* Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
* obtain a copy of the License at
* https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
* or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
* GPL Classpath Exception:
* Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
* exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
* file that accompanied this code.
* Modifications:
* If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
* enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* Contributor(s):
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* holder.
package com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Scoped;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Inject;
import org.glassfish.api.invocation.InvocationManager;
import org.glassfish.api.invocation.ComponentInvocation;
import org.glassfish.api.naming.GlassfishNamingManager;
import org.glassfish.api.naming.JNDIBinding;
import org.glassfish.api.naming.NamingObjectProxy;
import com.sun.enterprise.naming.util.LogFacade;
import org.jvnet.hk2.component.Habitat;
import org.jvnet.hk2.component.Singleton;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import javax.naming.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.*;
* This is the manager that handles all naming operations including
* publishObject as well as binding environment props, resource and ejb
* references in the namespace.
public final class GlassfishNamingManagerImpl
implements GlassfishNamingManager {
static final Logger _logger = LogFacade.getLogger();
public static final String IIOPOBJECT_FACTORY =
private static final int JAVA_COMP_LENGTH = "java:comp".length();
private static final int JAVA_MODULE_LENGTH = "java:module".length();
Habitat habitat;
volatile InvocationManager invMgr=null;
private InitialContext initialContext;
private Context cosContext;
private NameParser nameParser = new SerialNameParser();
private Map componentNamespaces;
private Map<String, Map> appNamespaces;
private Map<AppModuleKey, Map> moduleNamespaces;
private Map<String, ComponentIdInfo> componentIdInfo;
public GlassfishNamingManagerImpl() throws NamingException {
this(new InitialContext());
//Used only for Junit Testing
void setInvocationManager(final InvocationManager invMgr) {
this.invMgr = invMgr;
* Create the naming manager. Creates a new initial context.
public GlassfishNamingManagerImpl(InitialContext ic)
throws NamingException {
initialContext = ic;
componentNamespaces = new Hashtable();
appNamespaces = new HashMap<String, Map>();
moduleNamespaces = new HashMap<AppModuleKey, Map>();
componentIdInfo = new HashMap<String, ComponentIdInfo>();
* Get the initial naming context.
public Context getInitialContext() {
return initialContext;
public NameParser getNameParser() {
return nameParser;
public Remote initializeRemoteNamingSupport(ORB orb) throws NamingException {
Remote remoteProvider = null;
try {
// Now that we have an ORB, initialize the CosNaming service
// and set it on the server's naming service.
Hashtable cosNamingEnv = new Hashtable();
cosNamingEnv.put("java.naming.corba.orb", orb);
cosContext = new InitialContext(cosNamingEnv);
ProviderManager pm = ProviderManager.getProviderManager();
// Initialize RemoteSerialProvider. This allows access to the naming
// service from clients.
remoteProvider = pm.initRemoteProvider(orb);
} catch(RemoteException re) {
NamingException ne = new NamingException("Exception during remote naming initialization");
throw ne;
return remoteProvider;
private Context getCosContext() {
return cosContext;
* Publish a name in the naming service.
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @param obj Object that needs to be bound.
* @param rebind flag
* @throws javax.naming.NamingException if there is a naming exception.
public void publishObject(String name, Object obj, boolean rebind)
throws NamingException {
Name nameobj = new CompositeName(name);
publishObject(nameobj, obj, rebind);
* Publish a name in the naming service.
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @param obj Object that needs to be bound.
* @param rebind flag
* @throws javax.naming.NamingException if there is a naming exception.
public void publishObject(Name name, Object obj, boolean rebind)
throws NamingException {
Object serialObj = obj;
if (rebind) {
initialContext.rebind(name, serialObj);
} else {
initialContext.bind(name, serialObj);
public void publishCosNamingObject(String name, Object obj, boolean rebind)
throws NamingException {
Name nameObj = new CompositeName(name);
// Create any COS naming sub-contexts in name
// that don't already exist.
createSubContexts(nameObj, getCosContext());
if (rebind) {
getCosContext().rebind(name, obj);
} else {
getCosContext().bind(name, obj);
// Bind a reference to it in the SerialContext using
// the same name. This is needed to allow standalone clients
// to lookup the object using the same JNDI name.
// It is also used from bindObjects while populating ejb-refs in
// the java:comp namespace.
Object serialObj = new Reference("reference",
new StringRefAddr("url", name),
publishObject(name, serialObj, rebind);
public void unpublishObject(String name)
throws NamingException {
* Remove an object from the naming service.
