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PowerShell Connector - AD samples
The tools/ folder contains a bunch of samples for the OpenICF PowerShell Connector.
The samples use the MS Active Directory PowerShell module. See:
These are the steps to follow to use the samples:
1- Install the OpenICF .Net connector server on a machine running an Active Directory Domain Controller
or a Workstation where the MS Active Directory PowerShell module is installed. See:
The user used by the script is the same as the user running the .Net Connector server
2- Install the PowerShell connector. See:
3- Copy all the .ps1 files to the machine where you installed the .Net connector server and the PowerShell connector.
In the sample provisioner, files are copied to the folder C:/openidm/samples/powershell2AD/tools/
4- Edit the ADSearch.ps1 (line 95) and ADSync.ps1 (line 113) files to define the base suffix of your AD DC. Change the following:
$searchBase = 'CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com' to accommodate your environment.
5- Copy the remote connector provisioner file to openidm/conf/ from openidm/samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf.connectorinfoprovider.json
Adapt to your local configuration
6- Edit the sample PowerShell connector provisioner file to suit your installation.
The file is samples/provisioners/provisioner.openicf-adpowershell.json. You may need to change the file paths.
For instance:
"configurationProperties" : {
"AuthenticateScriptFileName" : "C:/openidm/samples/powershell2AD/tools/ADAuthenticate.ps1",
"CreateScriptFileName" : "C:/openidm/samples/powershell2AD/tools/ADCreate.ps1",
may not reflect your Windows folder. The other settings should not be changed
The Host, port, login and password do not need to be provided in these samples.
login and password: The scripts execute under the same user as the .Net Connector Server
host and port: By default the AD cmdlets will pick up the first available Domain Controller
7- Copy the provisioner file to the openidm/conf/ folder.
OpenIDM instructions:
1- Test
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request POST \
"name": "adpowershell",
"enabled": true,
"config": "config/provisioner.openicf/adpowershell",
"objectTypes": [
"connectorRef": {
"connectorName": "Org.ForgeRock.OpenICF.Connectors.MsPowerShell.MsPowerShellConnector",
"bundleName": "MsPowerShell.Connector",
"bundleVersion": ""
"ok": true
2 - Authenticate a user (username can be either ObjectGUID, UPN, sAMAccountname or CN)
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request POST \
Returns the user ObjectGUID if success
"_id": "ee683bcf-9853-4efa-ad70-16a50f9d8c34"
3- Use Query Filter
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
Returns the default Guest user:
"result": [
"logonCount": 0,
"countryCode": 0,
"manager": null,
"streetAddress": null,
"badPwdCount": 0,
"pwdLastSet": "0",
"postalCode": null,
"cn": "Guest",
"sAMAccountName": "Guest",
"modifyTimeStamp": "12/09/2012 00:20:28",
"cannotChangePassword": true,
"description": [
"Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain"
"memberOf": [
"employeeNumber": null,
"name": "Guest",
"division": null,
"homePhone": null,
"createTimeStamp": "12/09/2012 00:20:28",
"userAccountControl": 66082,
"homeDrive": null,
"passwordNotRequired": true,
"distinguishedName": "CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
"department": null,
"userPrincipalName": null,
"whenCreated": "12/09/2012 00:20:28",
"lastLogon": "0",
"company": null,
"displayName": null,
"initials": null,
"allowReversiblePasswordEncryption": false,
"homeDirectory": null,
"__NAME__": "CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
"passwordNeverExpires": true,
"employeeID": null,
"badPasswordTime": "0",
