<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
! The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
! or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE.
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at
! trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
! add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
! by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! Portions Copyright 2011-2013 Forgerock AS
! -->
<defaultcall function="main_virtualAttributes_cos"/>
<function name="main_virtualAttributes_cos">
<block name="'virtualAttributes_cos'">
if not CurrentTestPath.has_key('group'):
people1Dn='ou=people1,%s' % virtualAttributesDn
user1Dn='uid=%s,%s' % (user1,people1Dn)
people2Dn='ou=people2,%s' % virtualAttributesDn
user4Dn='uid=%s,%s' % (user4,people2Dn)
<call function="'testSuite_Preamble'"/>
<!--- Test Suite information
#@TestSuiteName virtual attributes test suite
#@TestSuitePurpose COS (user defined virtual attributes) Tests
#@TestSuiteGroup COS (user defined virtual attributes)
#@TestScript virtualAttributes_cos.xml
<call function="'common_setup'">
'quickStart' : False,
'startServer' : True,
'stopServer' : False,
'loadData' : True,
'ldifFile' : '%s/virtualAttributes/virtualAttributes.ldif' % remote.data
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker virtual attributes test suite
#@TestName virtualAttributes: COS for all the DIT
#@TestPurpose check cos defined in top on the tree
#@TestPreamble create a cos
#@TestSteps check it is available on entry
#@TestPostamble delete the cos
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('cos for all the DIT')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
cosName = 'userDefinedVirtualAttr1'
attributeName = 'manager'
attributeValue = 'John Doe'
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Create user defined virtual attribute'
arg1 = '--type user-defined --name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set enabled:true'
arg3 = '--set attribute-type:%s' % attributeName
arg4 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue
arg5 = '--set base-dn:%s' % virtualAttributesDn
myOptions = '%s %s %s %s %s' % (arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'create-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ check user defined virtual attribute created \
is listed by dsconfig'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'list-virtual-attributes',
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : cosName,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user entry which \
should have now %s attribute' % attributeName
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check the search return value : %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ change user defined virtual attribute value'
attributeValue2 = 'Elvis'
arg1 = '--name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue2
myOptions = '%s %s' % (arg1,arg2)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'set-virtual-attribute-prop',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user entry which \
should have new value for %s attribute' % attributeName
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check the search return value : %s' % attributeValue2
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue2,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Delete user defined virtual attribute'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'delete-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : '--name %s' % cosName,
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker virtual attributes test suite
#@TestName virtualAttributes: COS for a subtree
#@TestPurpose check cos defined in a subtree on the tree
#@TestPreamble create a cos
#@TestSteps check it is available under the subtree
#@TestPostamble delete the cos
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('cos for a subtree')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
cosName = 'userDefinedVirtualAttr2'
attributeName = 'carLicense'
attributeValue = '1234XZ38'
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Create user defined virtual attribute'
arg1 = '--type user-defined --name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set enabled:true'
arg3 = '--set attribute-type:%s' % attributeName
arg4 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue
arg5 = '--set base-dn:%s' % people1Dn
myOptions = '%s %s %s %s %s' % (arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'create-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ check user defined virtual attribute created \
is listed by dsconfig'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'list-virtual-attributes',
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : cosName,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user entry which \
should have now %s attribute (entry under the subtree %s)'\
% (attributeName,people1Dn)
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check the search return value : %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user entry which \
should NOT have %s attribute (entry under the subtree %s)'\
% (attributeName,people2Dn)
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user4Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check search do not return value : %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Delete user defined virtual attribute'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'delete-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : '--name %s' % cosName,
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker virtual attributes test suite
#@TestName virtualAttributes: should be readonly attribute
#@TestPurpose check cos attribute can not be modified by
ldapmodify CLI
#@TestPreamble create a cos
#@TestSteps check it is in readonly
#@TestPostamble delete the cos
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('cos should be readonly attribute')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
cosName = 'userDefinedVirtualAttr3'
attributeName = 'telexNumber'
attributeValue = '987654321'
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Create user defined virtual attribute'
arg1 = '--type user-defined --name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set enabled:true'
arg3 = '--set attribute-type:%s' % attributeName
arg4 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue
arg5 = '--set base-dn:%s' % virtualAttributesDn
myOptions = '%s %s %s %s %s' % (arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'create-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user entry which \
should NOT have %s attribute (entry under the subtree %s)'\
% (attributeName,people2Dn)
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check the search return value %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a modify on user entry which \
should have now %s attribute (should fail)' % attributeName
<call function="'ldapModifyWithScript'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsFilename' : '%s/virtualAttributes/ldif_mod.ldif' \
% remote.data,
'expectedRC' : 21
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Delete user defined virtual attribute'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'delete-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : '--name %s' % cosName
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker virtual attributes test suite
#@TestName virtualAttributes: enable/disable COS
#@TestPurpose check cos enable property
#@TestPreamble create a cos
#@TestSteps enable/disable the cos
#@TestPostamble delete the cos
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('cos enable/disable')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
cosName = 'userDefinedVirtualAttr4'
attributeName = 'carLicense'
attributeValue = '6541RT38'
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Create user defined virtual attribute (disabled)'
arg1 = '--type user-defined --name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set enabled:false'
arg3 = '--set attribute-type:%s' % attributeName
arg4 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue
arg5 = '--set base-dn:%s' % virtualAttributesDn
myOptions = '%s %s %s %s %s' % (arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'create-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check the search do not return %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Enable user defined virtual attribute'
myOptions = '--name %s --set enabled:true' % cosName
