# Copyright (c) 2014 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms
# of the Common Development and Distribution License
# (the License). You may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the License at
# http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
# See the License for the specific language governing
# permission and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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# " Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
# @author Gael Allioux <gael.allioux@forgerock.com>
#REQUIRES -Version 2.0
This is a sample Schema script for Active Directory
The script fetches user and group schema definition from Active Directory Schema
and then build the proper OpenICF Schema
The connector sends us the following:
- <prefix>.Configuration : handler to the connector's configuration object
- <prefix>.Operation: String correponding to the action ("SCHEMA" here)
- <prefix>.SchemaBuilder: an instance of org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SchemaBuilder
that must be used to define the schema.
Nothing. Connector will finalize the schema build.
File Name : ADSchema.ps1
Author : Gael Allioux (gael.allioux@forgerock.com)
Prerequisite : PowerShell V2 - AD module loaded by the connector
Copyright 2014 - ForgeRock AS
Script posted over:
Active Directory Administration with Windows PowerShell
$AttributeInfoBuilder = [Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder]
if ($Connector.Operation -eq "SCHEMA")
# __ACCOUNT__ object class
$ocib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ObjectClassInfoBuilder
$ocib.ObjectType = "__ACCOUNT__"
# Required Attributes
$Required = @("sAMAccountName")
foreach ($attr in $Required)
$caib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder($attr);
$caib.Required = $TRUE
$caib.ValueType = [string];
# Standard attributes - single valued
$StandardSingle = @("division","primaryInternationalISDNNumber","c","l","department","givenName","telephoneNumber","employeeNumber","displayName",
"info","assistant","mobile","employeeID","logonWorkstation","userWorkstations","userSharedFolder","description", "name","sn","userPrincipalName")
foreach ($attr in $StandardSingle)
# Standard attributes - multi valued
$StandardMulti = @("otherMailbox","otherLoginWorkstations","o","postOfficeBox","otherTelephone",
foreach ($attr in $StandardMulti)
$caib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder($attr);
$caib.MultiValued = $TRUE
$caib.ValueType = [string];
# Standard attributes - multi valued - readonly back link
$StandardMultiRO = @("memberOf","directReports")
foreach ($attr in $StandardMultiRO)
$caib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder($attr);
$caib.MultiValued = $TRUE
$caib.Creatable = $FALSE
$caib.Updateable = $FALSE
$caib.ValueType = [string];
# Technical attributes
# $ocib.AddAttributeInfo($AttributeInfoBuilder::Build("accountExpires",[int]))
$Technical = @("objectGUID","cn","uSNCreated","uSNChanged","whenCreated","whenChanged","createTimeStamp","modifyTimeStamp","lastLogonTimestamp",
foreach ($attr in $Technical)
$caib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder($attr);
$caib.Creatable = $FALSE
$caib.Updateable = $FALSE
$caib.ValueType = [string];
# A few custom attributes we want to add here
# A few operational attributes as well
$opAttrs = [Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.OperationalAttributeInfos]
# __GROUP__ object class
$ocib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ObjectClassInfoBuilder
$ocib.ObjectType = "__GROUP__"
# Standard attributes - single valued
$StandardSingle = @("wWWHomePage","telephoneNumber","mail","displayNamePrintable","displayName",
foreach ($attr in $StandardSingle)
# Standard attributes - multi valued
$StandardMulti = @("secretary","member")
foreach ($attr in $StandardMulti)
$caib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder($attr);
$caib.MultiValued = $TRUE
$caib.ValueType = [string];
# Standard attributes - multi valued - readonly back link
$StandardMultiRO = @("memberOf","directReports")
foreach ($attr in $StandardMultiRO)
$caib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder($attr);
$caib.MultiValued = $TRUE
$caib.Creatable = $FALSE
$caib.Updateable = $FALSE
$caib.ValueType = [string];
# Technical attributes
$Technical = @("objectGUID","cn","uSNCreated","uSNChanged","whenCreated","whenChanged","createTimeStamp","modifyTimeStamp")
foreach ($attr in $Technical)
$caib = New-Object Org.IdentityConnectors.Framework.Common.Objects.ConnectorAttributeInfoBuilder($attr);
$caib.Creatable = $FALSE
$caib.Updateable = $FALSE
$caib.ValueType = [string];
catch #Rethrow the original exception