The subdirectories in this directory have samples for each supported backend RDMS for each of the following:
* DDL for creating the tables in the database
* repo.jdbc.json - query and table definition configuration for the repository service
* datasource.jdbc-default.json - default, pooled datasource configuration
In repo.jdbc.json, set the "useDataSource" parameter to the same configuration suffix as the database.jdbc-<suffix>.json
file. For example, to create a new datasource named "mypool", create the file database.jdbc-mypool.json and set
"useDataSource" : "mypool"
in repo.jdbc.json.
Multiple datasource configurations are used, but the repository will only use one of them.
Additionally, if you wish to configure a DataSource via JNDI, use this configuration:
"jndiName" : "java:comp/env/jdbc/MySQLDB",
"databaseName" : "openidm"
and change the jndiName to the appropriate JNDI name for your installation.
To use a custom OSGi bundle to provide the DataSource, use this configuration:
"osgiName" : "osgi:service/javax.sql.DataSource/(",
"databaseName" : "openidm"
and change the osgiName to the appropriate OsgiName string for your installation.