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* Top level Domain Element that includes applications, resources, configs,
* servers, clusters and node-agents, load balancer configurations and load
* Gets the value of the applicationRoot property.
* For PE this defines the location where applications are deployed
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
* Sets the value of the applicationRoot property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
* Gets the value of the logRoot property.
* Specifies where the server instance's log files are kept, including
* HTTP access logs, server logs, and transaction logs.
* Default is $INSTANCE-ROOT/logs
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
* Sets the value of the logRoot property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
* Gets the value of the locale property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
* Sets the value of the locale property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
* Gets the value of the version property. It is read-only.
* Tools are not to depend on this property. It is only for reference.
* @return String representing version of the Domain.
* Gets the SecureAdmin value defined in the domain.
* @return {@link SecureAdmin }
* Sets the SecureAdmin value.
* @param secureAdmin
* Gets the value of the applications property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Applications }
* Sets the value of the system-applications property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Applications }
* Sets the value of the system-applications property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Applications }
* Gets the value of the resources property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Resources }
* Sets the value of the resources property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Resources }
* Gets the value of the configs property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Configs }
* Sets the value of the configs property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Configs }
* Gets the value of the servers property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Servers }
* Sets the value of the servers property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Servers }
* Gets the value of the clusters property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Clusters }
* Sets the value of the clusters property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Clusters }
* Gets the value of the nodes property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Nodes }
* Sets the value of the nodes property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Nodes }
* Gets the value of the nodeAgents property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link NodeAgents }
* Sets the value of the nodeAgents property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link NodeAgents }
* Gets the value of the lbConfigs property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link LbConfigs }
* Sets the value of the lbConfigs property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link LbConfigs }
* Gets the value of the loadBalancers property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link LoadBalancers }
* Sets the value of the loadBalancers property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link LoadBalancers }
* Gets the value of the systemProperty property.
* <p/>
* <p/>
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
* This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the systemProperty property.
* <p/>
* <p/>
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* <pre>
* getSystemProperty().add(newItem);
* </pre>
* <p/>
* <p/>
* <p/>
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link SystemProperty }
description="Operating system dependent. Path to the directory where the server is installed"),
description="Operating system dependent. Path to the top level directory for a server instance"),
description="Operating system dependent. Path to the name of the host (machine)"),
description="Operating system dependent. Path to the library directory for the Sun GlassFish Message Queue software"),
description="Operating system dependent. Path to the installation directory for the Java runtime"),
description="Operating system dependent. Path to the installation directory for the Java runtime"),
description="Name of the <config> used by a server instance"),
description="Name of the server instance. Not used in the default configuration, but can be used to customize configuration"),
description="Name of the domain. Not used in the default configuration, but can be used to customize configuration")
Properties as per {@link PropertyBag}
* Returns the list of system-applications that are referenced from the given server.
* A server references an application, if the server has an element named
* <application-ref> in it that points to given application. The given server
* is a <server> element inside domain.
* @param sn the string denoting name of the server
* @return List of system-applications for that server, an empty list in case there is none
class Duck {
/* return an empty list if given garbage -- or errors are encountered
* or if no matches
try {
return ret;
catch(Exception e) {
return ret;
/* return an empty list if given garbage -- or errors are encountered
* or if no matches
try {
catch(Exception e) {
Logger.getAnonymousLogger().warning("Error when getting clusters on node " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
if (m instanceof Application)
theServer = s;
return aref;
return server.getApplicationRef();
} else {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null argument");
return allApps; //if there are no sys-apps, none can reference one :)
//allApps now contains ALL the system applications
//returns null in case there is none
return app;
return null;
public static boolean isNamedSystemApplicationReferencedFrom(Domain d, String appName, String serverName) {
return true;
return false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("no <servers> element");
return s;
return null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("no <config> element");
return c;
return null;
return null;
return c;
return null;
return null;
return n;
return null;
return false;
} else {
if (referencedTargets == null) {
// standalone instance case
return true;
// cluster instance case
return true;
return false;
} else {
return servers;
} else {
} else {
if (includeInstances) {
return allAppRefs;
return ref;
return null;
public static boolean isAppRefEnabledInTarget(
boolean found = false;
if (containingCluster != null) {
// if this is a clustered instance, check the enable
// attribute of its enclosing cluster first
// and return false if the cluster level enable attribute
// is false
if (clusterRef == null ||
return false;
for (ApplicationRef ref :
found = true;
return false;
if (found) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isAppEnabledInTarget(
if (application != null &&
} else {
return false;
return true;
return false;
// only add non-clustered servers as the cluster
// targets will be separately added
if (d.getClusters() != null) {
return targets;
return referencedTargets;
// special target domain
return apps;
return appRef.getVirtualServers();
} else {
return null;
return appRef.getEnabled();
} else {
return null;
// Clusters and Servers are ReferenceContainers
if(c != null)
return c;
return getServerNamed(d, name);
// Clusters and Servers are ReferenceContainers
// both the config and its name need to be sanity-checked
return sub;
return sub;
if (d.getClusters() != null) {
return ReferenceContainers;
return cluster;
return null;