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package org.forgerock.openidm.util;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Random;
import org.testng.SkipException;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* The FileUtilTest does a performance comparison on the read[Large]File implementation.
public class FileUtilTest {
mkfile 1k text1k.txt
mkfile 8k text8k.txt
mkfile 96k text96k.txt
mkfile 1m text1m.txt
mkfile 10m text10m.txt
public void beforeClass() throws Exception {
if (null == FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text1k.txt") ||
null == FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text8k.txt") ||
null == FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text96k.txt") ||
null == FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text1m.txt") ||
null == FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text10m.txt")) {
throw new SkipException("Skipping FileUtil test because the missing test files.");
@Test(invocationCount = 4)
public void testReadLargeFile() throws Exception {
Random random = new Random(9999);
int iterations = 20;
long before = System.nanoTime();
URL testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text1k.txt");
File textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("1k: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text8k.txt");
textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("8k: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text96k.txt");
textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("96k: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text1m.txt");
textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("1m: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text10m.txt");
textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("10m: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
System.out.println("End testReadLargeFile");
private File uncacheFile(Random random, File textFile) {
//The OS will cache any file that was recently read.
File newFile = new File(textFile.getParentFile(), random.nextInt() + ".txt");
textFile = newFile;
return textFile;
@Test(invocationCount = 4)
public void testReadFile() throws Exception {
Random random = new Random(9999);
int iterations = 20;
long before = System.nanoTime();
URL testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text1k.txt");
File textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("1k: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text8k.txt");
textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("8k: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text96k.txt");
textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("96k: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text1m.txt");
textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("1m: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
testFile = FileUtilTest.class.getResource("/text10m.txt");
textFile = new File(testFile.toURI());
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
textFile = uncacheFile(random, textFile);
System.out.println("10m: " + ((System.nanoTime() - before) / 1000L / 1000L) + "ms");
textFile.renameTo(new File(testFile.toURI()));
System.out.println("End testReadFile");