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* A class for sanitizing Files.
* Note that the main reason for this class is that on non-Windows,
* getCanonicalXXX and getAbsoluteXXX might point at different files.
* If the file is a soft link then the Canonical will be the file that is linked to.
* The Absolute will be the link file itself.
* This method will give you the benefits of Canonical -- but will always point
* at the link file itself.
* Windows is horribly complex compared to "everything else". Windows does not have
* the symbolic link issue -- so use getCanonicalXXX to do the work on Windows.
* Windows will return paths with all forward slashes -- no backward slashes unless it
* is the special Windows network address that starts with "\\"
* <p>
* I.e. It is just like getAbsoluteXXX -- but it removes all relative path
* elements from the path.
* @author bnevins
public class SmartFile {
* Sanitize a File object -- remove all relative path portions, i.e. dots
* @param f The file to sanitize
* @return THe sanitized File
* Sanitize a path -- remove all relative path portions, i.e. dots
* Note that the main reason for this class is that on non-Windows,
* getCanonicalXXX and getAbsoluteXXX might point at different files.
* If the file is a soft link then the Canonical will be the file that is linked to.
* The Absolute will be the link file itself.
* This method will give you the benefits of Canonical -- but will always point
* at the link file path itself.
* @param filename The path to sanitize
* @return The sanitized path
* Sanitize a "Classpath-like" list of Paths.
* @param pathsString A string of paths, each separated by File.pathSeparator
* @return The sanitized paths
if (!ok(pathsString))
return pathsString;
try {
// ignore empty path elements. E.g. "c:/foo;;;;;;;" should become "C:/foo"
// not "c:/foo;thisdir;thisdir;thisdir etc"
// pathsSet is only here for removing duplicates. We need the
// List to maintain the original order!
boolean firstElement = true;
if (firstElement)
firstElement = false;
catch (Exception e) {
return pathsString;
if (f == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
if (s == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
// note that "" is a valid filename
// IT 7500 get rid of quotes!!!
s = StringUtils.removeEnclosingQuotes(s);
if (GFLauncherUtils.isWindows())
* There is no symlink issue with getCanonical vs getAbsolute
* so we do it the EASY way here...
try {
catch (IOException ex) {
// what to do? This has never happened to me and I use File I/O
//** a lot **
// guarantee -- the beginning will not have "." or ".."
// (because of getAbsolutePath()...)
char[] p = oldPath.toCharArray();
if (p[from] == '/' &&
// remove the previous directory due to /../
from += 2;
else if (p[from] == '/' &&
// skip over /./
from += 1;
else {