* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2008-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.workflowelement.localbackend;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.opends.messages.Message;
import org.opends.messages.MessageDescriptor;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.ConfigurationChangeListener;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.ServerManagementContext;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.BackendCfg;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.LocalBackendWorkflowElementCfg;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.RootCfg;
import org.opends.server.api.Backend;
import org.opends.server.config.ConfigException;
import org.opends.server.controls.LDAPPostReadRequestControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.LDAPPostReadResponseControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.LDAPPreReadRequestControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.LDAPPreReadResponseControl;
import org.opends.server.core.*;
import org.opends.server.loggers.debug.DebugTracer;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
import org.opends.server.workflowelement.LeafWorkflowElement;
import static org.opends.messages.CoreMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.loggers.debug.DebugLogger.*;
* This class defines a local backend workflow element; e-g an entity that
* handle the processing of an operation against a local backend.
public class LocalBackendWorkflowElement extends
implements ConfigurationChangeListener<LocalBackendWorkflowElementCfg>
* The tracer object for the debug logger.
private static final DebugTracer TRACER = getTracer();
/** the backend associated with the local workflow element. */
private Backend<?> backend;
/** the set of local backend workflow elements registered with the server. */
private static TreeMap<String, LocalBackendWorkflowElement>
registeredLocalBackends =
new TreeMap<String, LocalBackendWorkflowElement>();
* A lock to guarantee safe concurrent access to the registeredLocalBackends
* variable.
private static final Object registeredLocalBackendsLock = new Object();
/** A string indicating the type of the workflow element. */
private static final String BACKEND_WORKFLOW_ELEMENT = "Backend";
* Creates a new instance of the local backend workflow element.
public LocalBackendWorkflowElement()
// There is nothing to do in this constructor.
* Initializes a new instance of the local backend workflow element.
* This method is intended to be called by DirectoryServer when
* workflow configuration mode is auto as opposed to
* initializeWorkflowElement which is invoked when workflow
* configuration mode is manual.
* @param workflowElementID the workflow element identifier
* @param backend the backend associated to that workflow element
private void initialize(String workflowElementID, Backend<?> backend)
super.initialize(workflowElementID, BACKEND_WORKFLOW_ELEMENT);
this.backend = backend;
if (this.backend != null)
* Initializes a new instance of the local backend workflow element.
* This method is intended to be called by DirectoryServer when
* workflow configuration mode is manual as opposed to
* initialize(String,Backend) which is invoked when workflow
* configuration mode is auto.
* @param configuration The configuration for this local backend
* workflow element.
* @throws ConfigException If there is a problem with the provided
* configuration.
* @throws InitializationException If an error occurs while trying
* to initialize this workflow
* element that is not related to
* the provided configuration.
public void initializeWorkflowElement(
LocalBackendWorkflowElementCfg configuration
) throws ConfigException, InitializationException
// Read configuration and apply changes.
processWorkflowElementConfig(configuration, true);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void finalizeWorkflowElement()
// null all fields so that any use of the finalized object will raise a NPE
super.initialize(null, null);
backend = null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable(
LocalBackendWorkflowElementCfg configuration,
List<Message> unacceptableReasons
return processWorkflowElementConfig(configuration, false);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationChange(
LocalBackendWorkflowElementCfg configuration
processWorkflowElementConfig(configuration, true);
return new ConfigChangeResult(ResultCode.SUCCESS, false,
new ArrayList<Message>());
* Parses the provided configuration and configure the workflow element.
* @param configuration The new configuration containing the changes.
* @param applyChanges If true then take into account the new configuration.
* @return <code>true</code> if the configuration is acceptable.
private boolean processWorkflowElementConfig(
LocalBackendWorkflowElementCfg configuration,
boolean applyChanges
// returned status
boolean isAcceptable = true;
// If the workflow element is disabled then do nothing. Note that the
// configuration manager could have finalized the object right before.
if (configuration.isEnabled())
// Read configuration.
String newBackendID = configuration.getBackend();
Backend<?> newBackend = DirectoryServer.getBackend(newBackendID);
// If the backend is null (i.e. not found in the list of
// registered backends, this is probably because we are looking
// for the config backend
if (newBackend == null) {
ServerManagementContext context = ServerManagementContext.getInstance();
RootCfg root = context.getRootConfiguration();
try {
BackendCfg backendCfg = root.getBackend(newBackendID);
if (backendCfg.getBaseDN().contains(DN.decode(DN_CONFIG_ROOT))) {
newBackend = DirectoryServer.getConfigHandler();
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Unable to find the backend
newBackend = null;
// Get the new configuration
if (applyChanges)
backend = newBackend;
if (backend != null)
return isAcceptable;
* Creates and registers a local backend with the server.
