<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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<defaultcall function="import_ldif_setup"/>
<function name="import_ldif_setup">
<function-arg-def name="startDS" type="optional" default="True">
Optional start the Directory Server
<function-arg-property name="type" value="boolean"/>
<function-arg-def name="loadBackend" type="optional" default="False">
Specifies whether the backend should be loaded with some data.
<function-arg-property name="type" value="boolean"/>
<block name="'setup'">
<!-- Create the topology necessary to the test group/suite -->
<block name="'Block Create DS Topology'">
'Create DS topology as described in config.py'
<call function="'createTopology'">
{ 'initialiseInstance' : True }
<call function="'checkRC'">
{ 'returncode' : RC ,
'result' : STAXResult }
<!-- Load the data needed by the test suite -->
<if expr="loadBackend == True">
<block name="'Block DS Load Data'">
'Import Ldif: Small Initial Import'
<call function="'ImportLdifWithScript'">
{ 'ldifFile' : '%s/import_ldif/import_ldif_start.ldif' \
% remote.data }
<!--- Start DS -->
<if expr="startDS == True">
<block name="'Block DS Start'">
'Start DS to run on port %s' % DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_PORT
<call function="'StartDsWithScript'">
{ 'location' : STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME }
<!--- Check that DS started -->
<call function="'isAlive'">
{ 'noOfLoops' : 10 ,
'noOfMilliSeconds' : 2000 }