* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information:
* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
package org.opends.server.util;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.opends.messages.Message;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* This class defines a set of tests for the
* {@link org.opends.server.util.LDIFReader} class.
public final class TestLDIFReader extends UtilTestCase {
// Top object class.
private ObjectClass OC_TOP;
// Person object class.
private ObjectClass OC_PERSON;
// Object class attribute type.
private AttributeType AT_OC;
// Common name attribute type.
private AttributeType AT_CN;
// Surname attribute type.
private AttributeType AT_SN;
// Description attribute type.
private AttributeType AT_DESCR;
// Telephone number attribute type.
private AttributeType AT_TELN;
// Temporary file containing an attribute value.
private File TEMP_FILE = null;
// Temporary file content.
private static final String TEMP_FILE_STRING = "hello world";
// Temporary file LDIF.
private static final String TEMP_FILE_LDIF = "dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n"
+ "changetype: add\n" + "objectClass: top\n"
+ "objectClass: person\n" + "cn: john\n" + "sn: smith\n"
+ "description:< file:///";
* String of valid LDIF change records.
* Take from example 6 in the LDIF RFC + a couple of additions.
private static final String VALID_LDIF = "version: 1\n"
+ "# Add a new entry\n"
+ "dn: cn=Fiona Jensen, ou=Marketing, dc=airius, dc=com\n"
+ "changetype: add\n"
+ "objectclass: top\n"
+ "objectclass: person\n"
+ "objectclass: organizationalPerson\n"
+ "cn: Fiona Jensen\n"
+ "sn: Jensen\n"
+ "uid: fiona\n"
+ "telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1212\n"
+ "\n"
+ "# Delete an existing entry\n"
+ "dn: cn=Robert Jensen, ou=Marketing, dc=airius, dc=com\n"
+ "changetype: delete\n"
+ "\n"
+ "# Modify an entry's relative distinguished name\n"
+ "dn: cn=Paul Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com\n"
+ "changetype: modrdn\n"
+ "newrdn: cn=Paula Jensen\n"
+ "deleteoldrdn: 1\n"
+ "\n"
+ "# Rename an entry and move all of its children to a new location in\n"
+ "# the directory tree (only implemented by LDAPv3 servers).\n"
+ "dn: ou=PD Accountants, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com\n"
+ "changetype: modrdn\n"
+ "newrdn: ou=Product Development Accountants\n"
+ "deleteoldrdn: 0\n"
+ "newsuperior: ou=Accounting, dc=airius, dc=com\n"
+ "\n"
+ "# Modify an entry: add an additional value to the postaladdress\n"
+ "# attribute, completely delete the description attribute, replace\n"
+ "# the telephonenumber attribute with two values, and delete a specific\n"
+ "# value from the facsimiletelephonenumber attribute\n"
+ "dn: cn=Paula Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com\n"
+ "changetype: modify\n"
+ "add: postaladdress\n"
+ "postaladdress: 123 Anystreet $ Sunnyvale, CA $ 94086\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "delete: description\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "replace: telephonenumber\n"
+ "telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1234\n"
+ "telephonenumber: +1 408 555 5678\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "delete: facsimiletelephonenumber\n"
+ "facsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 9876\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "\n"
+ "# Modify an entry: replace the postaladdress attribute with an empty\n"
+ "# set of values (which will cause the attribute to be removed), and\n"
+ "# delete the entire description attribute. Note that the first will\n"
+ "# always succeed, while the second will only succeed if at least\n"
+ "# one value for the description attribute is present.\n"
+ "dn: cn=Ingrid Jensen, ou=Product Support, dc=airius, dc=com\n"
+ "changetype: modify\n"
+ "replace: postaladdress\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "delete: description\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "\n"
+ "# Modify rootDSE.\n"
+ "dn: \n"
+ "changetype: modify\n"
+ "delete: description\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "\n"
+ "# Modify base64 DN.\n"
+ "dn:: dWlkPXJvZ2FzYXdhcmEsb3U95Za25qWt6YOoLG89QWlyaXVz\n"
+ "# dn:: uid=<uid>,ou=<JapaneseOU>,o=Airius\n"
+ "changetype:: bW9kaWZ5\n"
+ "delete: description\n"
+ "-\n"
+ "\n";
* Once-only initialization.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected error occurred.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// This test suite depends on having the schema available, so we'll
// start the server.
