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# @author Gael Allioux <gael.allioux@forgerock.com>
#REQUIRES -Version 2.0
This is a sample Sync script for Active Directory users and groups
This script leverages the uSNChanged attribute to find entries that have been
modified since last invoke
The connector injects the following variables to the script:
- <prefix>.Configuration : handler to the connector's configuration object
- <prefix>.Options: a handler to the Operation Options
- <prefix>.Operation: String correponding to the operation ("SYNC" or "GET_LATEST_SYNC_TOKEN" here)
- <prefix>.ObjectClass: the Object class object (__ACCOUNT__ / __GROUP__ / other)
- <prefix>.Token: The sync token value
if Operation is "GET_LATEST_SYNC_TOKEN":
Must return an object representing the last known sync token for the corresponding ObjectClass
if Operation is "SYNC":
Call Connector.Results.Process(Hashtable) describing one update:
Map should look like the following:
"SyncToken": <Object> token of the object that changed(could be Integer, Date, String) , [!! could be null]
"DeltaType": <String> ("CREATE|UPDATE|CREATE_OR_UPDATE"|"DELETE"), the type of change that occurred
"Uid": <String>; the Uid (OpenICF __UID__) of the entry
"PreviousUid": <String>, the Uid of the object before the change (This is for rename ops)
"Object": <Hashtable> The Connector object that has changed
"ObjectClass": <String|ObjectClass> The ObjectClass of the entry. Needs to be set if op=DELETE and Object=null
File Name : ADSync.ps1
Author : Gael Allioux (gael.allioux@forgerock.com)
Prerequisite : PowerShell V2 - AD module loaded by the connector
Copyright 2014 - ForgeRock AS
Script posted over:
Active Directory Administration with Windows PowerShell
# We need this global Boolean to handle the case where the sync handler returns false
# and we don't want to break the pipe because of https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENIDM-2650
$proceed = $TRUE
# We define a filter to process results through a pipe and feed the sync result handler
filter Process-Sync {
if ($proceed)
$object = @{"__NAME__" = $_.DistinguishedName; "__UID__" = $_.ObjectGUID.ToString();}
foreach($attr in $_.GetEnumerator())
if ($attr.Value.GetType().Name -eq "ADPropertyValueCollection")
$values = @();
foreach($val in $attr.Value)
$values += $val
$object.Add($attr.Key, $values)
$object.Add($attr.Key, $attr.Value)
$result = @{"SyncToken" = $_.uSNChanged; "DeltaType" = "CREATE_OR_UPDATE"; "Uid" = $_.ObjectGUID.ToString(); "Object" = $object}
$proceed = $Connector.Result.Process($result)
if ($Connector.Operation -eq "GET_LATEST_SYNC_TOKEN")
# we should specify a server since USN is specific a DC instance
# For that, Get-ADRootDSE has a -Server option
$dse = Get-ADRootDSE
$token = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.SyncToken($dse.highestCommittedUSN);
$Connector.Result.SyncToken = $token;
elseif ($Connector.Operation -eq "SYNC")
$searchBase = 'CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com'
$attrsToGet = "*"
$filter = "uSNChanged -gt {0}" -f $Connector.Token
switch ($Connector.ObjectClass.Type)
Get-ADUser -Filter $filter -SearchBase $searchBase -Properties $attrsToGet | Process-Sync
Get-ADGroup -Filter $filter -SearchBase $searchBase -Properties $attrsToGet | Process-Sync
default {throw "Unsupported type: $($Connector.ObjectClass.Type)"}
throw new Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Exceptions.ConnectorException("SyncScript can not handle operation: $($Connector.Operation)")
catch #Rethrow the original exception