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* @author Byron Nevins
public class PropertiesDecoder {
* There are several CLI commands that take properties arguments. The properties
* are "flattened". This class will unflatten them back into a Map for you.
* <p>Example Input: <b>foo=goo:xyz:hoo=ioo</b>
* <p>Output would be 3 pairs:
* <ul>
* <li>foo, goo
* <li>xyz, null
* <li>hoo, ioo
* </ul>
* @param props The flattened string properties
* @return A Map of the String keys and values. It will return an
return Collections.emptyMap();
return map;
// TODO this method is a perfect candidate for unit tests...
// note: It is quite tricky and delicate finding every possible weirdness
// that a user is capable of!
// element is one of these:
// 0. ""
// 1. "foo"
// 2. "foo=goo"
// 3. "foo="
// if we get garbage like a=b=c=d we change to "a", "b=c=d"
// 0.
return; // no harm, no foul
// 1.
if(index < 0)
// 3.
// lose the '='
// 2
else // guarantee: at least one char after the '='