// Initialize schema bits.
OC_TOP = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass("top");
OC_PERSON = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass("person");
AT_OC = DirectoryServer.getObjectClassAttributeType();
AT_CN = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType("cn");
AT_SN = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType("sn");
AT_DESCR = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType("description");
AT_TELN = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType("telephonenumber");
// Create a temporary file containing an attribute value.
TEMP_FILE = File.createTempFile("tmp", "txt");
OutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new FileOutputStream(TEMP_FILE);
} finally {
if (out != null) {
* Once-only tear-down.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected error occurred.
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (TEMP_FILE != null) {
* Check the initial state of an LDIF reader.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testInitialState() throws Exception {
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader("");
try {
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesIgnored(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRead(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRejected(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getLastEntryLineNumber(), -1);
} finally {
* Attempt to read an entry from an empty LDIF stream.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testReadEntryEmptyStream() throws Exception {
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader("");
try {
Entry entry = reader.readEntry();
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesIgnored(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRead(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRejected(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getLastEntryLineNumber(), -1);
} finally {
* Attempt to read an entry from an empty LDIF stream containing just
* the LDIF version.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testReadEntryEmptyStream" })
public void testReadEntryEmptyStreamVersion() throws Exception {
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader("version: 1\n");
try {
Entry entry = reader.readEntry();
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesIgnored(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRead(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRejected(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getLastEntryLineNumber(), 1);
} finally {
* Attempt to read a change record from an empty LDIF stream.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testChangeRecordEmptyStream() throws Exception {
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader("");
try {
ChangeRecordEntry change = reader.readChangeRecord(true);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesIgnored(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRead(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRejected(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getLastEntryLineNumber(), -1);
} finally {
* Attempt to read a single entry.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testReadEntryEmptyStream" })
public void testReadEntrySingle() throws Exception {
final String ldifString = "dn: cn=john, dc=foo, dc=com\n"
+ "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "cn: john\n"
+ "sn: smith\n";
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader(ldifString);
try {
Entry entry = reader.readEntry();
Assert.assertEquals(entry.getDN(), DN
.decode("cn=john, dc=foo, dc=com"));
Assert.assertTrue(entry.hasValue(AT_CN, null, AttributeValues.create(
AT_CN, "john")));
Assert.assertTrue(entry.hasValue(AT_SN, null, AttributeValues.create(
AT_SN, "smith")));
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesIgnored(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRead(), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRejected(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getLastEntryLineNumber(), 1);
} finally {
* Attempt to read an entry containing a folded line.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testReadEntrySingle" })
public void testReadEntryFoldedLine() throws Exception {
final String ldifString = "dn: cn=john, dc=foo, dc=com\n"
+ "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "cn: john\n"
+ "sn: smith\n" + "description: once upon a time\n"
+ " in the west\n";
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader(ldifString);
try {
Entry entry = reader.readEntry();
Assert.assertTrue(entry.hasValue(AT_DESCR, null, AttributeValues.create(
AT_DESCR, "once upon a time in the west")));
} finally {
* Attempt to read an entry containing a base64 line.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testReadEntrySingle" })
public void testReadEntryBase64() throws Exception {
final String ldifString = "dn: cn=john, dc=foo, dc=com\n"
+ "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "cn: john\n"
+ "sn: smith\n"
+ "description:: b25jZSB1cG9uIGEgdGltZSBpbiB0aGUgd2VzdA==\n";
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader(ldifString);
try {
Entry entry = reader.readEntry();
Assert.assertTrue(entry.hasValue(AT_DESCR, null, AttributeValues.create(
AT_DESCR, "once upon a time in the west")));
} finally {
* Attempt to read multiple entries.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testReadEntrySingle" })
public void testReadEntryMultiple() throws Exception {
final String ldifString = "dn: cn=john, dc=foo, dc=com\n"
+ "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "cn: john\n"
+ "sn: smith\n" + "\n" + "dn: cn=anne, dc=foo, dc=com\n"
+ "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: person\n" + "cn: anne\n"
+ "sn: other\n" + "\n";
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader(ldifString);
try {
Entry entry = reader.readEntry();
Assert.assertEquals(entry.getDN(), DN
.decode("cn=anne, dc=foo, dc=com"));
Assert.assertTrue(entry.hasValue(AT_CN, null, AttributeValues.create(
AT_CN, "anne")));
Assert.assertTrue(entry.hasValue(AT_SN, null, AttributeValues.create(
AT_SN, "other")));
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesIgnored(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRead(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRejected(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getLastEntryLineNumber(), 7);
} finally {
* Attempt to read multiple changes.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testChangeRecordEmptyStream" })
public void testReadChangeMultiple() throws Exception {
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader(VALID_LDIF);
try {
ChangeRecordEntry change;
AddChangeRecordEntry add;
DeleteChangeRecordEntry delete;
ModifyChangeRecordEntry modify;
ModifyDNChangeRecordEntry modifyDN;
DN dn;
RDN rdn;
Iterator<RawModification> i;
Modification mod;
Attribute attr;
// Change record #1.