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'set-virtual-attribute-prop',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check the search return %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Delete user defined virtual attribute'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'delete-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : '--name %s' % cosName,
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker virtual attributes test suite
#@TestName virtualAttributes: virtual-overrides-real
#@TestPurpose check cos conflict-behavior property
#@TestPreamble create a cos
#@TestSteps check conflict-behavior=virtual-overrides-real
#@TestPostamble delete the cos
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('cos virtual-overrides-real')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
cosName = 'userDefinedVirtualAttr5'
attributeName = 'description'
attributeValue = 'new_desc_for_testcase'
descDefaultValue = 'this is the description of'
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Create user defined virtual attribute with \
conflict-behavior prop set to virtual-overrides-real'
arg1 = '--type user-defined --name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set enabled:true'
arg3 = '--set attribute-type:%s' % attributeName
arg4 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue
arg5 = '--set base-dn:%s' % virtualAttributesDn
arg6 = '--set conflict-behavior:virtual-overrides-real'
myOptions='%s %s %s %s %s %s'%(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'create-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
ldapsearchReturn = STAXResult[0][1]
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check search do not return %s' % descDefaultValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % descDefaultValue,
'mainString' : ldapsearchReturn,
'nbExpected' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check search return virtualattribute %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : ldapsearchReturn,
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Delete user defined virtual attribute'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'delete-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : '--name %s' % cosName,
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker virtual attributes test suite
#@TestName virtualAttributes: real-overrides-virtual
#@TestPurpose check cos conflict-behavior property
#@TestPreamble create a cos
#@TestSteps check conflict-behavior=real-overrides-virtual
#@TestPostamble delete the cos
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('cos real-overrides-virtual')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
cosName = 'userDefinedVirtualAttr6'
attributeName = 'description'
attributeValue = 'new_desc_for_testcase'
descDefaultValue = 'this is the description of'
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Create user defined virtual attribute with \
conflict-behavior prop set to real-overrides-virtual'
arg1 = '--type user-defined --name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set enabled:true'
arg3 = '--set attribute-type:%s' % attributeName
arg4 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue
arg5 = '--set base-dn:%s' % virtualAttributesDn
arg6 = '--set conflict-behavior:real-overrides-virtual'
myOptions='%s %s %s %s %s %s'%(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'create-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
ldapsearchReturn = STAXResult[0][1]
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check search return %s' % descDefaultValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % descDefaultValue,
'mainString' : ldapsearchReturn,
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check search do not return %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : ldapsearchReturn,
'nbExpected' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Delete user defined virtual attribute'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'delete-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : '--name %s' % cosName,
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker virtual attributes test suite
#@TestName virtualAttributes: merge-real-and-virtual
#@TestPurpose check cos conflict-behavior property
#@TestPreamble create a cos
#@TestSteps check conflict-behavior=merge-real-and-virtual
#@TestPostamble delete the cos
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('cos merge-real-and-virtual')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
cosName = 'userDefinedVirtualAttr7'
attributeName = 'description'
attributeValue = 'new_desc_for_testcase'
descDefaultValue = 'this is the description of'
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Create user defined virtual attribute with \
conflict-behavior prop set to merge-real-and-virtual'
arg1 = '--type user-defined --name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set enabled:true'
arg3 = '--set attribute-type:%s' % attributeName
arg4 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue
arg5 = '--set base-dn:%s' % virtualAttributesDn
arg6 = '--set conflict-behavior:merge-real-and-virtual'
myOptions='%s %s %s %s %s %s'%(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'create-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on user'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
ldapsearchReturn = STAXResult[0][1]
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check search return %s' % descDefaultValue
<call function="'searchString'">
'expectedString' : '%s' % descDefaultValue ,
'returnString' : ldapsearchReturn
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check search return %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : ldapsearchReturn,
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Delete user defined virtual attribute'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'delete-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : '--name %s' % cosName,
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker virtual attributes test suite
#@TestName virtualAttributes: filter for COS
#@TestPurpose check cos filter property
#@TestPreamble create a cos
#@TestSteps filter=person should only apply the cos to
person entries
#@TestPostamble delete the cos
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('cos filter')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
cosName = 'userDefinedVirtualAttr8'
attributeName = 'manager'
attributeValue = 'Al ty'
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Create user defined virtual attribute (disabled)'
arg1 = '--type user-defined --name %s' % cosName
arg2 = '--set enabled:true'
arg3 = '--set attribute-type:%s' % attributeName
arg4 = '--set value:"%s"' % attributeValue
arg5 = '--set base-dn:%s' % virtualAttributesDn
arg6 = '--set filter:objectClass=person'
myOptions = '%s %s %s %s %s %s'%(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'create-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : myOptions,
'expectedRC' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on person entry'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : user1Dn,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check the search return %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 1
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Application do a search on organization entry'
<call function="'ldapSearchWithScript'">
{ 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port,
'dsInstanceDn' : applicationDn,
'dsInstancePswd' : applicationPswd,
'dsBaseDN' : people1Dn,
'dsScope' : 'base',
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*',
'dsAttributes' : '%s' % attributeName }
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Check the search do not return %s' % attributeValue
<call function="'CheckMatches'">
{ 'string2find' : '%s' % attributeValue,
'mainString' : STAXResult[0][1],
'nbExpected' : 0
<!-- ========================================= -->
'++++ Delete user defined virtual attribute'
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password,
'subcommand' : 'delete-virtual-attribute',
'optionsString' : '--name %s' % cosName,
'expectedRC' : 0
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!-- *********************************************** -->
<import machine="STAF_LOCAL_HOSTNAME"
% (TESTS_DIR)"/>
<call function="'virtualAttributes_cleanup'">
{ 'stopDS' : True }
<!-- Test Suite Cleanup -->
<message>'Finally: Global ACI Cleanup.'</message>
<call function="'common_cleanup'" />
<catch exception="'STAFException'">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">'Cleanup of test suite failed.'</message>
<call function="'testSuite_Postamble'"/>