* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2014 - 2015 ForgeRock AS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "am.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "cmocka.h"
typedef am_return_t (* am_state_func_t)(am_request_t *);
void am_test_get_state_funcs(am_state_func_t const ** func_array_p, int * func_array_len_p);
void am_net_init();
void am_net_shutdown();
void am_worker_pool_init_reset();
void am_net_init_ssl_reset();
#define TOKEN_NAME "C-name"
* Compare only the prefix against the string.
* Return the result of strncmp, so 0 means no differences, etc.
int compare_prefix(char* prefix, char* string) {
return strncmp(prefix, string, strlen(prefix));
static am_status_t am_get_url_encoded_token_url(struct am_request* request)
char* path = "/d/e/f;1=2";
char* token = TEST_TOKEN_VALUE;
char* url = NULL;
am_asprintf(&url, "http://a.b.c:80/%s?g=h&%s=%s&i=j", path, TOKEN_NAME, token);
request->orig_url = url;
return AM_SUCCESS;
static am_status_t get_valid_path_url(struct am_request* request)
/* an unnormalised path */
char* path = "/x/y/../../d/e/f";
char* token = TEST_TOKEN_VALUE;
char* url = NULL;
am_asprintf(&url, "http://a.b.c:80/%s?g=h&%s=%s&i=j", path, TOKEN_NAME, token);
request->orig_url = url;
return AM_SUCCESS;
static am_status_t get_invalid_path_url(struct am_request* request)
/* the original intention was to check that the normalisation threw out this path */
char* path = "/x/../../../d/e/f";
char* token = TEST_TOKEN_VALUE;
char* url = NULL;
am_asprintf(&url, "http://a.b.c:80/%s?g=h&%s=%s&i=j", path, TOKEN_NAME, token);
request->orig_url = url;
return AM_SUCCESS;
static am_status_t am_get_SAML_post_url(struct am_request* request)
/* note that the parser does not accept namespaces and it does not normalize character content.*/
char* saml =
"<x xmlns:saml=\"http:/w3c.org/nonsense#id\">"
char* url = NULL;
size_t len = strlen(saml);
char* base64XML = base64_encode(saml, &len);
am_asprintf(&url, "http://a.b.c:80/d/e/f?g=h&LARES=%s&i=j", base64XML);
request->orig_url = url;
return AM_SUCCESS;
void test_setup_with_simple_token(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const* func_array = NULL;
int array_len = 0;
am_state_func_t setup;
struct ctx {
void *dummy;
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.instance_id = 0,
.agenturi = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.override_protocol = AM_TRUE,
.override_host = AM_TRUE,
.override_port = AM_FALSE,
.cookie_name = TOKEN_NAME,
.resolve_client_host = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.instance_id = 0,
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.am_get_request_url_f = am_get_url_encoded_token_url,
.client_ip = "",
.client_host = "d.e.f",
.method = AM_REQUEST_GET,
.token = NULL,
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
setup = func_array [0];
assert_int_equal(setup(&request), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(compare_prefix("https://www.override.com:80/d/e/f", request.overridden_url), 0);
assert_string_equal(TEST_TOKEN_VALUE, request.token);
void test_setup_with_valid_path(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const* func_array = NULL;
int array_len = 0;
am_state_func_t setup;
struct ctx {
void *dummy;
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.instance_id = 0,
.agenturi = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.override_protocol = AM_TRUE,
.override_host = AM_TRUE,
.override_port = AM_FALSE,
.cookie_name = TOKEN_NAME,
.resolve_client_host = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.instance_id = 0,
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.am_get_request_url_f = get_valid_path_url,
.client_ip = "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1",
.client_host = "d.e.f:8090",
.method = AM_REQUEST_GET,
.token = NULL,
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
setup = func_array [0];
assert_int_equal(setup(&request), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(compare_prefix("https://www.override.com:80/d/e/f", request.overridden_url), 0);
assert_string_equal("/d/e/f", request.url.path);
assert_string_equal("?g=h&i=j", request.url.query);
assert_string_equal(TEST_TOKEN_VALUE, request.token);
void test_setup_with_invalid_path(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const* func_array = NULL;
int array_len = 0;
am_state_func_t setup;
struct ctx {
void *dummy;
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.instance_id = 0,
.agenturi = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.override_protocol = AM_TRUE,
.override_host = AM_TRUE,
.override_port = AM_FALSE,
.cookie_name = TOKEN_NAME,
.resolve_client_host = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.instance_id = 0,
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.am_get_request_url_f = get_invalid_path_url,
.client_ip = "2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1",
.client_host = "d.e.f:8080",
.method = AM_REQUEST_GET,
.token = NULL,
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
setup = func_array [0];
/* this should fail because the invalid path tried to refer outside of the root */
assert_int_equal(setup(&request), AM_SUCCESS);
/* however, we have accepted the URL and the resulting path is this: */
assert_string_equal(request.url.path, "/d/e/f");
void test_setup_with_SAML_token(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const* func_array = NULL;
int array_len = 0;
am_state_func_t setup;
struct ctx {
void *dummy;
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.instance_id = 0,
.agenturi = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.override_protocol = AM_TRUE,
.override_host = AM_FALSE,
.override_port = AM_TRUE,
.cookie_name = TOKEN_NAME,
.cdsso_enable = 1,
.resolve_client_host = 0,
am_request_t request = {
.instance_id = 0,
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.am_get_request_url_f = am_get_SAML_post_url,
.client_ip = ",",
.client_host = "d.e.f:37289423,g.h.i",
.method = AM_REQUEST_POST,
.content_type = "application/xml",
.token = NULL,
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
setup = func_array [0];
assert_int_equal(setup(&request), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(compare_prefix("https://a.b.c:90/d/e/f", request.overridden_url), 0);
assert_string_equal(TEST_TOKEN_VALUE, request.token);
assert_string_equal("", request.client_ip);
assert_string_equal("d.e.f", request.client_host);
* note: this test requires an Internet connection since it contacts a DNS server to verify the client host
void test_setup_with_resolve_host(void **state) {
am_state_func_t const* func_array = NULL;
int array_len = 0;
am_state_func_t setup;
struct ctx {
void *dummy;
} ctx;
am_config_t config = {
.instance_id = 0,
.agenturi = "https://www.override.com:90/am",
.override_protocol = AM_TRUE,
.override_host = AM_TRUE,
.override_port = AM_FALSE,
.cookie_name = TOKEN_NAME,
.resolve_client_host = 1,
am_request_t request = {
.instance_id = 0,
.conf = &config,
.ctx = &ctx,
.am_get_request_url_f = get_valid_path_url,
.client_ip = "2001:4860:4860::8888,2001:5c0:9168:0:0:0:0:1",
.client_host = "www.google.com",
.method = AM_REQUEST_GET,
.token = NULL,
am_test_get_state_funcs(&func_array, &array_len);
setup = func_array [0];
assert_int_equal(setup(&request), AM_OK);
assert_int_equal(compare_prefix("https://www.override.com:80/d/e/f", request.overridden_url), 0);
assert_string_equal("/d/e/f", request.url.path);
assert_string_equal("?g=h&i=j", request.url.query);
assert_string_equal("google-public-dns-a.google.com", request.client_host);
assert_string_equal(TEST_TOKEN_VALUE, request.token);