<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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<!-- Definition of Test Cases -->
<!--- Test Cases : Basic : Replication Operations -->
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Basic: replication operations
#@TestName Basic: replication operations
#@TestID basic_replication_operations_000
#@TestPurpose Preamble
#@TestPreamble Common Setup
#@TestStep Import sample data
#@TestPostamble Common Cleanup
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="basic_replication_operations_000" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Preamble')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
ldifTemplate = '%s/import_Entries_100k.template' % remote.temp
'Preamble: Stop DS running on port %s' % master.getPort()
<call function="'StopDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsHost' : masterHost,
'dsAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'dsBindDN' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsBindPwd' : master.getRootPwd() }
<!-- Check if 'ldifFile' exists -->
<call function="'GetEntry'">
'location' : masterHost ,
'entry' : ldifFile ,
'attribute' : 'TYPE'
<if expr="RC == 48">
'Preamble: File %s does not exist, create it' % ldifFile
'Preamble: Make an make-ldif template file'
<call function="'MakeAMakeLdifTemplate'">
'suffix' : synchroSuffix,
'numEntries' : numberOfEntries ,
'additionalAttributes' : True ,
'extraLine' : 'userpassword: password' ,
'templateFile' : ldifTemplate ,
'templateLocation' : masterHost
'Preamble: Make the ldif file'
<call function="'MakeLdifWithScript'">
'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'templateFile' : ldifTemplate ,
'ldifFile' : ldifFile
'Preamble: File %s exists, do nothing' % ldifFile
'Preamble: Import the ldif file'
<call function="'ImportLdifWithScript'">
'location' : masterHost ,
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'ldifFile' : ldifFile ,
'backEnd' : 'userRoot'
'Preamble: Start DS to run on port %s' % master.getPort()
<call function="'StartDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : masterHost,
'dsPath' : masterPath }
'Preamble: Perform the total update'
<call function="'initializeReplication'">
{ 'location' : clientHost,
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'sourceInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'sourceInstanceAdminPort' : master.getAdminPort(),
'replicationDnList' : [synchroSuffix]
'Preamble: Verify the tree synchronization'
<call function="'verifyTreesSdk'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Basic: replication operations
#@TestName Basic: replication operations
#@TestID basic_replication_operations_001
#@TestPurpose Verify basic LDAP modify operations
#@TestPreamble Common Setup
#@TestStep Run LDAP modify operations
#@TestPostamble Common Cleanup
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="basic_replication_operations_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('modrate')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'ModRate.' }
<timer duration="timerDuration">
<call function="'modRate'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '"uid=user.%s,ou=People,o=example"',
'extraParams' : '-g "rand(0,%s)" -g "randstr(40)" -c 10' % (numberOfEntries - 1),
'attribute' : 'description' ,
'formatString' : '"%s"',
'outputFile' : 'replication_modrate.res',
'outputPath' : remote.temp
<call function="'getFile'">
{ 'location' : masterHost ,
'filename' : '%s/replication_modrate.res' % remote.temp
import re
f=open('%s/replication_modrate.res' % remote.temp)
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.replace('\n','')
if re.search('^[0-9].*', line) is not None:
if line.split()[7] != '0.0':
<if expr="errorFound == False">
<tcstatus result="'pass'"/>
<message>'Error found during modrate'</message>
<tcstatus result="'fail'"/>
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Do search on the master.' }
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : synchroSuffix,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'dn'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Do search on the client.' }
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : clientHost,
'dsInstancePort' : client.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : client.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : client.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : synchroSuffix,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'dn'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Verify the tree synchronization.' }
<call function="'verifyTreesSdk'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<catch exception="'STAXException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: Test failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Basic: replication operations
#@TestName Basic: replication operations
#@TestID basic_replication_operations_002
#@TestPurpose Verify basic LDAP authentication operations
#@TestPreamble Common Setup
#@TestStep Run LDAP authentication operations
#@TestPostamble Common Cleanup
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="basic_replication_operations_002" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('addrate')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Addrate.' }
