* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
import groovy.sql.Sql
import org.forgerock.openicf.misc.scriptedcommon.MapFilterVisitor
import org.identityconnectors.common.logging.Log
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ObjectClass
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.OperationOptions
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SearchResult
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.filter.Filter
import java.sql.Connection
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field
def connection = connection as Connection
def options = options as OperationOptions
def objectClass = objectClass as ObjectClass
def filter = filter as Filter
def log = log as Log
def sql = new Sql(connection);
def where = " WHERE 1=1 ";
def whereParams = []
// Define audit specific object classes
def auditauthentication = new ObjectClass("auditauthentication")
def auditrecon = new ObjectClass("auditrecon")
def auditactivity = new ObjectClass("auditactivity")
def auditaccess = new ObjectClass("auditaccess")
def auditsync = new ObjectClass("auditsync")
def auditconfig = new ObjectClass("auditconfig")
// Use the specified _pagedResultsCookie to query based on
// activitydate and auto-incrememnt id
if (options.pagedResultsCookie != null) {
def cookieProps = options.pagedResultsCookie.split(",");
assert cookieProps.size() == 2
where = " WHERE activitydate >= ? AND id > ? "
whereParams = [ cookieProps[0], cookieProps[1].toInteger()]
// Default to order by id
def orderBy = ["id ASC"]
if (options.sortKeys != null && options.sortKeys.size() > 0) {
// Translate sortKeys to actual SQL columns
def orderByFieldMap = [
"__UID__" : "objectid",
"__NAME__": "objectid",
"timestamp" : "activitydate"
options.sortKeys.each {
def key = it.toString();
def field = key.substring(1,key.size())
if (orderByFieldMap[field]) {
field = orderByFieldMap[field]
if (key.substring(0,1) == "+") {
orderBy.add(field + " ASC")
} else {
orderBy.add(field + " DESC")
orderBy = " ORDER BY " + orderBy.join(",")
// Set LIMIT based on the specified _pageSize
def limit = ""
if (options.pageSize != null) {
limit = " LIMIT " + options.pageSize.toString()
// Set OFFSET based on the specified _pagedResultsOffset
if (options.pagedResultsOffset != null) {
limit += " OFFSET " + options.pagedResultsOffset.toString()
// Keep track of lastActivitydate and lastId so we can
// use it for the next request when performing paging
def lastActivitydate
def lastId
if (filter != null) {
def query = filter.accept(MapFilterVisitor.INSTANCE, null)
//Need to handle the __UID__ and __NAME__ in queries
def fieldMap = [
"__UID__" : "objectid",
"__NAME__": "objectid"
def whereTemplates = [
CONTAINS : '$left ${not ? "NOT " : ""}LIKE ?',
ENDSWITH : '$left ${not ? "NOT " : ""}LIKE ?',
STARTSWITH : '$left ${not ? "NOT " : ""}LIKE ?',
EQUALS : '${not ? "NOT " : ""} $left <=> ?',
GREATERTHAN : '$left ${not ? "<=" : ">"} ?',
GREATERTHANOREQUAL: '$left ${not ? "<" : ">="} ?',
LESSTHAN : '$left ${not ? ">=" : "<"} ?',
LESSTHANOREQUAL : '$left ${not ? ">" : "<="} ?'
