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# @author Gael Allioux <gael.allioux@forgerock.com>
#REQUIRES -Version 2.0
This is a sample Update script
This script leverages Set-ADUser and Set-ADGroup cmdlets from Active Directory module.
The connector sends us the following:
- <prefix>.Configuration : handler to the connector's configuration object
- <prefix>.Options: a handler to the Operation Options
- <prefix>.Operation: an OperationType correponding to the action ("UPDATE" here)
- <prefix>.ObjectClass: an ObjectClass describing the Object class (__ACCOUNT__ / __GROUP__ / other)
- <prefix>.Attributes: A collection of ConnectorAttributes to update
- <prefix>.Uid: Corresponds to the OpenICF __UID__ attribute
Must return the user unique ID (__UID__) if either UID or Revision has been modified
To do so, set the <prefix>.Result.Uid property with the modified Uid object
File Name : ADUpdate.ps1
Author : Gael Allioux (gael.allioux@forgerock.com)
Prerequisite : PowerShell V2 - AD module loaded by the connector
Copyright 2014 - ForgeRock AS
Script posted over:
Active Directory Administration with Windows PowerShell
$attrutil = [Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeUtil]
$secutil = [Org.IdentityConnectors.Common.Security.SecurityUtil]
function Update-Group ($attributes)
$accessor = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributesAccessor($attributes)
# Change of Name - Needs the special Rename-Object cmdlet
# See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee617225.aspx
$val = $accessor.FindString("name")
if ($val -ne $null)
Rename-ADObject $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -NewName $val
Write-Verbose -verbose "Name updated to $val"
# Change of DistinguishedName (__NAME__). We need to move the object
# with the special Move-ADObject cmdlet
# See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee617248.aspx
if ($accessor.GetName() -ne $null)
($rdn,$path) = $accessor.GetName().GetNameValue().Split(',',2)
Move-ADObject $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -TargetPath $path
Write-Verbose -verbose "DN updated: $rdn moved to $path"
#[-SamAccountName] <string>
# We cannot change the SamAccountName of a group instance.
# So we do it with the other way to call Set-ADGroup
$val = $accessor.FindString("sAMAccountName")
if ($val -ne $null)
Set-ADGroup $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -SamAccountName $val
Write-Verbose -verbose "SamAccountName updated to $val"
# Set-ADGroup
# See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee617199.aspx
# First get the current instance
$groupInstance = Get-ADGroup -Identity $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -Properties "*"
$changes = $FALSE
# Standard attributes - single valued
$StandardSingle = @("wWWHomePage","telephoneNumber","mail","displayNamePrintable","displayName","managedBy","info","description")
foreach ($attr in $StandardSingle)
$str = $accessor.FindString($attr)
if ($str -ne $null)
$groupInstance.$attr = $str
$changes = $TRUE
#[-GroupScope] <System.Nullable[Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroupScope]>
# group scope is either 'DomainLocal', 'Universal', 'Global'
$val = $accessor.FindString("groupScope")
if ($val -ne $null)
$groupInstance.GroupScope = $val
$changes = $TRUE
#[-GroupCategory <System.Nullable[Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroupCategory]>]
# group category is either 'security' or 'distribution'
$val = $accessor.FindString("groupCategory")
if ($val -ne $null)
$groupInstance.GroupCategory = $val
$changes = $TRUE
if ($changes)
Set-ADGroup -Instance $groupInstance
Write-Verbose -verbose "Group has been updated"
# Members changes
$val = $accessor.FindStringList("member")
if ($val -ne $null)
# Put the members in a hashtable
$toAdd = @{};
foreach ($h in $val)
