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* Provides the classes necessary to process J2SE 1.5 annotations in the context
* of the J2EE application server.
* <p>
* Annotations are defined by their annotation type. This tool assumes that
* annotation handlers will be registered to it to process a particular annotation
* type. These annotation handlers have no particular knowledge outside of the
* annotation they process and the annoted element on which the annotation was
* defined.
* </p>
* <p>
* The AnnotationProcessor tool implementation is responsible for maintening a
* list of annotations handlers per annotation type. AnnotationHandler are added
* to the tool through the pushAnnotationHandler and can be removed through the
* popAnnotationHandler. Alternatively, the Factory singleton can be used to get
* an initialized AnnotationProcessor with all the default AnnotationHandler.
* </p>
* <p>
* The tool uses the ProcessingContext to have access to Class instances. Each
* class instance will be processed in order, and if annotations are present, the
* tool will also process Field, Constructor and Methods elements. Each time the
* annotation processor switches for one particular AnnotatedElement to another,
* it will send start and stop events to any AnnotatedElementHandler interface
* implementation registered within the ProcessingContext. This allow client
* code to keep context information about the AnnotatedElements being
* processed since AnnotationHandler only know about the AnnotatedElement the
* annotation was defined on.
* </p>
* @since 9.0
* @auther Jerome Dochez
package org.glassfish.apf;