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* An action report is an abstract class allowing any type of server side action
* like a service execution, a command execution to report on its execution
* to the originator of the action.
* Implementations of this interface should provide a good reporting
* experience based on the user's interface like a browser or a command line
* shell.
* @author Jerome Dochez
public abstract class ActionReport {
* Report a failure to the logger and {@link ActionReport}.
* This is more of a convenience to the caller.
if (e!=null) {
} else {
* Short for {@code failure(logger,message,null)}
* return true if the action report or a subaction report has ExitCode.SUCCESS.
public abstract boolean hasSuccesses();
* return true if the action report or a subaction report has ExitCode.WARNING.
public abstract boolean hasWarnings();
* return true if the action report or a subaction report has ExitCode.FAILURE.
public abstract boolean hasFailures();
public static class MessagePart {
return newPart;
this.childrenType = type;
// overkill Engineering seemingly but the strings might be HUGE
// let the optimized JDK class handle it.
else {
return props;
return message;
return childrenType;
return children;
return extraProperties;
* Gets a type that was set by the command implementation
* @param resultType the type requested
* @return <T> the actual instance that was set
* Stores the supplies type and its instance. This is a way for the command implementation
* to pass information between Supplemental command(s) and the main command. For example, the Supplemental
* command for DeployCommand requires information on pay load, generated directories etc. In this case, the
* DeployCommand will be expected to set this information in, for example DeployResult, and set it in the
* ActionReport. The Supplemental Command will then retrieve the DeployResult for its use.
* @param resultType the type
* @param resultTypeInstance the actual instance