"whenChanged": "12/09/2012 00:20:28",
"accountExpirationDate": null,
"accountExpires": "9223372036854775807",
"codePage": 0,
"sAMAccountType": 805306368,
"givenName": null,
"title": null,
"_id": "7242c41d-0e39-4791-9410-d123959c06bb"
"resultCount": 1,
"pagedResultsCookie": null,
"remainingPagedResults": -1
2- Search ALL users
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
3- Read a specific user (pick up an _id from the Search ALL)
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
Returns for instance:
"uSNCreated": "479423",
"userAccountControl": 544,
"description": [
"Updated by Bob"
"uSNChanged": "1311154",
"modifyTimeStamp": "18/11/2014 15:45:31",
"streetAddress": null,
"homePhone": null,
"memberOf": [],
"postalCode": null,
"name": "Bob Fleming",
"scriptPath": null,
"badPasswordTime": "130596768837529400",
"title": null,
"employeeID": null,
"userPrincipalName": "",
"telephoneNumber": "0052-611-091",
"whenChanged": "18/11/2014 15:45:31",
"smartcardLogonRequired": false,
"initials": null,
"badPwdCount": "0",
"trustedForDelegation": false,
"employeeNumber": null,
"passwordNotRequired": true,
"lockoutTime": "0",
"whenCreated": "21/03/2013 15:58:14",
"displayName": null,
"allowReversiblePasswordEncryption": false,
"mail": "",
"homeDrive": null,
"manager": null,
"givenName": "Bob",
"passwordNeverExpires": false,
"accountExpirationDate": null,
"objectGUID": "eb9e36db-451e-43a7-97ce-f9d8c628eca0",
"createTimeStamp": "21/03/2013 15:58:14",
"division": null,
"distinguishedName": "CN=Bob Fleming,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
"lastLogon": "130596768978397647",
"cn": "Bob Fleming",
"sn": "Fleming",
"cannotChangePassword": false,
"homeDirectory": null,
"department": null,
"pwdLastSet": "130596776194502322",
"company": null,
"lastLogonTimestamp": "130595128752246642",
"logonCount": "54",
"sAMAccountName": "bob",
"_id": "eb9e36db-451e-43a7-97ce-f9d8c628eca0"
4 - Create a user
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request POST \
--data '{
"distinguishedName": "CN=OpenIDM Sample,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
"sn": "Sample",
"cn": "OpenIDM",
"sAMAccountName": "sample",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"passwordNeverExpires": true,
"__ENABLE__": true,
"__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd",
"telephoneNumber": "0052-611-091"
}' \
"_id": "76ea8c7a-fbe7-4926-8442-f99e9900e34c",
"accountExpirationDate": null,
"allowReversiblePasswordEncryption": false,
"badPasswordTime": "0",
"badPwdCount": "0",
"cannotChangePassword": false,
"cn": "OpenIDM",
"company": null,
"createTimeStamp": "18/11/2014 15:54:47",
"department": null,
"description": null,
"displayName": null,
"distinguishedName": "CN=OpenIDM,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
"division": null,
"employeeID": null,
"employeeNumber": null,
"givenName": null,
"homeDirectory": null,
"homeDrive": null,
"homePhone": null,
"initials": null,
"lastLogon": "0",
"logonCount": "0",
"manager": null,
"memberOf": [],
"modifyTimeStamp": "18/11/2014 15:54:47",
"name": "OpenIDM",
"objectGUID": "76ea8c7a-fbe7-4926-8442-f99e9900e34c",
"passwordNeverExpires": true,
"passwordNotRequired": false,
"postalCode": null,
"pwdLastSet": "130607960876320218",
"sAMAccountName": "sample",
"scriptPath": null,
"smartcardLogonRequired": false,
"sn": "Sample",
"streetAddress": null,
"telephoneNumber": "0052-611-091",
"title": null,
"trustedForDelegation": false,
"uSNChanged": "1311167",
"uSNCreated": "1311163",
"userAccountControl": 66048,
"userPrincipalName": "",
"whenChanged": "18/11/2014 15:54:47",
"whenCreated": "18/11/2014 15:54:47"
5 - Delete the created user
$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request DELETE \
"_id": "76ea8c7a-fbe7-4926-8442-f99e9900e34c"