// This closure function recurses through the (potentially complex) query
// object in order to build an equivalent SQL 'where' expression
def queryParser
queryParser = { queryObj ->
if (queryObj.operation == "OR" || queryObj.operation == "AND") {
return "(" + queryParser(queryObj.right) + " " + queryObj.operation + " " + queryParser(queryObj.left) + ")";
} else {
if (fieldMap[queryObj.get("left")]) {
queryObj.put("left", fieldMap[queryObj.get("left")]);
def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
def wt = whereTemplates.get(queryObj.get("operation"))
def binding = [left: queryObj.get("left"), not: queryObj.get("not")]
def template = engine.createTemplate(wt).make(binding)
if (queryObj.get("operation") == "CONTAINS") {
whereParams.push("%" + queryObj.get("right") + "%")
} else if (queryObj.get("operation") == "ENDSWITH") {
whereParams.push("%" + queryObj.get("right"))
} else if (queryObj.get("operation") == "STARTSWITH") {
whereParams.push(queryObj.get("right") + "%")
} else {
return template.toString()
where = where + " AND "+ queryParser(query)
log.ok("Search WHERE clause is: " + where)
log.info("Search: ObjectClass {0}, where {1}", objectClass, where);
def resultCount = 0
switch ( objectClass ) {
case auditaccess:
def dataCollector = [ uid: "" ]
def handleCollectedData = {
if (dataCollector.uid != "") {
handler {
uid dataCollector.uid
id dataCollector.id
attribute 'activitydate', dataCollector.activitydate
attribute 'transactionid', dataCollector.transactionid
attribute 'eventname', dataCollector.eventname
attribute 'trackingids', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.trackingids)?.getObject()
attribute 'server',
field("ip", dataCollector.server_ip),
field("port", dataCollector.server_port)
attribute 'client',
field("ip", dataCollector.client_ip),
field("port", dataCollector.client_port)
attribute 'userid', dataCollector.userid
attribute 'request',
field("protocol", dataCollector.request_protocol),
field("operation", dataCollector.request_operation),
field("detail", JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.request_detail)?.getObject())
attribute 'http',
field("request", JsonValueUtil.fromEntries(
field("secure", JsonValueUtil.booleanFromString(dataCollector.http_request_secure)),
field("method", dataCollector.http_request_method),
field("path", dataCollector.http_request_path),
field("queryParameters", JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.http_request_queryparameters)?.getObject()),
field("headers", JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.http_request_headers)?.getObject()),
field("cookies", JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.http_request_cookies)?.getObject())
field("response", JsonValueUtil.fromEntries(
field("headers", JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.http_response_headers)?.getObject())
attribute 'response',
field("status", dataCollector.response_status),
field("statusCode", dataCollector.response_statuscode),
field("elapsedTime", dataCollector.response_elapsedtime),
field("elaspesTimeUnits", dataCollector.response_elapsedtimeunits)
def statement = """
SELECT * FROM auditaccess ${where} ${orderBy} ${limit}
sql.eachRow(statement, whereParams, { row ->
if (dataCollector.uid != row.objectid) {
// process each row of the resultset
dataCollector = [
id : row.id as String,
uid : row.objectid,
activitydate : row.activitydate,
transactionid : row.transactionid,
eventname : row.eventname,
userid : row.userid,
trackingids : row.trackingids,
server_ip : row.server_ip,
server_port : row.server_port,
client_ip : row.client_ip,
client_port : row.client_port,
request_protocol : row.request_protocol,
request_operation : row.request_operation,
request_detail : row.request_detail,
http_request_secure : row.http_request_secure,
http_request_method : row.http_request_method,
http_request_path : row.http_request_path,
http_request_queryparameters : row.http_request_queryparameters,
http_request_headers : row.http_request_headers,
http_request_cookies : row.http_request_cookies,
http_response_headers : row.http_response_headers,
response_status : row.response_status,
response_statuscode : row.response_statuscode,
response_elapsedtime : row.response_elapsedtime,
response_elapsedtimeunits : row.response_elapsedtimeunits,
roles : row.roles
lastActivitydate = row.activitydate
lastId = row.id
case auditauthentication:
