Title: dbtest
Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.78.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
Date: 01/19/2015
Manual: Tools Reference
Source: OpenDJ 2.8.0
Language: English

"DBTEST" "1" "01/19/2015" "OpenDJ 2.8.0" "Tools Reference"
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dbtest - gather OpenDJ JE database debugging information

\w'dbtest subcommand 'u dbtest subcommand [options]


This utility can be used to debug the JE database.


The following subcommands are supported.

dbtest dump-database-container

Dump records from a database container Depending on database size, this subcommand can generate lots of output.

dbtest list-database-containers

List the database containers for an entry container

dbtest list-entry-containers

List the entry containers for a root container

dbtest list-index-status

List the status of indexes in an entry container This command can take a long time to complete, as it reads all indexes for all backends. When you list index status, the result is a table, followed by a "Total", which is the total number of indexes, followed by a list of indexes with "Undefined keys" to show the values for which the number of entries exceeded the index entry limit. The table has the following columns.

Index Name

Name of the index, which takes the form attr.type for attribute indexes, and vlv.name for VLV indexes. Some indexes are for OpenDJ directory server\*(Aqs internal use. Example: givenName.substring

Index Type

Type of the index, which is Index for attribute indexes, and VLVIndex for VLV indexes.

JE Database Name

Name of the Berkeley Java Edition database, which reflects how OpenDJ directory server organizes the data in the database. Example: dc_example_dc_com_givenName.substring

Index Valid

This is true for valid indexes. If this is false, the index might be degraded. Verify the index, and rebuild the index if necessary.

Record Count

Number of indexed keys. Use the dbtest dump-database-container command to see how many entry IDs correspond to each key.


Number of keys for which there are too many values to maintain an index, based on the index entry limit. This is recorded as - for VLV indexes. In other words, with the default index entry limit of 4000, if every user in your large directory has a mail address ending in @example.com, and a substring index is maintained for mail, then OpenDJ directory server does not maintain indexes for keys corresponding to substrings in @example.com. As a result, an LDAP search with the filter "(mail=*@example.com)" becomes an unindexed search even though a substring index exists for the mail attribute. By default OpenDJ directory server does not allow unindexed searches except by privileged users. This is usually exactly the behavior you want in order to prevent client applications for example from sending searches that return every user in the directory. Clients should refine their search filters instead.

95%, 90%, 85%

Number of keys for which the number of values is approaching the index entry limit, having reached the specified percentage. This is a measure of how full the entry ID lists are.

dbtest list-root-containers

List the root containers used by all JE backends


The following global options are supported.

For other options, see dbtest subcommand --help.


Display version information

-?, -H, --help

Display usage information



The command completed successfully.

> 0

An error occurred.


The following example displays debugging information about the equality index for sudoUser.


$ dbtest dump-database-container -n userRoot -b dc=example,dc=com \e
 -d sudoUser.equality
Indexed Value (6 bytes): %admin
Entry ID List (8 bytes): 165 

Indexed Value (5 bytes): %sudo
Entry ID List (8 bytes): 164 

Indexed Value (4 bytes): root
Entry ID List (8 bytes): 163 

Total Records: 3
Total / Average Key Size: 13 bytes / 4 bytes
Total / Average Data Size: 24 bytes / 8 bytes

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