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* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* Portions Copyright 2011 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.replication.common;
import static org.opends.messages.ReplicationMessages.*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.opends.messages.Category;
import org.opends.messages.Message;
import org.opends.messages.Severity;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import org.opends.server.types.ResultCode;
* This object is used to store a list of ServerState object, one by
* replication domain. Globally, it is the generalization of ServerState
* (that applies to one domain) to a list of domains.
public class MultiDomainServerState implements Iterable<String>
* The list of (domain service id, ServerState).
private Map<String, ServerState> list;
* Creates a new empty object.
public MultiDomainServerState()
list = new TreeMap<String, ServerState>();
* Create an object from a string representation.
* @param mdss The provided string representation of the state.
* @throws DirectoryException when the string has an invalid format
public MultiDomainServerState(String mdss)
throws DirectoryException
list = splitGenStateToServerStates(mdss);
* Empty the object..
* After this call the object will be in the same state as if it
* was just created.
public void clear()
synchronized (this)
* Update the ServerState of the provided serviceId with the
* replication change number provided.
* @param serviceId The provided serviceId.
* @param changeNumber The provided ChangeNumber.
* @return a boolean indicating if the update was meaningful.
public boolean update(String serviceId, ChangeNumber changeNumber)
if (changeNumber == null)
return false;
int serverId = changeNumber.getServerId();
ServerState oldServerState = list.get(serviceId);
if (oldServerState == null)
oldServerState = new ServerState();
if (changeNumber.newer(oldServerState.getMaxChangeNumber(serverId)))
return true;
return false;
* Update the ServerState of the provided serviceId with the
* provided server state.
* @param serviceId The provided serviceId.
* @param serverState The provided serverState.
public void update(String serviceId, ServerState serverState)
* Returns a string representation of this object.
* @return The string representation.
public String toString()
String res = "";
if ((list != null) && (!list.isEmpty()))
for (String serviceId : list.keySet())
ServerState ss = list.get(serviceId);
res += serviceId + ":" + ss.toString();
res += ";";
return res;
* Dump a string representation in the provided buffer.
* @param buffer The provided buffer.
public void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
* Tests if the state is empty.
* @return True if the state is empty.
public boolean isEmpty()
return list.isEmpty();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Iterator<String> iterator()
return list.keySet().iterator();
* Test if this object equals the provided other object.
* @param other The other object with which we want to test equality.
* @return Returns True if this equals other, else return false.
public boolean equalsTo(MultiDomainServerState other)
return ((this.cover(other)) && (other.cover(this)));
* Test if this object covers the provided covered object.
* @param covered The provided object.
* @return true when this covers the provided object.
public boolean cover(MultiDomainServerState covered)
for (String serviceId : covered.list.keySet())
ServerState state = list.get(serviceId);
ServerState coveredState = covered.list.get(serviceId);
if ((state==null)||(coveredState == null) || (!state.cover(coveredState)))
return false;
return true;
* Splits the provided generalizedServerState being a String with the
* following syntax: "domain1:state1;domain2:state2;..."
* to a TreeMap of (domain DN, domain ServerState).
* @param multidomainserverstate the provided state
* @exception DirectoryException when an error occurs
* @return the split state.
public static Map<String,ServerState> splitGenStateToServerStates(
String multidomainserverstate)
throws DirectoryException
Map<String, ServerState> startStates = new TreeMap<String, ServerState>();
if ((multidomainserverstate != null)
&& (multidomainserverstate.length() > 0))
// Split the provided multidomainserverstate into domains
String[] domains = multidomainserverstate.split(";");
for (String domain : domains)
// For each domain, split the changenumbers by server
// and build a server state (SHOULD BE OPTIMIZED)
ServerState serverStateByDomain = new ServerState();
String[] fields = domain.split(":");
if (fields.length == 0)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
String domainBaseDN = fields[0];
if (fields.length > 1)
String strState = fields[1];
String[] strCN = strState.split(" ");
for (String sr : strCN)
ChangeNumber fromChangeNumber = new ChangeNumber(sr);
startStates.put(domainBaseDN, serverStateByDomain);
catch (DirectoryException de)
throw de;
catch (Exception e)
throw new DirectoryException(
Message.raw(Category.SYNC, Severity.INFORMATION,
"Exception raised: " + e),
return startStates;