def dataCollector = [ uid: "" ]
def handleCollectedData = {
if (dataCollector.uid != "") {
handler {
uid dataCollector.uid
id dataCollector.id
attribute 'transactionid', dataCollector.transactionid
attribute 'activitydate', dataCollector.activitydate
attribute 'userid', dataCollector.userid
attribute 'eventname', dataCollector.eventname
attribute 'trackingids', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.trackingids)?.getObject()
attribute 'result', dataCollector.result
attribute 'principal', dataCollector.principals
attribute 'context',
attribute 'entries',
def statement = """
SELECT * FROM auditauthentication ${where} ${orderBy} ${limit}
sql.eachRow(statement, whereParams, { row ->
if (dataCollector.uid != row.objectid) {
// process each row of the resultset
dataCollector = [
id : row.id as String,
uid : row.objectid,
transactionid : row.transactionid,
activitydate : row.activitydate,
userid : row.userid,
eventname : row.eventname,
trackingids : row.trackingids,
result : row.result,
context : row.context,
entries : row.entries,
principal : row.principals
lastActivitydate = row.activitydate
lastId = row.id
case auditactivity:
def dataCollector = [ uid: "" ]
def handleCollectedData = {
if (dataCollector.uid != "") {
handler {
uid dataCollector.uid
id dataCollector.id
attribute 'activitydate', dataCollector.activitydate
attribute 'transactionid', dataCollector.transactionid
attribute 'eventname', dataCollector.eventname
attribute 'userid', dataCollector.userid
attribute 'runas', dataCollector.runas
attribute 'operation', dataCollector.operation
attribute 'subjectbefore', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.subjectbefore)?.getObject()
attribute 'subjectafter', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.subjectafter)?.getObject()
attribute 'changedfields',
attribute 'passwordchanged', JsonValueUtil.booleanFromString(dataCollector.passwordchanged)
attribute 'subjectrev', dataCollector.subjectrev
attribute 'message', dataCollector.message
attribute 'activityobjectid', dataCollector.activityobjectid
attribute 'status', dataCollector.status
attribute 'trackingids', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.trackingids)?.getObject()
def statement = """
SELECT * FROM auditactivity ${where} ${orderBy} ${limit}
sql.eachRow(statement, whereParams, { row ->
if (dataCollector.uid != row.objectid) {
// process each row of the resultset
dataCollector = [
id : row.id as String,
uid : row.objectid,
activitydate : row.activitydate,
transactionid : row.transactionid,
eventname : row.eventname,
userid : row.userid,
runas : row.runas,
operation : row.operation,
subjectbefore : row.subjectbefore,
subjectafter : row.subjectafter,
changedfields : row.changedfields,
passwordchanged : row.passwordchanged,
subjectrev : row.subjectrev,
message : row.message,
activityobjectid : row.activityobjectid,
status : row.status,
trackingids : row.trackingids
lastActivitydate = row.activitydate
lastId = row.id
case auditrecon:
def dataCollector = [ uid: "" ]
def handleCollectedData = {
if (dataCollector.uid != "") {
handler {
uid dataCollector.uid
id dataCollector.id
attribute 'transactionid', dataCollector.transactionid
attribute 'activitydate', dataCollector.activitydate
attribute 'eventname', dataCollector.eventname
attribute 'userid', dataCollector.userid
attribute 'trackingids', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.trackingids)?.getObject()
attribute 'activity', dataCollector.activity
attribute 'exceptiondetail', dataCollector.exceptiondetail
attribute 'linkqualifier', dataCollector.linkqualifier
attribute 'mapping', dataCollector.mapping
attribute 'message', dataCollector.message
attribute 'messagedetail',
attribute 'situation', dataCollector.situation
attribute 'sourceobjectid', dataCollector.sourceobjectid
attribute 'status', dataCollector.status
attribute 'targetobjectid', dataCollector.targetobjectid
attribute 'reconciling', dataCollector.reconciling
attribute 'ambiguoustargetobjectids', dataCollector.ambiguoustargetobjectids
attribute 'reconaction', dataCollector.reconaction
attribute 'entrytype', dataCollector.entrytype
attribute 'reconid', dataCollector.reconid
def statement = """
SELECT * FROM auditrecon ${where} ${orderBy} ${limit}
sql.eachRow(statement, whereParams, { row ->
if (dataCollector.uid != row.objectid) {
// process each row of the resultset
