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* Copyright 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2012 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.extensions;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import org.opends.server.api.ClientConnection;
* This class implements a SASL byte channel that can be used during
* confidentiality and integrity.
public final class SASLByteChannel implements ConnectionSecurityProvider
* Private implementation.
private final class ByteChannelImpl implements ByteChannel
* {@inheritDoc}
public void close() throws IOException
synchronized (readLock)
synchronized (writeLock)
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isOpen()
return saslContext != null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int read(final ByteBuffer unwrappedData) throws IOException
synchronized (readLock)
// Only read and unwrap new data if needed.
if (!recvUnwrappedBuffer.hasRemaining())
final int read = doRecvAndUnwrap();
if (read <= 0)
// No data read or end of stream.
return read;
// Copy available data.
final int startPos = unwrappedData.position();
if (recvUnwrappedBuffer.remaining() > unwrappedData.remaining())
// Unwrapped data does not fit in client buffer so copy one byte at a
// time: it's annoying that there is no easy way to do this with
// ByteBuffers.
while (unwrappedData.hasRemaining())
// Unwrapped data fits client buffer so block copy.
return unwrappedData.position() - startPos;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int write(final ByteBuffer unwrappedData) throws IOException
// This method will block until the entire message is sent.
final int bytesWritten = unwrappedData.remaining();
// Synchronized in order to prevent interleaving and reordering.
synchronized (writeLock)
// Write data in sendBufferSize segments.
while (unwrappedData.hasRemaining())
final int remaining = unwrappedData.remaining();
final int wrapSize = (remaining < sendUnwrappedBufferSize) ? remaining
: sendUnwrappedBufferSize;
final byte[] wrappedDataBytes;
if (unwrappedData.hasArray())
// Avoid extra copy if ByteBuffer is array based.
wrappedDataBytes = saslContext.wrap(unwrappedData.array(),
unwrappedData.arrayOffset() + unwrappedData.position(),
// Non-array based ByteBuffer, so copy.
unwrappedData.get(sendUnwrappedBytes, 0, wrapSize);
wrappedDataBytes = saslContext
.wrap(sendUnwrappedBytes, 0, wrapSize);
unwrappedData.position(unwrappedData.position() + wrapSize);
// Encode SASL packet: 4 byte length + wrapped data.
if (sendWrappedBuffer.capacity() < wrappedDataBytes.length + 4)
// Resize the send buffer.
sendWrappedBuffer =
ByteBuffer.allocate(wrappedDataBytes.length + 4);
// Write the SASL packet: our IO stack will block until all the data
// is written.
return bytesWritten;
// Attempt to read and unwrap the next SASL packet.
private int doRecvAndUnwrap() throws IOException
// Read SASL packets until some unwrapped data is produced or no more
// data is available on the underlying channel.
while (true)
// Read the wrapped packet length first.
if (recvWrappedLength < 0)
// The channel read may only partially fill the buffer due to
// buffering in the underlying channel layer (e.g. SSL layer), so
// repeatedly read until the length has been read or we are sure
// that we are unable to proceed.
while (recvWrappedLengthBuffer.hasRemaining())
final int read = channel.read(recvWrappedLengthBuffer);
if (read <= 0)
// Not enough data available or end of stream.
return read;
// Decode the length and reset the length buffer.
recvWrappedLength = recvWrappedLengthBuffer.getInt();
// Check that the length is valid.
if (recvWrappedLength > recvWrappedBufferMaximumSize)
throw new IOException(
"Client sent a SASL packet specifying a length "
+ recvWrappedLength
+ " which exceeds the negotiated limit of "
+ recvWrappedBufferMaximumSize);
if (recvWrappedLength < 0)
throw new IOException(
"Client sent a SASL packet specifying a negative length "
+ recvWrappedLength);
// Prepare the recv buffer for reading.
// Read the wrapped packet data.
// The channel read may only partially fill the buffer due to
// buffering in the underlying channel layer (e.g. SSL layer), so
// repeatedly read until the data has been read or we are sure
// that we are unable to proceed.
while (recvWrappedBuffer.hasRemaining())
final int read = channel.read(recvWrappedBuffer);
if (read <= 0)
// Not enough data available or end of stream.
return read;
// The complete packet has been read, so unwrap it.
final byte[] unwrappedDataBytes = saslContext.unwrap(
recvWrappedBuffer.array(), 0, recvWrappedLength);
recvWrappedLength = -1;
// Only return the unwrapped data if it was non-empty, otherwise try to
// read another SASL packet.
if (unwrappedDataBytes.length > 0)
recvUnwrappedBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(unwrappedDataBytes);
return recvUnwrappedBuffer.remaining();
* Return a SASL byte channel instance created using the specified parameters.
* @param c
* A client connection associated with the instance.
* @param name
* The name of the instance (SASL mechanism name).
* @param context
* A SASL context associated with the instance.
* @return A SASL byte channel.
public static SASLByteChannel getSASLByteChannel(final ClientConnection c,
final String name, final SASLContext context)
return new SASLByteChannel(c, name, context);
private final String name;
private final ByteChannel channel;
private final ByteChannelImpl pimpl = new ByteChannelImpl();
private final SASLContext saslContext;
private ByteBuffer recvUnwrappedBuffer;
private final ByteBuffer recvWrappedBuffer;
private final int recvWrappedBufferMaximumSize;
private int recvWrappedLength = -1;
private final ByteBuffer recvWrappedLengthBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
private final int sendUnwrappedBufferSize;
private final byte[] sendUnwrappedBytes;
private ByteBuffer sendWrappedBuffer;
private final Object readLock = new Object();
private final Object writeLock = new Object();
* Create a SASL byte channel with the specified parameters that is capable of
* processing a confidentiality/integrity SASL connection.
* @param connection
* The client connection to read/write the bytes.
* @param name
* The SASL mechanism name.
* @param saslContext
* The SASL context to process the data through.
private SASLByteChannel(final ClientConnection connection, final String name,
final SASLContext saslContext)
this.name = name;
this.saslContext = saslContext;
channel = connection.getChannel();
recvWrappedBufferMaximumSize = saslContext.getMaxReceiveBufferSize();
sendUnwrappedBufferSize = saslContext.getMaxRawSendBufferSize();
recvWrappedBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(recvWrappedBufferMaximumSize);
recvUnwrappedBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);
sendUnwrappedBytes = new byte[sendUnwrappedBufferSize];
sendWrappedBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(sendUnwrappedBufferSize + 64);
* {@inheritDoc}
public ByteChannel getChannel()
return pimpl;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Certificate[] getClientCertificateChain()
return new Certificate[0];
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getName()
return name;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getSSF()
return saslContext.getSSF();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isSecure()
return true;