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* Cache
* Generic cache interface
public interface Cache {
* initialize the cache
* @param maxEntries maximum number of entries expected in the cache
* @param loadFactor the load factor
* @param props opaque list of properties for a given cache implementation
* @throws a generic Exception if the initialization failed
* initialize the cache with the default load factor (0.75)
* @param maxEntries maximum number of entries expected in the cache
* @param props opaque list of properties for a given cache implementation
* @throws a generic Exception if the initialization failed
* add the cache module listener
* @param listener <code>CacheListener</code> implementation
* get the index of the item given a key
* @param key of the entry
* @return the index to be used in the cache
* get the item stored at the key.
* @param key lookup key
* @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
* This function returns first value, for a multi-valued key.
* get all the items with the given key.
* @param key lookup key
* @returns an Iterator over the items with the given key
* check if the cache contains the item at the key
* @param key lookup key
* @returns true if there is an item stored at the key; false if not.
* get an Iterator for the keys stored in the cache
* @returns an Iterator
* get an Enumeration for the keys stored in the cache
* @returns an Enumeration
* XXX: should use Iterator which is based on Collections
* get an Iterator for the values stored in the cache
* @returns an Iterator
* cache the given value at the specified key and return previous value
* @param key lookup key
* @param object item value to be stored
* @returns the previous item stored at the key; null if not found.
* This function replaces first value, for a multi-valued key.
* cache the given value at the specified key and return previous value
* @param key lookup key
* @param object item value to be stored
* @param size in bytes of the value being cached
* @returns the previous item stored at the key; null if not found.
* This function replaces first value, for a multi-valued key.
* add the given value to the cache at the specified key
* @param key lookup key
* @param object item value to be stored
* This function is suitable for multi-valued keys.
* add the given value with specified size to the cache at specified key
* @param key lookup key
* @param object item value to be stored
* @param size in bytes of the value being added
* This function is suitable for multi-valued keys.
* remove the item with the given key.
* @param key lookup key
* @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
* This function removes first value, for a multi-valued key.
* remove the given value stored at the key.
* @param key lookup key
* @param value to match (for multi-valued keys)
* @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
* remove all the item with the given key.
* @param key lookup key
* wait for a refresh on the object associated with the key
* @param index index of the entry. The index must be obtained via
* one of the <code>getIndex()</code> methods.
* @returns <code>true</code> on successful notification, or
* <code>false</code> if there is no thread refreshing this entry.
* notify threads waiting for a refresh on the object associated with the key
* @param index index of the entry. The index must be obtained via
* one of the <code>getIndex()</code> methods.
* clear all the entries from the cache.
* @returns the number of entries cleared from the cache
public int clear();
* is this cache empty?
* @returns true if the cache is empty; false otherwise.
public boolean isEmpty();
* get the number of entries in the cache
* @return the number of entries the cache currently holds
public int getEntryCount();
* get the stats map
* get the desired statistic counter
* @param key to corresponding stat
* @return an Object corresponding to the stat
* See also: Constant.java for the key
* get the stats snapshot
* @return a Map of stats
* See also: Constant.java for the keys
* clear all stats
public void clearStats();
* trim the expired entries from the cache.
* @param maxCount maximum number of invalid entries to trim
* specify Integer.MAX_VALUE to trim all timedout entries
* This call is to be scheduled by a thread managed by the container.
* Destroys this cache. This method should perform final clean ups.
public void destroy();