OpenIDM Sample Projects and Sample Resources
Copyright (c) 2012-2015 ForgeRock AS
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
This directory contains samples to get you started with the many different configuration and security files you may
need for your specific use case.
Here is a brief description of each directory. Please refer to the README for each sample or to the documentation for
more information.
Sample Projects
Below are the sample projects included in OpenIDM to show various features of OpenIDM.
### Getting Started
An XML-CSV sample for the Getting Started Guide
### Sample1
A XML file connector sample.
### Sample2
A OpenDJ connector sample without a back link.
### Sample2b
A OpenDJ connector sample with back link.
### Sample2c
A OpenDJ connector sample with sync of group membership.
### Sample2d
A OpenDJ connector sample with sync of LDAP Groups.
### Sample3
A ScriptSQL connector with mySQL.
### Getting-Started
Designed for the Getting Started Guide. Based on the original Sample 4.
### Sample5
Attribute flow: LDAP -> OpenIDM -> AD with simulating xml resources
### Sample5b
Demonstrates failure compensation synchronization of two resources.
### Sample6
Demonstrates live sync with OpenDJ.
### Sample8
Demonstrates the use of logging in scripts for debugging.
### Sample9
Demonstrates asynchronous reconciliation using workflows.
### audit-sample
Demonstrates configuring a MySQL database to receive the audit logs.
### powershell2AD
Demonstrates the PowerShell connector using Active Directory.
### workflow
Demonstrates a typical use case of a workflow for provisioning.
### scriptedcrest2dj
A OpenDJ Connector using the Groovy ScriptedCREST Connector Framework.
### scriptedrest2dj
A OpenDJ Connector using the Groovy ScriptedREST Connector Framework.
### google-connector
A Google Connector for provisioning google users and groups.
This sample and the associated connector are only available in the Enterprise Release.
### salesforce-connector
A Salesforce connector to perform recon and sync between Salesforce and the OpenIDM repository.
This sample and the associated connector are only available in the Enterprise Release.
### openam
A sample showing OpenIDM together with OpenAM and OpenDJ. This sample demonstrates the entire ForgeRock Open Identity
Stack integration.
Sample Resources
Below is a list of resources used by the samples. They can be used as a reference to understand certain features.
### misc
Example configuration files used in the sample projects.
### syncfailure
Examples of configuration files and scripts for live sync retry policy.
### security
Sample security files.
### taskscanner
Example configuration files for the sunset scanning task.
### provisioners
Example provisioner configuration files for different connectors used in the samples. These can be used as a reference,
but customizations will probably be required.
### schedules
Sample schedule configuration files.
### customendpoint
A sample custom endpoint configuration files.
### infoservice
A sample configuration that shows how to use the configurable information service.