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @throws Exception
public void unpublishCosNamingObject(String name)
throws NamingException {
try {
} catch(NamingException cne) {
_logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error during CosNaming.unbind for " + name);
* Remove an object from the naming service.
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @throws Exception
public void unpublishObject(Name name) throws NamingException {
* Create any sub-contexts in name that don't already exist.
* @param name Name containing sub-contexts to create
* @param rootCtx in which sub-contexts should be created
* @throws Exception
private void createSubContexts(Name name, Context rootCtx) throws NamingException {
int numSubContexts = name.size() - 1;
Context currentCtx = rootCtx;
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "Creating sub contexts for " + name);
for (int subCtxIndex = 0; subCtxIndex < numSubContexts; subCtxIndex++) {
String subCtxName = name.get(subCtxIndex);
try {
Object obj = currentCtx.lookup(subCtxName);
if (obj == null) {
// @@@ thought it should throw NameNotFound when
// context doesn't exist...
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "name == null");
// Doesn't exist so create it.
Context newCtx = currentCtx.createSubcontext(subCtxName);
currentCtx = newCtx;
} else if (obj instanceof Context) {
// OK -- no need to create it.
currentCtx = (Context) obj;
} else {
// Context name clashes with existing object.
throw new NameAlreadyBoundException(subCtxName);
catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "name not found", e);
// Doesn't exist so create it.
Context newCtx = currentCtx.createSubcontext(subCtxName);
currentCtx = newCtx;
} // End for -- each sub-context
private Map getComponentNamespace(String componentId)
throws NamingException {
// Note: HashMap is not synchronized. The namespace is populated
// at deployment time by a single thread, and then on there are
// no structural modifications (i.e. no keys added/removed).
// So the namespace doesnt need to be synchronized.
Map namespace = (Map) componentNamespaces.get(componentId);
if (namespace == null) {
namespace = new HashMap();
componentNamespaces.put(componentId, namespace);
// put entries for java:, java:comp and java:comp/env
JavaURLContext jc = new JavaURLContext("java:", null);
namespace.put("java:", jc);
namespace.put("java:/", jc);
JavaURLContext jcc = new JavaURLContext("java:comp", null);
namespace.put("java:comp", jcc);
namespace.put("java:comp/", jcc);
JavaURLContext jccEnv = new JavaURLContext("java:comp/env", null);
namespace.put("java:comp/env", jccEnv);
namespace.put("java:comp/env/", jccEnv);
return namespace;
private Map getModuleNamespace(AppModuleKey appModuleKey)
throws NamingException {
if( (appModuleKey.getAppName() == null) ||
(appModuleKey.getModuleName() == null) ) {
throw new NamingException("Invalid appModuleKey " + appModuleKey);
// Note: HashMap is not synchronized. The namespace is populated
// at deployment time by a single thread, and then on there are
// no structural modifications (i.e. no keys added/removed).
// So the namespace doesnt need to be synchronized.
Map namespace = moduleNamespaces.get(appModuleKey);
if (namespace == null) {
namespace = new Hashtable();
moduleNamespaces.put(appModuleKey, namespace);
// put entries for java:, java:comp and java:comp/env
JavaURLContext jc = new JavaURLContext("java:", null);
namespace.put("java:", jc);
namespace.put("java:/", jc);
JavaURLContext jMod = new JavaURLContext("java:module", null);
namespace.put("java:module", jMod);
namespace.put("java:module/", jMod);
JavaURLContext jModEnv = new JavaURLContext("java:module/env", null);
namespace.put("java:module/env", jModEnv);
namespace.put("java:module/env/", jModEnv);
return namespace;
private Object lookupFromNamespace(String name, Map namespace, Hashtable env) throws NamingException {
Object o = namespace.get(name);
if (o == null) {
throw new NameNotFoundException("No object bound to name " + name);
} else {
if (o instanceof NamingObjectProxy) {
NamingObjectProxy namingProxy = (NamingObjectProxy) o;
InitialContext ic = initialContext;
if(env != null){
ic = new InitialContext(env);
o = namingProxy.create(ic);
} else if (o instanceof Reference) {
try {
o = getObjectInstance(name, o, env);
} catch (Exception e) {
_logger.log(Level.FINEST,"Unable to get Object instance from Reference for name ["+name+"]. " +
"Hence returning the Reference object ", e);
return o;
* @inheritDoc
public Object lookupFromAppNamespace(String appName, String name, Hashtable env) throws NamingException {
Map namespace = getAppNamespace(appName);
return lookupFromNamespace(name, namespace, env);
* @inheritDoc
public Object lookupFromModuleNamespace(String appName, String moduleName, String name, Hashtable env)
throws NamingException {
AppModuleKey appModuleKey = new AppModuleKey(appName, moduleName);
Map namespace = getModuleNamespace(appModuleKey);
return lookupFromNamespace(name, namespace, env);
private Object getObjectInstance(String name, Object obj, Hashtable env) throws Exception {
if(env == null){
env = new Hashtable();
return javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(obj, new CompositeName(name), null, env);
private Map getAppNamespace(String appName)
throws NamingException {
if( appName == null ) {
throw new NamingException("Null appName");
// Note: HashMap is not synchronized. The namespace is populated
// at deployment time by a single thread, and then on there are
// no structural modifications (i.e. no keys added/removed).
