
List<SocketInfo> sinfos = endpoint.endpoints();
for (SocketInfo si : sinfos ) {
// XXX this needs to be revised if we ever do a secure
// bootstrap protocol for the initial corbaloc URL resolution
if (si.type().equals( CLEAR_TEXT )) {
String element = si.host().trim() + ":" + si.port() ;
if (!host_port.contains( element )) {
host_port.add( element ) ;
return host_port ;
* following methods (over-loaded) for getting all IP addresses
* corresponding to a particular host.
* (multi-homed hosts).
private List<String> getAddressPortList(List<String> hostPortList) {
// The list is assumed to contain <HOST NAME>:<PORT> values
List<String> addressPortVector = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String str : hostPortList) {
try {
IiopUrl url = new IiopUrl("iiop://" + str);
List<String> apList = getAddressPortList(url);
} catch (MalformedURLException me) {
warnLog( "bad.host.port", str, me.getMessage() );
return addressPortVector ;
private List<String> getAddressPortList(IiopUrl iiopUrl) {
// Pull out the host name and port
IiopUrl.Address iiopUrlAddress =
String host = iiopUrlAddress.host;
int portNumber = iiopUrlAddress.port;
String port = Integer.toString(portNumber);
// We return a list of <IP ADDRESS>:<PORT> values
return getAddressPortList(host, port);
public List<String> getAddressPortList(String host, String port) {
// Get the ip addresses corresponding to the host.
// XXX this currently does NOT support IPv6.
try {
InetAddress [] addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(host);
List<InetAddress> addrs = new ArrayList<InetAddress>() ;
for (InetAddress addr : addresses) {
if (addr instanceof Inet4Address) {
addrs.add( addr ) ;
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>() ;
for (InetAddress addr : addrs) {
ret.add( addr.getHostAddress() + ":" + port ) ;
// We return a list of <IP ADDRESS>:<PORT> values
return ret;
} catch (UnknownHostException ukhe) {
warnLog( "unknown.host", host, ukhe.getMessage() );
return new ArrayList<String>() ;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ;
sb.append( "RoundRobinPolicy[") ;
boolean first = true ;
for (ClusterInstanceInfo endpoint : endpointsList ) {
if (first) {
first = false ;
} else {
sb.append( ' ' ) ;
sb.append( endpoint.toString() ) ;
sb.append( ']' ) ;
return sb.toString() ;
public List<String> getHostPortList() {
return resolvedEndpoints ;