<timer duration="timerDuration">
<call function="'addRate'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'templateFile' : addTemplate,
'extraParams' : '-g "inc(%s,%s)" -g "randstr(5)" -g "randstr(5)" -g "randstr(5)" -g "randstr(5)" -m 100000' \
% (numberOfEntries, 2 * numberOfEntries),
'outputFile' : 'replication_addrate.res',
'outputPath' : remote.temp
<call function="'getFile'">
{ 'location' : masterHost ,
'filename' : '%s/replication_addrate.res' % remote.temp
import re
f=open('%s/replication_addrate.res' % remote.temp)
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.replace('\n','')
if re.search('^[0-9].*', line) is not None:
if line.split()[7] != '0.0':
<if expr="errorFound == False">
<tcstatus result="'pass'"/>
<message>'Error found during addrate'</message>
<tcstatus result="'fail'"/>
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Do search on the master and check number of entries.' }
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'dsCountEntries' : 'True' ,
'dsBaseDN' : synchroSuffix,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'dn',
'outputFile' : 'ldapsearch_add_master.out' ,
'outputPath' : remote.temp
<call function="'grep'">
'filename' : '%s/ldapsearch_add_master.out' % remote.temp ,
'testString': 'Total number of matching entries: 200002'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Do search on the client and check number of entries.' }
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : clientHost,
'dsInstancePort' : client.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : client.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : client.getRootPwd(),
'dsCountEntries' : 'True' ,
'dsBaseDN' : synchroSuffix,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'dn',
'outputFile' : 'ldapsearch_add_client.out' ,
'outputPath' : remote.temp
<call function="'grep'">
'filename' : '%s/ldapsearch_add_client.out' % remote.temp ,
'testString': 'Total number of matching entries: 200002'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Verify the tree synchronization.' }
<call function="'verifyTreesSdk'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<catch exception="'STAXException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: Test failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Basic: replication operations
#@TestName Basic: replication operations
#@TestID basic_replication_operations_003
#@TestPurpose Verify basic LDAP search operations
#@TestPreamble Common Setup
#@TestStep Run LDAP search operations
#@TestPostamble Common Cleanup
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="basic_replication_operations_003" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('delrate')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'DelRate.' }
<timer duration="timerDuration">
<call function="'delRate'">
{ 'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'dsBaseDN' : '"uid=user.%s,ou=People,o=example"',
'extraParams' : '-g "inc(0,%s)" -m 100000' % (numberOfEntries - 1),
'outputFile' : 'replication_delrate.res',
'outputPath' : remote.temp
<call function="'getFile'">
{ 'location' : masterHost ,
'filename' : '%s/replication_delrate.res' % remote.temp
import re
f=open('%s/replication_delrate.res' % remote.temp)
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.replace('\n','')
if re.search('^[0-9].*', line) is not None:
if line.split()[7] != '0.0':
<if expr="errorFound == False">
<tcstatus result="'pass'"/>
<message>'Error found during delrate'</message>
<tcstatus result="'fail'"/>
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Do search on the master and check number of entries.' }
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
'dsPath' : masterPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : masterHost,
'dsInstancePort' : master.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : master.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : master.getRootPwd(),
'dsCountEntries' : 'True' ,
'dsBaseDN' : synchroSuffix,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'dn',
'outputFile' : 'ldapsearch_del_master.out' ,
'outputPath' : remote.temp
<call function="'grep'">
'filename' : '%s/ldapsearch_del_master.out' % remote.temp ,
'testString': 'Total number of matching entries: 100002'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Do search on the client and check number of entries.' }
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
'dsPath' : clientPath,
'dsInstanceHost' : clientHost,
'dsInstancePort' : client.getPort(),
'dsInstanceDn' : client.getRootDn(),
'dsInstancePswd' : client.getRootPwd(),
'dsCountEntries' : 'True' ,
'dsBaseDN' : synchroSuffix,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : 'dn',
'outputFile' : 'ldapsearch_del_client.out' ,
'outputPath' : remote.temp
<call function="'grep'">
'filename' : '%s/ldapsearch_del_client.out' % remote.temp ,
'testString': 'Total number of matching entries: 100002'
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Verify the tree synchronization.' }
<call function="'verifyTreesSdk'">
[ clientHost, clientPath, master, consumerList, synchroSuffix ]
<catch exception="'STAXException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: Test failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>