// So the namespace doesnt need to be synchronized.
Map namespace = appNamespaces.get(appName);
if (namespace == null) {
namespace = new Hashtable();
appNamespaces.put(appName, namespace);
// put entries for java:, java:comp and java:comp/env
JavaURLContext jc = new JavaURLContext("java:", null);
namespace.put("java:", jc);
namespace.put("java:/", jc);
JavaURLContext jApp = new JavaURLContext("java:app", null);
namespace.put("java:app", jApp);
namespace.put("java:app/", jApp);
JavaURLContext jAppEnv = new JavaURLContext("java:app/env", null);
namespace.put("java:app/env", jAppEnv);
namespace.put("java:app/env/", jAppEnv);
return namespace;
private Map getNamespace(String componentId, String logicalJndiName) throws NamingException {
ComponentIdInfo info = componentIdInfo.get(componentId);
return (info != null) ? getNamespace(info.appName, info.moduleName, componentId, logicalJndiName) :
private Map getNamespace(String appName, String moduleName,
String componentId, String logicalJndiName) throws NamingException {
Map namespace = null;
if( logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:comp") ) {
namespace = getComponentNamespace(componentId);
} else if ( logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:module")) {
namespace = getModuleNamespace(new AppModuleKey(appName, moduleName));
} else if ( logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:app")) {
namespace = getAppNamespace(appName);
} else {
// return component namespace
namespace = getComponentNamespace(componentId);
return namespace;
* This method binds them in a java:namespace.
private void bindToNamespace(Map namespace, String logicalJndiName, Object value)
throws NamingException {
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
"naming.bind Binding name:{0}",
new Object[]{logicalJndiName});
if (namespace.put(logicalJndiName, value) != null) {
"naming.alreadyexists" +
"Reference name [{0}] already exists for {1}",
new Object[]{logicalJndiName, namespace.toString()});
bindIntermediateContexts(namespace, logicalJndiName);
private boolean existsInNamespace(Map namespace, String logicalJndiName) {
return namespace.containsKey(logicalJndiName);
* This method enumerates the env properties, ejb and resource references
* etc for a J2EE component and binds them in the component's java:comp
* namespace.
public void bindToComponentNamespace(String appName, String moduleName,
String componentId, boolean treatComponentAsModule,
Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
throws NamingException {
// These are null in rare cases, e.g. default web app.
if( (appName != null) && (moduleName != null) ) {
ComponentIdInfo info = new ComponentIdInfo();
info.appName = appName;
info.moduleName = moduleName;
info.componentId = componentId;
info.treatComponentAsModule = treatComponentAsModule;
componentIdInfo.put(componentId, info);
for (JNDIBinding binding : bindings) {
String logicalJndiName = binding.getName();
Map namespace = null;
if( treatComponentAsModule && logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:comp")) {
logicalJndiName = logicalCompJndiNameToModule(logicalJndiName);
if ( logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:comp")) {
namespace = getComponentNamespace(componentId);
} else if ( logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:module")) {
namespace = getModuleNamespace(new AppModuleKey(appName, moduleName));
} else if ( logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:app")) {
namespace = getAppNamespace(appName);
if( namespace != null ) {
if( !existsInNamespace(namespace, logicalJndiName)) {
bindToNamespace(namespace, logicalJndiName, binding.getValue());
private String logicalCompJndiNameToModule(String logicalCompName) {
String tail = logicalCompName.substring(JAVA_COMP_LENGTH);
String logicalModuleJndiName = "java:module" + tail;
return logicalModuleJndiName;
private String logicalModuleJndiNameToComp(String logicalModuleName) {
String tail = logicalModuleName.substring(JAVA_MODULE_LENGTH);
String logicalCompJndiName = "java:comp" + tail;
return logicalCompJndiName;
* @inheritDoc
public void bindToModuleNamespace(String appName, String moduleName, Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
throws NamingException {
AppModuleKey appModuleKey = new AppModuleKey(appName, moduleName);
Map namespace = getModuleNamespace(appModuleKey);
for (JNDIBinding binding : bindings) {
String logicalJndiName = binding.getName();
if ( logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:module")) {
bindToNamespace(namespace, binding.getName(), binding.getValue());
* @inheritDoc