* @param workflowElementID the identifier of the workflow element to create
* @param backend the backend to associate with the local backend
* workflow element
* @return the existing local backend workflow element if it was
* already created or a newly created local backend workflow
* element.
public static LocalBackendWorkflowElement createAndRegister(
String workflowElementID, Backend<?> backend)
// If the requested workflow element does not exist then create one.
LocalBackendWorkflowElement localBackend =
if (localBackend == null)
localBackend = new LocalBackendWorkflowElement();
localBackend.initialize(workflowElementID, backend);
// store the new local backend in the list of registered backends
return localBackend;
* Removes a local backend that was registered with the server.
* @param workflowElementID the identifier of the workflow element to remove
public static void remove(String workflowElementID)
* Removes all the local backends that were registered with the server.
* This function is intended to be called when the server is shutting down.
public static void removeAll()
synchronized (registeredLocalBackendsLock)
for (LocalBackendWorkflowElement localBackend:
* Removes all the disallowed request controls from the provided operation.
* <p>
* As per RFC 4511 4.1.11, if a disallowed request control is critical, then a
* DirectoryException is thrown with unavailableCriticalExtension. Otherwise,
* if the disallowed request control is non critical, it is removed because we
* do not want the backend to process it.
* @param targetDN
* the target DN on which the operation applies
* @param op
* the operation currently processed
* @throws DirectoryException
* If a disallowed request control is critical, thrown with
* unavailableCriticalExtension. If an error occurred while
* performing the access control check. For example, if an attribute
* could not be decoded. Care must be taken not to expose any
* potentially sensitive information in the exception.
static void removeAllDisallowedControls(DN targetDN, Operation op)
throws DirectoryException
final List<Control> requestControls = op.getRequestControls();
if (requestControls != null && !requestControls.isEmpty())
for (Iterator<Control> iter = requestControls.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
final Control control = iter.next();
if (!AccessControlConfigManager.getInstance().getAccessControlHandler()
.isAllowed(targetDN, op, control))
// As per RFC 4511 4.1.11.
if (control.isCritical())
throw new DirectoryException(
// We do not want the backend to process this non-critical control, so
// remove it.
* Returns a new {@link DirectoryException} built from the provided
* resultCodes and messages. Depending on whether ACIs prevent information
* disclosure, the provided resultCode and message will be masked and
* altResultCode and altMessage will be used instead.
* @param operation
* the operation for which to check if ACIs prevent information
* disclosure
* @param entry
* the entry for which to check if ACIs prevent information
* disclosure, if null, then a fake entry will be created from the
* entryDN parameter
* @param entryDN
* the entry dn for which to check if ACIs prevent information
* disclosure. Only used if entry is null.
* @param resultCode
* the result code to put on the DirectoryException if ACIs allow
* disclosure. Otherwise it will be put on the DirectoryException as
* a masked result code.
* @param message
* the message to put on the DirectoryException if ACIs allow
* disclosure. Otherwise it will be put on the DirectoryException as
* a masked message.
* @param altResultCode
* the result code to put on the DirectoryException if ACIs do not
* allow disclosing the resultCode.
* @param altMessage
* the result code to put on the DirectoryException if ACIs do not
* allow disclosing the message.
* @return a new DirectoryException containing the provided resultCodes and
* messages depending on ACI allowing disclosure or not
* @throws DirectoryException
* If an error occurred while performing the access control check.
static DirectoryException newDirectoryException(Operation operation,
Entry entry, DN entryDN, ResultCode resultCode, Message message,
ResultCode altResultCode, Message altMessage) throws DirectoryException
if (AccessControlConfigManager.getInstance().getAccessControlHandler()
.canDiscloseInformation(entry, entryDN, operation))
return new DirectoryException(resultCode, message);
// replacement reason returned to the user
final DirectoryException ex =
new DirectoryException(altResultCode, altMessage);
// real underlying reason
return ex;
* Sets the provided resultCodes and messages on the provided operation.
* Depending on whether ACIs prevent information disclosure, the provided
* resultCode and message will be masked and altResultCode and altMessage will
* be used instead.