$toAdd[$h] = 1
# let's get current members.
$current = @()
Get-ADGroupMember $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() | ForEach-Object { $current += $_.distinguishedName.ToLower()}
# calculate the diff
$toRemove = @()
foreach($h in $current)
if ( $toAdd.Contains($h) )
$toRemove += $h
$newMember = @()
foreach($h in $toAdd.GetEnumerator())
$newMember += $h.Key
if ( $newMember.Count -ne 0)
Add-ADGroupMember $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -Members $newMember -Confirm:$false
Write-Verbose -verbose "Members $newMember added to the group"
if ( $toRemove.Count -ne 0)
Remove-ADGroupMember $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -Members $toRemove -Confirm:$false
Write-Verbose -verbose "Members $toRemove removed from the group"
function Update-User ($attributes)
$accessor = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributesAccessor($attributes)
# Change of Name - Needs the special Rename-Object cmdlet
# See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee617225.aspx
$val = $accessor.FindString("name")
if ($val -ne $null)
Rename-ADObject $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -NewName $val
Write-Verbose -verbose "Name updated to $val"
# Change of DistinguishedName (__NAME__). We need to move the object
if ($accessor.GetName() -ne $null)
($rdn,$path) = $accessor.GetName().GetNameValue().Split(',',2)
Move-ADObject $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -TargetPath $path
Write-Verbose -verbose "DN updated: $rdn moved to $path"
#[-SamAccountName] <string>
# We cannot change the SamAccountName of a user instance.
# So we do it with the other way to call Set-ADUser
$val = $accessor.FindString("sAMAccountName")
if ($val -ne $null)
Set-ADUser $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -SamAccountName $val
Write-Verbose -verbose "SamAccountName updated to $val"
# [-AccountPassword <SecureString>]
# Password reset
$password = $accessor.GetPassword()
If ($password -ne $null)
$dec = $secutil::Decrypt($password)
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $dec -AsPlainText -Force
Set-ADAccountPassword $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -Reset -NewPassword $password
Write-Verbose -verbose "Password updated"
# Get the current instance of the user
$aduser = Get-ADUser -Identity $Connector.Uid.GetUidValue() -Properties "*"
$changes = $FALSE
# [-AccountExpirationDate <System.Nullable[System.DateTime]>]
# This corresponds to the AccountExpires attribute
# 0 means never expire
# other values must be in the format of System.DateTime
# like: "05/06/2014 17:02:23"
$val = $accessor.FindString("accountExpirationDate")
if ($val -ne $null)
$aduser.AccountExpirationDate = [System.DateTime]::Parse($val)
$changes = $TRUE
# handle UAC boolean attributes
$uac = ("allowReversiblePasswordEncryption", "cannotChangePassword", "changePasswordAtLogon",
foreach ($control in $uac)
$bool = $accessor.FindBoolean($control)
if ($bool -ne $null)
$aduser.$control = $bool
$changes = $TRUE
# Standard attributes - single valued
$StandardSingle = @("division","primaryInternationalISDNNumber","c","l","department","givenName","telephoneNumber","employeeNumber","displayName",
foreach ($attr in $StandardSingle)
$str = $accessor.FindString($attr)
if ($str -ne $null)
$aduser.$attr = $str
$changes = $TRUE
# Standard attributes - multi valued
$StandardMulti = @("otherMailbox","otherLoginWorkstations","o","postOfficeBox","otherTelephone",
foreach ($attr in $StandardMulti)
$strs = $accessor.FindStringList($attr)
if ($strs -ne $null)
$aduser.$attr = $strs
$changes = $TRUE
# Do the update
if ($changes)
Set-ADUser -Instance $aduser
Write-Verbose -verbose "User has been updated"
if ($Connector.Operation -eq "UPDATE")
switch ($Connector.ObjectClass.Type)
$Connector.Result.Uid = Update-User $Connector.Attributes
$Connector.Result.Uid = Update-Group $Connector.Attributes
default {throw "Unsupported type: $($Connector.ObjectClass.Type)"}
throw new Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Exceptions.ConnectorException("CreateScript can not handle operation: $($Connector.Operation)")
catch #Re-throw the original exception