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<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
This module builds the free-standing JAR file for the app client
container which can be run without using an OSGi implementation.
This module contains little source of its own but mostly packages a JAR
with a manifest Class-Path that specifies all the OSGi JARs on which
it directly or indirectly depends.
Note that additional JARs which clients might need but which are not
declared as dependencies are added by updating the generated manifest's
Class-Path using some ant tasks. The nicer way to do this would be to
create a custom plug-in which would delegate most of the work to the
archiver but would augment the generated Class-Path with the extra JARs.
Perhaps later.
<name>Client library (including ACC)</name>
Property settings used for adding parts to the Class-Path used to
be defined here. They are now in the fixup.xml file instead so
the pom is less changeable.
<name>Tim Quinn</name>
<organization>Oracle, Inc.</organization>
Create a text file containing the generated class path. This
file is used in the ant tasks when the original Class-Path is
augmented. Note: we force the path separator to be a colon
because the plug-in will use the platform-specific separator
otherwise. The ant logic replaces colons with spaces to
reformat the contents of the file so it's useful in the manifest.
Includes only the agent class. All the rest are in
the OSGi module.
<!-- We need the index eventually but until the plug-in itself knows the correct
classpath we must comment this out, or else the index reflects nothing in
this or the downstream JARs and so attempts to find things fail.
<ant antfile="${basedir}/fixup.xml" />
We specify the ACC's OSGi JAR as a dependency.
The maven-jar-plugin will do the work of finding the transitive
closure of it and the modules on which it depends to build the
accurate Class-Path for the manifest.