* @param operation
* the operation for which to check if ACIs prevent information
* disclosure
* @param entry
* the entry for which to check if ACIs prevent information
* disclosure, if null, then a fake entry will be created from the
* entryDN parameter
* @param entryDN
* the entry dn for which to check if ACIs prevent information
* disclosure. Only used if entry is null.
* @param resultCode
* the result code to put on the DirectoryException if ACIs allow
* disclosure. Otherwise it will be put on the DirectoryException as
* a masked result code.
* @param message
* the message to put on the DirectoryException if ACIs allow
* disclosure. Otherwise it will be put on the DirectoryException as
* a masked message.
* @param altResultCode
* the result code to put on the DirectoryException if ACIs do not
* allow disclosing the resultCode.
* @param altMessage
* the result code to put on the DirectoryException if ACIs do not
* allow disclosing the message.
* @throws DirectoryException
* If an error occurred while performing the access control check.
static void setResultCodeAndMessageNoInfoDisclosure(Operation operation,
Entry entry, DN entryDN, ResultCode resultCode, Message message,
ResultCode altResultCode, Message altMessage) throws DirectoryException
if (AccessControlConfigManager.getInstance().getAccessControlHandler()
.canDiscloseInformation(entry, entryDN, operation))
// replacement reason returned to the user
// real underlying reason
* Removes the matchedDN from the supplied operation if ACIs prevent its
* disclosure.
* @param operation
* where to filter the matchedDN from
static void filterNonDisclosableMatchedDN(Operation operation)
if (operation.getMatchedDN() == null)
if (!AccessControlConfigManager.getInstance().getAccessControlHandler()
.canDiscloseInformation(null, operation.getMatchedDN(), operation))
catch (DirectoryException de)
if (debugEnabled())
TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de);
// At this point it is impossible to tell whether the matchedDN can be
// disclosed. It is probably safer to hide it by default.
* Adds the post-read response control to the response if requested.
* @param operation
* The update operation.
* @param postReadRequest
* The request control, if present.
* @param entry
* The post-update entry.
static void addPostReadResponse(final Operation operation,
final LDAPPostReadRequestControl postReadRequest, final Entry entry)
if (postReadRequest == null)
* Virtual and collective attributes are only added to an entry when it is
* read from the backend, not before it is written, so we need to add them
* ourself.
final Entry fullEntry = entry.duplicate(true);
* Even though the associated update succeeded, we should still check
* whether or not we should return the entry.
final SearchResultEntry unfilteredSearchEntry = new SearchResultEntry(
fullEntry, null);
if (AccessControlConfigManager.getInstance().getAccessControlHandler()
.maySend(operation, unfilteredSearchEntry))
// Filter the entry based on the control's attribute list.
final Entry filteredEntry = fullEntry.filterEntry(
postReadRequest.getRequestedAttributes(), false, false, false);
final SearchResultEntry filteredSearchEntry = new SearchResultEntry(
filteredEntry, null);
// Strip out any attributes which access control denies access to.
.filterEntry(operation, unfilteredSearchEntry, filteredSearchEntry);
final LDAPPostReadResponseControl responseControl =
new LDAPPostReadResponseControl(filteredSearchEntry);
* Adds the pre-read response control to the response if requested.
* @param operation
* The update operation.
* @param preReadRequest
* The request control, if present.
* @param entry
* The pre-update entry.
static void addPreReadResponse(final Operation operation,
final LDAPPreReadRequestControl preReadRequest, final Entry entry)
if (preReadRequest == null)
* Even though the associated update succeeded, we should still check
* whether or not we should return the entry.
final SearchResultEntry unfilteredSearchEntry = new SearchResultEntry(
entry, null);
if (AccessControlConfigManager.getInstance().getAccessControlHandler()
.maySend(operation, unfilteredSearchEntry))
// Filter the entry based on the control's attribute list.
final Entry filteredEntry = entry.filterEntry(
preReadRequest.getRequestedAttributes(), false, false, false);
final SearchResultEntry filteredSearchEntry = new SearchResultEntry(
filteredEntry, null);
// Strip out any attributes which access control denies access to.
.filterEntry(operation, unfilteredSearchEntry, filteredSearchEntry);
final LDAPPreReadResponseControl responseControl =
new LDAPPreReadResponseControl(filteredSearchEntry);
* Registers a local backend with the server.
