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<title>About OpenDJ Directory Server</title>
<author email="opendj-dev@forgerock.org">ForgeRock AS</author>
<section name="About OpenDJ Directory Server">
OpenDJ is an LDAPv3 compliant directory service, developed for the Java
platform, providing a high performance, highly available, and secure
store for the identities managed by your organization. Its easy
installation process, combined with the power of the Java platform makes
OpenDJ the simplest, fastest directory to deploy and manage.
<section name="Get the OpenDJ Directory Server">
You can obtain the OpenDJ Directory Server using any of the following
<subsection name="Download">
By far the simplest method is to download a snapshot directly from the
ForgeRock Maven
or a supported build from the ForgeRock
<a href="https://download.forgerock.com/#/opendj">download</a>
<subsection name="Build">
For the DIY enthusiasts you can build it yourself by checking out the
latest code using
<a href="source-repository.html">Subversion</a>
and building it with Ant or Maven 3.
<section name="Getting started">
Once you have obtained a copy of the OpenDJ Directory Server, read the
<a href="/doc/bootstrap/install-guide/index.html">Installation Guide</a>
for further instructions.