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* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openidm.auth.modules;
import static org.forgerock.http.handler.HttpClientHandler.*;
import org.forgerock.caf.authentication.api.AsyncServerAuthModule;
import org.forgerock.http.apache.sync.SyncHttpClientProvider;
import org.forgerock.http.spi.Loader;
import org.forgerock.jaspi.modules.iwa.IWAModule;
import org.forgerock.jaspi.modules.openid.OpenIdConnectModule;
import org.forgerock.jaspi.modules.session.jwt.JwtSessionModule;
import org.forgerock.jaspi.modules.session.openam.OpenAMSessionModule;
import org.forgerock.openidm.auth.Authenticator;
import org.forgerock.openidm.auth.AuthenticatorFactory;
import org.forgerock.util.Options;
* Enum that represents all the core IDM Authentication modules.
public enum IDMAuthModule {
/** JWT Session Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return new JwtSessionModule();
/** OpenAM Session Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return new OpenAMSessionModule(
.set(OPTION_LOADER, new Loader() {
public <S> S load(Class<S> service, Options options) {
return service.cast(new SyncHttpClientProvider());
/** Client-cert Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return new ClientCertAuthModule();
/** Delegated auth module using an {@link Authenticator} */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return newInstance(authenticatorFactory, this);
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory, IDMAuthModule module) {
return new DelegatedAuthModule(authenticatorFactory, module);
/** Managed User Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return DELEGATED.newInstance(authenticatorFactory, this);
/** Internal User Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return DELEGATED.newInstance(authenticatorFactory, this);
/** Static User Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return DELEGATED.newInstance(authenticatorFactory, this);
/** Passthrough to OpenICF connector Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return DELEGATED.newInstance(authenticatorFactory, this);
/** IWA Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return new IWAModule();
/** OpenID Connect Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return new OpenIdConnectModule();
/** Trusted Request Attribute Auth Module. */
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory) {
return new TrustedRequestAttributeAuthModule();
public abstract AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory);
public AsyncServerAuthModule newInstance(AuthenticatorFactory authenticatorFactory, IDMAuthModule module) {
// ignore the module enum
return newInstance(authenticatorFactory);