* @param localBackend the local backend to register with the server
private static void registerLocalBackend(
LocalBackendWorkflowElement localBackend)
synchronized (registeredLocalBackendsLock)
String localBackendID = localBackend.getWorkflowElementID();
LocalBackendWorkflowElement existingLocalBackend =
if (existingLocalBackend == null)
TreeMap<String, LocalBackendWorkflowElement> newLocalBackends =
new TreeMap
<String, LocalBackendWorkflowElement>(registeredLocalBackends);
newLocalBackends.put(localBackendID, localBackend);
registeredLocalBackends = newLocalBackends;
* Deregisters a local backend with the server.
* @param workflowElementID the identifier of the workflow element to remove
private static void deregisterLocalBackend(String workflowElementID)
synchronized (registeredLocalBackendsLock)
LocalBackendWorkflowElement existingLocalBackend =
if (existingLocalBackend != null)
TreeMap<String, LocalBackendWorkflowElement> newLocalBackends =
new TreeMap<String, LocalBackendWorkflowElement>(
registeredLocalBackends = newLocalBackends;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void execute(Operation operation) throws CanceledOperationException {
switch (operation.getOperationType())
case BIND:
LocalBackendBindOperation bindOperation =
new LocalBackendBindOperation((BindOperation) operation);
case SEARCH:
LocalBackendSearchOperation searchOperation =
new LocalBackendSearchOperation((SearchOperation) operation);
case ADD:
LocalBackendAddOperation addOperation =
new LocalBackendAddOperation((AddOperation) operation);
case DELETE:
LocalBackendDeleteOperation deleteOperation =
new LocalBackendDeleteOperation((DeleteOperation) operation);
case MODIFY:
LocalBackendModifyOperation modifyOperation =
new LocalBackendModifyOperation((ModifyOperation) operation);
LocalBackendModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation =
new LocalBackendModifyDNOperation((ModifyDNOperation) operation);
LocalBackendCompareOperation compareOperation =
new LocalBackendCompareOperation((CompareOperation) operation);
// There is no processing for an abandon operation.
throw new AssertionError("Attempted to execute an invalid operation " +
"type: " + operation.getOperationType() +
" (" + operation + ")");
* Attaches the current local operation to the global operation so that
* operation runner can execute local operation post response later on.
* @param <O> subtype of Operation
* @param <L> subtype of LocalBackendOperation
* @param globalOperation the global operation to which local operation
* should be attached to
* @param currentLocalOperation the local operation to attach to the global
* operation
public static <O extends Operation,L> void
attachLocalOperation (O globalOperation, L currentLocalOperation)
List<?> existingAttachment =
(List<?>) globalOperation.getAttachment(Operation.LOCALBACKENDOPERATIONS);
List<L> newAttachment = new ArrayList<L>();
if (existingAttachment != null)
// This line raises an unchecked conversion warning.
// There is nothing we can do to prevent this warning
// so let's get rid of it since we know the cast is safe.
newAttachment.addAll ((List<L>) existingAttachment);
newAttachment.add (currentLocalOperation);
* Gets the backend associated with this local backend workflow
* element.
* @return The backend associated with this local backend workflow
* element.
public Backend<?> getBackend()
return backend;
* Checks if an update operation can be performed against a backend. The
* operation will be rejected based on the server and backend writability
* modes.
* @param backend
* The backend handling the update.
* @param op
* The update operation.
* @param entryDN
* The name of the entry being updated.
* @param serverMsg
* The message to log if the update was rejected because the server
* is read-only.
* @param backendMsg
* The message to log if the update was rejected because the backend
* is read-only.
* @throws DirectoryException
* If the update operation has been rejected.
static void checkIfBackendIsWritable(Backend<?> backend, Operation op,
DN entryDN, MessageDescriptor.Arg1<CharSequence> serverMsg,
MessageDescriptor.Arg1<CharSequence> backendMsg)
throws DirectoryException
if (!backend.isPrivateBackend())
switch (DirectoryServer.getWritabilityMode())
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
if (!(op.isInternalOperation() || op.isSynchronizationOperation()))
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
switch (backend.getWritabilityMode())
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
if (!(op.isInternalOperation() || op.isSynchronizationOperation()))
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName()
+ " backend=" + backend
+ " workflowElementID=" + getWorkflowElementID()
+ " workflowElementTypeInfo=" + getWorkflowElementTypeInfo();