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* The NamingManager provides an interface for various components to use naming
* functionality. It provides methods for binding and unbinding environment
* properties, resource and ejb references.
public interface GlassfishNamingManager {
* Get the initial context.
* Lookup a naming entry for a particular componentId
* Lookup a naming entry in a particular application's namespace
* @param appName application-name
* @param name name of the object
* @param env Environment
* @return Object found by the name
* @throws javax.naming.NamingException when unable to find the object
public Object lookupFromAppNamespace(String appName, String name, Hashtable env) throws NamingException ;
* Lookup a naming entry in a particular application's module's namespace
* @param appName application-name
* @param moduleName module-name
* @param name name of the object
* @param env Environment
* @return Object found by the name
* @throws javax.naming.NamingException when unable to find the object
public Object lookupFromModuleNamespace(String appName, String moduleName, String name, Hashtable env)
throws NamingException ;
* Publish an object in the naming service.
* @param name Object that needs to be bound.
* @param obj Name that the object is bound as.
* @param rebind operation is a bind or a rebind.
* @throws Exception
throws NamingException;
* Publish an object in the naming service.
* @param name Object that needs to be bound.
* @param obj Name that the object is bound as.
* @param rebind operation is a bind or a rebind.
* @throws Exception
throws NamingException;
* Publish a CosNaming object. The object is published to both
* the server's CosNaming service and the global naming service.
* Objects published with this method must be unpublished via
* unpublishCosNamingObject.
* @param name Object that needs to be bound.
* @param obj Name that the object is bound as.
* @param rebind operation is a bind or a rebind.
* @throws Exception
throws NamingException;
* This method enumerates the env properties, ejb and resource references
* etc for a J2EE component and binds them in the applicable java:
* namespace.
* @param treatComponentAsModule true if java:comp and java:module refer to the same
* namespace
throws NamingException;
* Binds the bindings to module namespace of an application<br>
* Typically, to get access to application's namespace, invocation context
* must be set to appropriate application's context.<br>
* This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish
* need to bind the objects in application's name-space and do not have
* application's invocation context<br>
* @param appName application-name
* @param bindings list of bindings
* @throws NamingException when unable to bind the bindings
throws NamingException;
* Binds the bindings to module namespace of an application<br>
* Typically, to get access to application's module namespace, invocation context
* must be set to appropriate application's context.<br>
* This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish
* need to bind the objects in application's module name-space and do not have
* application's invocation context<br>
* @param appName application-name
* @param moduleName module-name
* @param bindings list of bindings
* @throws NamingException when unable to bind the bindings
public void bindToModuleNamespace(String appName, String moduleName, Collection<? extends JNDIBinding> bindings)
throws NamingException;
* Remove an object from the naming service.
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @throws Exception
* Remove an object from the CosNaming service and global naming service.
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @throws Exception
* Remove an object from the application's namespace.<br>
* Typically, to get access to application's namespace, invocation context
* must be set to appropriate application's context.<br>
* This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish
* need to unbind the objects in application's name-space and do not have
* application's invocation context<br>
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @param appName application-name
* @throws NamingException when unable to unbind the object
* Remove an object from the module name-space of an application<br>
* Typically, to get access to application's module namespace, invocation context
* must be set to appropriate application's context.<br>
* This API is useful in cases where containers within GlassFish
* need to unbind the objects in application's module name-space and do not have
* application's invocation context<br>
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @param appName application-name
* @param moduleName module-name
* @throws NamingException when unable to unbind the object
public void unbindModuleObject(String appName, String moduleName, String name) throws NamingException;
* Remove an object from the naming service.
* @param name Name that the object is bound as.
* @throws Exception
* Unbind component-level bindings
* Unbind app and module level bindings for the given app name.
* context name.
throws NamingException;
* Initialize RMI-IIOP naming services
* @param orb
* @return RemoteSerialProvider object instance