public void bindToAppNamespace(String appName, Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
throws NamingException {
Map namespace = getAppNamespace(appName);
for (JNDIBinding binding : bindings) {
String logicalJndiName = binding.getName();
if ( logicalJndiName.startsWith("java:app")) {
bindToNamespace(namespace, binding.getName(), binding.getValue());
private void bindIntermediateContexts(Map namespace, String name)
throws NamingException {
// for each component of name, put an entry into namespace
String partialName = null;
if( name.startsWith("java:comp/") ) {
partialName = "java:comp";
} else if( name.startsWith("java:module/")) {
partialName = "java:module";
} else if( name.startsWith("java:app/")) {
partialName = "java:app";
} else {
throw new NamingException("Invalid environment namespace name : " + name);
name = name.substring((partialName + "/").length());
StringTokenizer toks = new StringTokenizer(name, "/", false);
while (toks.hasMoreTokens()) {
String tok = toks.nextToken();
partialName = partialName + "/" + tok;
if (namespace.get(partialName) == null) {
new JavaURLContext(partialName, null));
* This method enumerates the env properties, ejb and resource references
* and unbinds them from the java:comp namespace.
public void unbindComponentObjects(String componentId) throws NamingException {
componentNamespaces.remove(componentId); // remove local namespace cache
public void unbindAppObjects(String appName) throws NamingException {
Iterator moduleEntries = moduleNamespaces.entrySet().iterator();
while( moduleEntries.hasNext() ) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) moduleEntries.next();
if( ((AppModuleKey) entry.getKey()).getAppName().equals(appName)) {
* @inheritDoc
public void unbindAppObject(String appName, String name) throws NamingException {
Map<String, Map> namespaces = appNamespaces.get(appName);
if(namespaces != null){
* @inheritDoc
public void unbindModuleObject(String appName, String moduleName, String name) throws NamingException {
AppModuleKey appModuleKey = new AppModuleKey(appName, moduleName);
Map<String, Map> namespaces = moduleNamespaces.get(appModuleKey);
if(namespaces != null){
* Recreate a context for java:comp/env or one of its sub-contexts given the
* context name.
public Context restoreJavaCompEnvContext(String contextName)
throws NamingException {
if (!contextName.startsWith("java:")) {
throw new NamingException("Invalid context name [" + contextName
+ "]. Name must start with java:");
return new JavaURLContext(contextName, null);
public Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException {
return lookup(name, (SerialContext)null);
* This method is called from SerialContext class. The serialContext
* instance that was created by the appclient's Main class is passed so that
* stickiness is preserved. Called from javaURLContext.lookup, for java:comp
* names.
public Object lookup(String name, SerialContext serialContext)
throws NamingException {
_logger.fine("serialcontext in GlassfishNamingManager.." + serialContext);
Context ic = null;
if (serialContext != null) {
ic = serialContext;
} else {
ic = initialContext;
// initialContext is used as ic in case of PE while
// serialContext is used as ic in case of EE/SE
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "GlassfishNamingManager : looking up name : "
+ name);
// Get the component id and namespace to lookup
String componentId = getComponentId();
return lookup(componentId, name, ic);
* Lookup object for a particular componentId and name.
public Object lookup(String componentId, String name) throws NamingException {
return lookup(componentId, name, initialContext);
private Object lookup(String componentId, String name,
Context ctx) throws NamingException {
ComponentIdInfo info = componentIdInfo.get(componentId);
String logicalJndiName = name;
boolean replaceName = (info != null) && (info.treatComponentAsModule)
&& name.startsWith("java:comp");
if( replaceName ) {
logicalJndiName = logicalCompJndiNameToModule(name);
Map namespace = getNamespace(componentId, logicalJndiName);
Object obj = namespace.get(logicalJndiName);
if (obj == null)
throw new NameNotFoundException("No object bound to name " + name);
if (obj instanceof NamingObjectProxy) {
NamingObjectProxy namingProxy = (NamingObjectProxy) obj;
obj = namingProxy.create(ctx);
} else if( obj instanceof Context ) {
// Need to preserve the original prefix so that further operations
// on the context maintain the correct external view. In the case
// of a replaced java:comp, create a new equivalent javaURLContext
// and return that.
