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import AzureADOAuth2HttpClientFactory
import org.apache.olingo.client.api.communication.ODataClientErrorException
import org.apache.olingo.client.api.v3.EdmEnabledODataClient
import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.domain.v3.ODataEntity
import org.forgerock.openicf.misc.scriptedcommon.OperationType
import org.forgerock.openicf.misc.scriptedcommon.ScriptedConfiguration
import org.identityconnectors.common.logging.Log
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.FrameworkUtil
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorException
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeUtil
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ObjectClass
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.OperationOptions
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.Uid
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.filter.EqualsFilter
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.filter.Filter
def operation = operation as OperationType
def configuration = configuration as ScriptedConfiguration
def client = configuration.propertyBag.get("ODataClient") as EdmEnabledODataClient
def filter = filter as Filter
def log = log as Log
def objectClass = objectClass as ObjectClass
def options = options as OperationOptions
def edmEntityType = ODataUtils.getEdmEntityType(client.cachedEdm, objectClass)
def entityHandler = { ODataEntity entity ->
def co = ICF.co {
def objectId = ODataUtils.getUid(edmEntityType, entity)
uid objectId
id objectId.uidValue
for (def property : entity.properties) {
if (property.hasNullValue()) {
attribute property.name
} else if (property.hasPrimitiveValue()) {
def value = property.getPrimitiveValue()
if (FrameworkUtil.isSupportedAttributeType(value.type.defaultType)) {
attribute property.name, value.toValue()
} else {
attribute property.name, value.toString()
} else if (property.hasCollectionValue()) {
def value = property.getCollectionValue()
attribute property.name, value.asJavaCollection()
} else if (property.hasComplexValue()) {
def value = property.getComplexValue()
attribute property.name, value.asJavaMap()
} else {
throw new ConnectorException("Unknown property value")
if (null != edmEntityType) {
if (filter instanceof EqualsFilter && ((EqualsFilter) filter).attribute.is(Uid.NAME)) {
//This is a Read Request
try {
def uid = AttributeUtil.getStringValue(((EqualsFilter) filter).attribute)
def request = client.getRetrieveRequestFactory().getEntityRequest(
ODataUtils.buildEntityURI(client.newURIBuilder(), edmEntityType, uid))
def response = AzureADOAuth2HttpClientFactory.execute(request)
} catch (ODataClientErrorException e) {
throw ODataUtils.adapt(e)
} else {
def builder = client.newURIBuilder()
if (null != filter) {
builder.filter(filter.accept(ODataFilterVisitor.VISITOR, client.getFilterFactory()))
def request =
client.getRetrieveRequestFactory().getEntitySetRequest(ODataUtils.buildEntityURI(builder, edmEntityType, null));
def response = AzureADOAuth2HttpClientFactory.execute(request)
for (ODataEntity entity : response.getBody().getEntities()) {
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(operation.name() + " operation of type:" +
objectClass.objectClassValue + " is not supported.")