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof AddChangeRecordEntry);
add = (AddChangeRecordEntry) change;
dn = DN.decode("cn=Fiona Jensen, ou=Marketing, dc=airius, dc=com");
Assert.assertEquals(add.getDN(), dn);
List<Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(AT_OC, "objectclass");
builder.add(AttributeValues.create(AT_OC, "top"));
builder.add(AttributeValues.create(AT_OC, "person"));
builder.add(AttributeValues.create(AT_OC, "organizationalPerson"));
attrs.add(Attributes.create("cn", "Fiona Jensen"));
attrs.add(Attributes.create("sn", "Jensen"));
attrs.add(Attributes.create("uid", "fiona"));
attrs.add(Attributes.create("telephonenumber", "+1 408 555 1212"));
// Change record #2.
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof DeleteChangeRecordEntry);
delete = (DeleteChangeRecordEntry) change;
dn = DN.decode("cn=Robert Jensen, ou=Marketing, dc=airius, dc=com");
Assert.assertEquals(delete.getDN(), dn);
// Change record #3.
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof ModifyDNChangeRecordEntry);
modifyDN = (ModifyDNChangeRecordEntry) change;
dn = DN
.decode("cn=Paul Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com");
Assert.assertEquals(modifyDN.getDN(), dn);
rdn = RDN.decode("cn=paula jensen");
Assert.assertEquals(modifyDN.getNewRDN(), rdn);
// Change record #4.
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof ModifyDNChangeRecordEntry);
modifyDN = (ModifyDNChangeRecordEntry) change;
dn = DN
.decode("ou=PD Accountants, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com");
Assert.assertEquals(modifyDN.getDN(), dn);
rdn = RDN.decode("ou=Product Development Accountants");
Assert.assertEquals(modifyDN.getNewRDN(), rdn);
dn = DN.decode("ou=Accounting, dc=airius, dc=com");
Assert.assertEquals(modifyDN.getNewSuperiorDN(), dn);
// Change record #5.
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof ModifyChangeRecordEntry);
modify = (ModifyChangeRecordEntry) change;
dn = DN
.decode("cn=Paula Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com");
Assert.assertEquals(modify.getDN(), dn);
i = modify.getModifications().iterator();
mod = i.next().toModification();
Assert.assertEquals(mod.getModificationType(), ModificationType.ADD);
attr = Attributes.create("postaladdress",
"123 Anystreet $ Sunnyvale, CA $ 94086");
Assert.assertEquals(mod.getAttribute(), attr);
mod = i.next().toModification();
attr = Attributes.empty(AT_DESCR);
Assert.assertEquals(mod.getAttribute(), attr);
mod = i.next().toModification();
builder = new AttributeBuilder(AT_TELN, "telephonenumber");
builder.add(AttributeValues.create(AT_TELN, "+1 408 555 1234"));
builder.add(AttributeValues.create(AT_TELN, "+1 408 555 5678"));
Assert.assertEquals(mod.getAttribute(), builder.toAttribute());
mod = i.next().toModification();
attr = Attributes.create("facsimiletelephonenumber", "+1 408 555 9876");
Assert.assertEquals(mod.getAttribute(), attr);
// Change record #6.
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof ModifyChangeRecordEntry);
modify = (ModifyChangeRecordEntry) change;
dn = DN
.decode("cn=Ingrid Jensen, ou=Product Support, dc=airius, dc=com");
Assert.assertEquals(modify.getDN(), dn);
i = modify.getModifications().iterator();
mod = i.next().toModification();
attr = Attributes.empty(DirectoryServer
Assert.assertEquals(mod.getAttribute(), attr);
// Change record #7.
