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Workflow Sample
This sample demonstrates a typical use case of a workflow for provisioning new users and the self-service UI to finalize
their account. It is designed to simulate an employee requesting an outside contractor be granted access to the system
(in this case, the system is OpenIDM's repository and a "remote" datasource represented by an xml file).
Here is the walk-through to demonstrate the sample:
After starting this sample, open the OpenIDM Admin UI in your browser: https://localhost:8443/admin
Login with the default credentials : openidm-admin / openidm-admin
- You will be prompted to change your password upon login. It is a good idea to do so, but not required.
There are several actions to take in the Admin UI:
1) Configure the connection to your email server. This is used to send the password-reset email at the end of the exercise.
- Navigate to "Configure->System Preferences->Email"
- Provide connection information for your preferred email host. GMail is preconfigured by default
(credentials must still be supplied to use GMail)
2) Run reconciliation for roles and users
- Navigate to Configure->Mappings
- Select the first mapping, "systemRolesFileRole_managedRole"
- Click "Reconcile Now"; This creates two new managed/role entries
- Click "Back to Mappings" to return to the mapping list
- Select the second mapping, "systemXmlfileAccounts_managedUser"
- Click "Reconcile Now"; this will create the top-level managers (those without any "manager" record of their own)
- Click "Reconcile Now" again; this will create the employees of the managers previously created.
3) View the newly-created data
- Navigate to Manage->Role. Note that there should be two records created - "employee" and "manager"
- Navigate to Manage->User. Note that there should be two records created - "manager1" and "user1"
- Click on "user1". Note that the "Manager" field shows "manager1" for this user
- Click on the "OpenIDM Roles" tab. Note that user1 has two roles - "managed/role/employee" and "openidm-authorized"
- Click on "Back to User List"
- Click on "manager1". Note that the "Manager" field is empty
- Click on the "OpenIDM Roles" tab. Note that manager1 has two roles - "managed/role/manager" and "openidm-authorized"
4) Note the workflows available to initiate
- Navigate to Manage->Processes->Definitions
- Select the "Contractor onboarding process" definition
- See the sequence diagram for this workflow
5) Log out of Admin UI
- Click upper-right corner silhouette, choose "Log Out"
Now the system has been prepped to walk through the workflow exercise.
Open the Self-Service UI in your browser - https://localhost:8443/
Login as user1 / Welcome1
6) Initiate workflow process
- Click the "Details" link for the "Contractor onboarding process" option under "Processes"
- Fill in the form for the sample user you will be creating. Be sure to use an email address which you have access to
- Note that user1 does not provide the password for this user. This is to ensure that only the actual contractor can login with this account
- Click "Start" to initiate the process
Log out of the Self-Service UI as user1
Log in again, now using manager1 / Welcome1
7) Approve workflow task
- Under "My Group's Tasks", find the "Approve Contractor" task and choose "Assign to Me"
- "Approve Contractor" is now listed under "My Tasks"; click the "Details" link for it
- Notice the same form content that was provided by user1, along with "Decision": "Accept".
- Click "Complete" to finish the task.
Log out of the Self-Service UI.
Open samples/workflow/data/xmlConnectorData.xml and note the addition of the new contractor entry.
Note that there is no value for <icf:__PASSWORD__/>. Note that user1 is the contractor's manager.
Check the inbox for the email address provided in step 6; there should be a "Reset password email" sent to it.
Open the "Reset password email" and click the "Email verification link". This should take you back to the
Self-Service UI, with the option to "Reset Your Password".
8) Reset your password and login
- Enter a new password and confirmation password, submit the form.
- Return to the login page, and login with the username provided in step 6 and the password just entered.
- Notice the "Welcome" message available under "Notifications".
Open samples/workflow/data/xmlConnectorData.xml and note that the password for the contractor is now saved.