* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
* or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions copyright 2012 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.schema;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.opends.server.api.AttributeSyntax;
import org.opends.server.types.AttributeValue;
import org.opends.server.types.ByteString;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* Test the UTCTimeSyntax.
public class UTCTimeSyntaxTest extends AttributeSyntaxTest
* {@inheritDoc}
protected AttributeSyntax getRule()
return new UTCTimeSyntax();
public Object[][] createAcceptableValues()
return new Object [][] {
// tests for the UTC time syntax.
{"060906135030+01", true},
{"0609061350Z", true},
{"060906135030Z", true},
{"061116135030Z", true},
{"061126135030Z", true},
{"061231235959Z", true},
{"060906135030+0101", true},
{"060906135030+2359", true},
{"060906135060+0101", true},
{"060906135061+0101", false},
{"060906135030+3359", false},
{"060906135030+2389", false},
{"062231235959Z", false},
{"061232235959Z", false},
{"06123123595aZ", false},
{"0a1231235959Z", false},
{"06j231235959Z", false},
{"0612-1235959Z", false},
{"061231#35959Z", false},
{"2006", false},
{"062106135030+0101", false},
{"060A06135030+0101", false},
{"061A06135030+0101", false},
{"060936135030+0101", false},
{"06090A135030+0101", false},
{"06091A135030+0101", false},
{"060900135030+0101", false},
{"060906335030+0101", false},
{"0609061A5030+0101", false},
{"0609062A5030+0101", false},
{"060906137030+0101", false},
{"060906135A30+0101", false},
{"060906135", false},
{"0609061350", false},
{"060906135070+0101", false},
{"06090613503A+0101", false},
{"06090613503", false},
{"0609061350Z0", false},
{"0609061350+0", false},
{"0609061350+000A", false},
{"0609061350+A00A", false},
{"060906135030Z0", false},
{"060906135030+010", false},
{"060906135030+010A", false},
{"060906135030+0A01", false},
{"060906135030+2501", false},
{"060906135030+0170", false},
{"060906135030+010A", false},
{"060906135030+A00A", false},
{"060906135030Q", false},
{"060906135030+", false},
* Tests the {@code createUTCTimeValue} and {@code decodeUTCTimeValue}
* methods.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testCreateAndDecodeUTCTimeValue()
throws Exception
Date d = new Date();
AttributeValue timeValue = UTCTimeSyntax.createUTCTimeValue(d);
Date decodedDate = UTCTimeSyntax.decodeUTCTimeValue(timeValue.getValue());
// UTCTime does not have support for sub-second values, so we need to make
// sure that the decoded value is within 1000 milliseconds.
assertTrue(Math.abs(d.getTime() - decodedDate.getTime()) < 1000);
* Tests the {@code decodeUTCTimeValue} method decodes
* 50-99 into 1950-1999. See RFC 3280
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testDecode50to99()
throws Exception
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
// values from 50 through 99 inclusive shall have 1900 added to it
for (int yy = 50; yy <= 99; yy++) {
String utcString = String.format("%02d0819120000Z", new Integer(yy));
Date decodedDate = UTCTimeSyntax.decodeUTCTimeValue(ByteString.valueOf(utcString));
int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
assertEquals(year, yy + 1900);
* Tests the {@code decodeUTCTimeValue} method decodes
* 00-49 into 2000-2049. See RFC 3280
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testDecode00to49()
throws Exception
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
// values from 00 through 49 inclusive shall have 2000 added to it
for (int yy = 0; yy <= 49; yy++) {
String utcString = String.format("%02d0819120000Z", new Integer(yy));
Date decodedDate = UTCTimeSyntax.decodeUTCTimeValue(ByteString.valueOf(utcString));
int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
assertEquals(year, yy + 2000);
* Tests the {@code createUTCTimeValue} method converts
* 1950-1999 into 50-99. See RFC 3280
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testCreate50to99()
throws Exception
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
// values from 50 through 99 inclusive shall have 1900 added to it
for (int yy = 50; yy <= 99; yy++) {
cal.set(1900 + yy, 7, 19, 12, 0, 0); // months are 0..11
Date date = cal.getTime();
String createdString = UTCTimeSyntax.createUTCTimeValue(date).toString();
String expectedString = String.format("%02d0819120000Z", new Integer(yy));
assertEquals(expectedString, createdString);
* Tests the {@code createUTCTimeValue} method converts
* 2000-2049 to 00-49. See RFC 3280
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testCreate00to49()
throws Exception
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
// values from 00 through 49 inclusive shall have 2000 added to it
for (int yy = 0; yy <= 49; yy++) {
cal.set(2000 + yy, 7, 19, 12, 0, 0); // months are 0..11
Date date = cal.getTime();
String createdString = UTCTimeSyntax.createUTCTimeValue(date).toString();
String expectedString = String.format("%02d0819120000Z", new Integer(yy));
assertEquals(expectedString, createdString);