dataCollector = [
id : row.id as String,
uid : row.objectid,
transactionid : row.transactionid,
activitydate : row.activitydate,
eventname : row.eventname,
userid : row.userid,
trackingids : row.trackingids,
activity : row.activity,
exceptiondetail : row.exceptiondetail,
linkqualifier : row.linkqualifier,
mapping : row.mapping,
message : row.message,
messagedetail : row.messagedetail,
situation : row.situation,
sourceobjectid : row.sourceobjectid,
status : row.status,
targetobjectid : row.targetobjectid,
reconciling : row.reconciling,
ambiguoustargetobjectids : row.ambiguoustargetobjectids,
reconaction : row.reconaction,
entrytype : row.entrytype,
reconid : row.reconid
lastActivitydate = row.activitydate
lastId = row.id
case auditsync:
def dataCollector = [ uid: "" ]
def handleCollectedData = {
if (dataCollector.uid != "") {
handler {
uid dataCollector.uid
id dataCollector.id
attribute 'transactionid', dataCollector.transactionid
attribute 'activitydate', dataCollector.activitydate
attribute 'eventname', dataCollector.eventname
attribute 'userid', dataCollector.userid
attribute 'trackingids', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.trackingids)?.getObject()
attribute 'activity', dataCollector.activity
attribute 'exceptiondetail', dataCollector.exceptiondetail
attribute 'linkqualifier', dataCollector.linkqualifier
attribute 'mapping', dataCollector.mapping
attribute 'message', dataCollector.message
attribute 'messagedetail',
attribute 'situation', dataCollector.situation
attribute 'sourceobjectid', dataCollector.sourceobjectid
attribute 'status', dataCollector.status
attribute 'targetobjectid', dataCollector.targetobjectid
def statement = """
SELECT * FROM auditsync ${where} ${orderBy} ${limit}
sql.eachRow(statement, whereParams, { row ->
if (dataCollector.uid != row.objectid) {
// process each row of the resultset
dataCollector = [
id : row.id as String,
uid : row.objectid,
transactionid : row.transactionid,
activitydate : row.activitydate,
eventname : row.eventname,
userid : row.userid,
trackingids : row.trackingids,
activity : row.activity,
exceptiondetail : row.exceptiondetail,
linkqualifier : row.linkqualifier,
mapping : row.mapping,
message : row.message,
messagedetail : row.messagedetail,
situation : row.situation,
sourceobjectid : row.sourceobjectid,
status : row.status,
targetobjectid : row.targetobjectid ]
lastActivitydate = row.activitydate
lastId = row.id
case auditconfig:
def dataCollector = [ uid: "" ]
def handleCollectedData = {
if (dataCollector.uid != "") {
handler {
uid dataCollector.uid
id dataCollector.id
attribute 'activitydate', dataCollector.activitydate
attribute 'transactionid', dataCollector.transactionid
attribute 'eventname', dataCollector.eventname
attribute 'userid', dataCollector.userid
attribute 'runas', dataCollector.runas
attribute 'operation', dataCollector.operation
attribute 'beforeObject', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.subjectbefore)?.getObject()
attribute 'afterObject', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.subjectafter)?.getObject()
attribute 'changedfields',
attribute 'rev', dataCollector.subjectrev
attribute 'configobjectid', dataCollector.activityobjectid
attribute 'trackingids', JsonValueUtil.fromJsonString(dataCollector.trackingids)?.getObject()
def statement = """
SELECT * FROM auditconfig ${where} ${orderBy} ${limit}
sql.eachRow(statement, whereParams, { row ->
if (dataCollector.uid != row.objectid) {
// process each row of the resultset
dataCollector = [
id : row.id as String,
uid : row.objectid,
activitydate : row.activitydate,
transactionid : row.transactionid,
eventname : row.eventname,
userid : row.userid,
runas : row.runas,
operation : row.operation,
subjectbefore : row.beforeObject,
subjectafter : row.afterObject,
changedfields : row.changedfields,
subjectrev : row.rev,
activityobjectid : row.configobjectid,
trackingids : row.trackingids
lastActivitydate = row.activitydate
lastId = row.id
log.warn("Didn't match objectClass " + objectClass);
// If _pageSize has not been specified or if a custom _sortyKey has been
// specified return the default SearchResult object. We do not support
// paging with arbitrary sort keys.
if (options.sortKeys || limit.toString().isEmpty() || resultCount < options.pageSize) {
return new SearchResult();
return new SearchResult(lastActivitydate.toString() + "," + lastId.toString(), -1);