if( replaceName ) {
obj = new JavaURLContext(name, null);
if (obj instanceof JavaURLContext) {
if (ctx instanceof SerialContext) {
obj = new JavaURLContext( (JavaURLContext)obj,
(SerialContext)ctx ) ;
} else {
obj = new JavaURLContext( (JavaURLContext)obj, null ) ;
return obj;
public NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> list(String name) throws NamingException {
ArrayList list = listNames(name);
return new BindingsIterator<NameClassPair>(this, list.iterator(), true);
public NamingEnumeration<Binding> listBindings(String name) throws NamingException {
ArrayList list = listNames(name);
return new BindingsIterator<Binding>(this, list.iterator(), false);
private ArrayList listNames(String name) throws NamingException {
// Get the component id and namespace to lookup
String componentId = getComponentId();
ComponentIdInfo info = componentIdInfo.get(componentId);
String logicalJndiName = name;
boolean replaceName = (info != null) && (info.treatComponentAsModule)
&& name.startsWith("java:comp");
if( replaceName ) {
logicalJndiName = logicalCompJndiNameToModule(name);
Map namespace = getNamespace(componentId, logicalJndiName);
Object obj = namespace.get(logicalJndiName);
if (obj == null)
throw new NameNotFoundException("No object bound to name " + name);
if (!(obj instanceof JavaURLContext))
throw new NotContextException(name + " cannot be listed");
// This iterates over all names in entire component namespace,
// so its a little inefficient. The alternative is to store
// a list of bindings in each javaURLContext instance.
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
Iterator itr = namespace.keySet().iterator();
if (!logicalJndiName.endsWith("/"))
logicalJndiName = logicalJndiName + "/";
while (itr.hasNext()) {
String key = (String) itr.next();
// Check if key begins with name and has only 1 component extra
// (i.e. no more slashes)
// Make sure keys reflect the original prefix in the case of comp->module
// replacement
// The search string itself is excluded from the returned list
if (key.startsWith(logicalJndiName) &&
key.indexOf('/', logicalJndiName.length()) == -1 &&
!key.equals(logicalJndiName)) {
String toAdd = replaceName ? logicalModuleJndiNameToComp(key) : key;
return list;
* Get the component id from the Invocation Manager.
* @return the component id as a string.
private String getComponentId() throws NamingException {
String id = null;
ComponentInvocation ci;
if (invMgr==null) {
ci= habitat.getByContract(InvocationManager.class).getCurrentInvocation();
} else {
ci= invMgr.getCurrentInvocation();
if (ci == null) {
throw new NamingException("Invocation exception: Got null ComponentInvocation ");
try {
id = ci.getComponentId();
if (id == null) {
NamingException nameEx = new NamingException(
"Invocation exception: ComponentId is null");
throw nameEx;
} catch (Throwable th) {
NamingException ine = new NamingException("Invocation exception: " + th);
throw ine;
return id;
private boolean isCOSNamingObj(Object obj) {
return ((obj instanceof java.rmi.Remote) || (obj instanceof org.omg.CORBA.Object));
private static class AppModuleKey {
private String app;
private String module;
public AppModuleKey(String appName, String moduleName) {
app = appName;
module = moduleName;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
boolean equal = false;
if( (o != null) && (o instanceof AppModuleKey) ) {
AppModuleKey other = (AppModuleKey) o;
if( app.equals(other.app) && module.equals(other.module) ) {
equal = true;
return equal;
public int hashCode() {
return app.hashCode();
public String getAppName() { return app; }
public String getModuleName() { return module; }
public String toString()
{ return "appName = " + app + " , module = " + module; }
private static class ComponentIdInfo {
String appName;
String moduleName;
String componentId;
boolean treatComponentAsModule;
public String toString()
{ return "appName = " + appName + " , module = " + moduleName +
" , componentId = " + componentId
+ ", treatComponentAsModule = " + treatComponentAsModule; }
private static class BindingsIterator<T> implements NamingEnumeration<T> {
private GlassfishNamingManagerImpl nm;
private Iterator names;
private boolean producesNamesOnly;
BindingsIterator(GlassfishNamingManagerImpl nm, Iterator names, boolean producesNamesOnly) {
this.nm = nm;
this.names = names;
this.producesNamesOnly = producesNamesOnly;
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return names.hasNext();
public boolean hasMore() throws NamingException {
return hasMoreElements();
public T nextElement() {
if (names.hasNext()) {
try {
String name = (String) names.next();
Object obj = nm.lookup(name);
return producesNamesOnly ?
(T) (new NameClassPair(name, getClass().getName())) :
(T) (new Binding(name, obj));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} else {
return null;
public T next() throws NamingException {
return nextElement();
public void close() {
//no-op since no steps needed to free up resources