Name Date Size

.. 2015-12-16 23:54:53 41

alternatives 2015-02-02 17:00:27 3

conf 2015-10-09 19:17:29 6

data 2015-12-16 21:20:00 3 2015-12-16 23:54:53 8.9 KiB

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Sample 6 - LiveSync Between Two LDAP Servers
This sample demonstrates use of two real LDAP connections, and both
reconciliation and LiveSync. The configurations provided are tailored
for working with Microsoft Active Directory and ForgeRock OpenDJ, however
they could be easily changed to work with any standard LDAP servers.
For documentation pertaining to this example see:
Setup OpenDJ
1. Extract OpenDJ to a folder called opendj.
2. Run the following command to initialize OpenDJ and import the LDIF data for the sample.
$ opendj/setup --cli \
--hostname localhost \
--ldapPort 1389 \
--rootUserDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--rootUserPassword password \
--adminConnectorPort 4444 \
--baseDN dc=com \
--ldifFile /path/to/openidm/samples/sample6/data/Example.ldif \
--acceptLicense \
The directory server should now show two users under dc=example,dc=com.
Active Directory Configuration Alternatives
There are two different configuration options. Within the
samples/sample6/alternatives folder, depending on the external resources you
have to work with. Within the
samples/sample6/alternatives folder, you will find two provisioner configurations -
one for a "real" AD server and one for a "fake" AD server.
### Option 1 (real)
If you have access to a real Microsoft Active Directory server that you
would like to use for this sample, choose the "provisioner.openicf-realad.json".
Note that the configuration for this sample is one-way, from AD to DJ, so there
is no risk in configuring a real AD server as part of this sample - changes won't
be made on that server.
$ cp samples/sample6/alternatives/provisioner.openicf-realad.json samples/sample6/conf
Using a text editor, open samples/sample6/conf/provisioner.openicf-realad.json and
make the following updates:
"configurationProperties" : {
"host" : "", // Enter the hostname or IP address of your Active Directory server
"port" : "389", // Default non-SSL port. If using SSL (below), change to 636
"ssl" : false, // To use, you may need to import the server's public key into OpenIDM's truststore
"principal" : "", // Full DN of the account to bind with (ex: "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com")
"credentials" : null, // Password for account to bind (replace null with string value; it will be encrypted upon startup)
"baseContexts" : [ ], // List of DNs for the containers of accounts. (ex: "CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com")
"baseContextsToSynchronize" : [ ], // Set to be the same values as "baseContexts"
// Additional options to further limit the accounts returned. Defaults to active accounts which aren't Computers
"accountSearchFilter" : "(&(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(!(objectClass=Computer)))",
"accountSynchronizationFilter" : "(&(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(!(objectClass=Computer)))",
### Option 2 (fake)
If you do not have a real Microsoft Active Directory server available, you can
simulate one using the "fake" AD configuration. This configuration uses the same OpenDJ
server that you installed above, but uses a different base DN for the "AD" users.
1. Load the AD.ldif supplied in the data folder into OpenDJ.
$ opendj/bin/ldapmodify -a --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword password --hostname localhost \
--port 1389 --filename /path/to/openidm/samples/sample6/data/AD.ldif
2. Setup Replication on OpenDJ for fake ad.
$ opendj/bin/dsconfig create-replication-server --hostname localhost --port 4444 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization" --set replication-port:8989 \
--set replication-server-id:2 --type generic --trustAll --no-prompt
$ opendj/bin/dsconfig create-replication-domain --hostname localhost --port 4444 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
--bindPassword password --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization" --domain-name fakead_com \
--set base-dn:dc=fakead,dc=com --set replication-server:localhost:8989 --set server-id:3 --type generic \
--trustAll --no-prompt
3. Copy the fake ad configuration file into your conf folder:
$ cp samples/sample6/alternatives/provisioner.openicf-fakead.json samples/sample6/conf
Edit samples/sample6/conf/provisioner.openicf-fakead.json and review the configuration details,
being sure to set the connection values to match however you have installed OpenDJ.
Running the Sample in OpenIDM
To run the sample in OpenIDM, follow these steps.
1. Start OpenIDM with the configuration for sample 6.
$ cd /path/to/openidm
$ ./ -p samples/sample6
2. Run reconciliation.
$ curl -k -H "Content-type: application/json" -u "openidm-admin:openidm-admin" -X POST \
It should return something like:
3. Check that the users from Active Directory were added to OpenDJ:
$ curl -k -H "Content-type: application/json" -u "openidm-admin:openidm-admin" \
The way this works is that the reconciliation from step 2 imports the data into managed/user.
Each change on managed/user triggers a "sync" action for the other mappings which use managed/user
as a source; in this case, the managedUser_systemLdapAccounts mapping. This mapping updates
4. Edit samples/sample6/conf/schedule-activeSynchroniser_systemAdAccount.json
to set "enabled" : true. LiveSync causes synchronization to happen as you
make changes in the source system (Active Directory in this case).
5. Make a change within the (real or fake) Active Directory server, and observe the change in managed/user and in OpenDJ.
* If you are using a real Active Directory server, you can use the graphical tool
"Active Directory Users and Computers" on the server hosting the directory. Open
this, find a user that you know has been synced to OpenDJ, and make some property
change. Livesync should detect that change within 15 seconds (as per the configuration
in schedule-activeSynchroniser_systemAdAccount.json) and update both the managed/user
and OpenDJ records accordingly.
* If you are using the fake Active Directory configuration, you can use ldapmodify to
create a new user in ou=People,dc=fakead,dc=com and then check the result. An example would be to create a bdobbs.ldif
file and paste the following in it.
dn: uid=bdobbs,ou=People,dc=fakead,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: top
givenName: Bob
description: Created to see LiveSync work
uid: bdobbs
cn: Bob Dobbs
sn: Dobbs
telephoneNumber: 1-555-111-2222
userPassword: password
Then use ./ldapmodify -p 1389 -a -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -f ~/path/to/bdobbs.ldif
$ ./ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=*)" cn description
dn: uid=jdoe,dc=example,dc=com
description: Created for OpenIDM
cn: John Doe
dn: uid=bdobbs,dc=example,dc=com
description: Created to see LiveSync work
cn: Bob Dobbs
6. You can login to the OpenIDM UI with any of the Active Directory user credentials. Changes
made within the OpenIDM UI will only be persisted within managed/user and OpenDJ, since we
do not have a bidirectional mapping between Active Directory and managed/user.