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof ModifyChangeRecordEntry);
modify = (ModifyChangeRecordEntry) change;
i = modify.getModifications().iterator();
mod = i.next().toModification();
attr = Attributes.empty(AT_DESCR);
Assert.assertEquals(mod.getAttribute(), attr);
// Change record #8.
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof ModifyChangeRecordEntry);
modify = (ModifyChangeRecordEntry) change;
dn = DN.decode("uid=rogasawara, ou=\u55b6\u696d\u90e8, o=airius");
Assert.assertEquals(modify.getDN(), dn);
i = modify.getModifications().iterator();
mod = i.next().toModification();
attr = Attributes.empty(AT_DESCR);
Assert.assertEquals(mod.getAttribute(), attr);
// Check final state.
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesIgnored(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRead(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRejected(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getLastEntryLineNumber(), 72);
} finally {
* Attempt to read multiple changes and rejects one.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testReadChangeMultiple" })
public void testReadChangeMultipleAndReject() throws Exception {
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader(VALID_LDIF);
try {
// Check final state.
Assert.assertEquals(reader.getEntriesRejected(), 2);
} finally {
* Attempt to read a change containing a file-based attribute.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testReadChangeMultiple" })
public void testReadChangeWithFileBaseAttribute() throws Exception {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(TEMP_FILE_LDIF);
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader(buffer.toString());
try {
ChangeRecordEntry change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
Assert.assertTrue(change instanceof AddChangeRecordEntry);
AddChangeRecordEntry add = (AddChangeRecordEntry) change;
DN dn = DN.decode("cn=john smith, dc=com");
Assert.assertEquals(add.getDN(), dn);
Attribute attr = Attributes.create("description", TEMP_FILE_STRING);
// Check final state.
} finally {
* LDIF change reader - invalid data provider.
* @return Returns an array of invalid LDIF change records.
@DataProvider(name = "invalidLDIFChangeRecords")
public Object[][] createInvalidLDIFChangeRecords() {
return new Object[][] {
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
": cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"x: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: foo\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn,=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"chaxxngetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: foo\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype:: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
": add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype:\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"xxxx\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n" +
"cn: john\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
": top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectclass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n" +
"description:: YnJva2VuIGJhc2U2NA*=="
"dn:: YnJva2VuIGJhc2U2NA*==" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectclass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn:: Y249YnJva2VuIGJhc2U2NCBkbix4" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectclass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectclass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n" +
"description:< brok@n:///bad/url"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: add\n" +
"objectclass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n" +
"description:< file:///bad/path/name"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: delete\n" +
"objectclass: top\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: john\n" +
"sn: smith\n" +
"description:< file:///bad/path/name"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: modrdn\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: modrdn\n" +
"newrdn: x\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: modrdn\n" +
"newrdn: cn=foo\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: modrdn\n" +
"newrdn: cn=foo\n" +
"deleteoldxx: xxx\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: modrdn\n" +
"newrdn: cn=foo\n" +
"deleteoldrdn: xxx\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: modrdn\n" +
"newrdn: cn=foo\n" +
"deleteoldrdn: 0\n" +
"newsu: xxxx\n"
"dn: cn=john smith, dc=com\n" +
"changetype: modrdn\n" +
"newrdn: cn=foo\n" +
"deleteoldrdn: 0\n" +
"newsuperior: xxxx\n"
* Tests the read change record method against invalid LDIF records.
* @param ldifString
* The invalid LDIF change record.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "invalidLDIFChangeRecords",
expectedExceptions = { LDIFException.class })
public void testReadChangeInvalidData(String ldifString) throws Exception {
LDIFReader reader = createLDIFReader(ldifString);
ChangeRecordEntry change = null;
try {
change = reader.readChangeRecord(false);
} finally {
Assert.fail("Expected exception but got result: "
+ change.getChangeOperationType() + " - " + change.getDN());
* Create an LDIF reader from a string of LDIF.
* @param ldifString
* The string of LDIF. *
* @return Returns the LDIF reader.
* @throws Exception
* If an error occurred.
private LDIFReader createLDIFReader(String ldifString) throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = StaticUtils.getBytes(ldifString);
LDIFReader reader = new LDIFReader(new LDIFImportConfig(
new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)));
return reader;