user-friendly-name=Attribute Type Description Attribute Syntax
user-friendly-plural-name=Attribute Type Description Attribute Syntaxes
synopsis=Attribute Type Description Attribute Syntaxes describe the format of the directory schema attribute type definitions.
property.enabled.synopsis=Indicates whether the Attribute Type Description Attribute Syntax is enabled. the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the Attribute Type Description Attribute Syntax implementation.
property.strip-syntax-min-upper-bound.synopsis=Indicates whether the suggested minimum upper bound appended to an attribute's syntax OID in it's schema definition Attribute Type Description is stripped off.
property.strip-syntax-min-upper-bound.description=When retrieving the server's schema, some APIs (JNDI) fail in their syntax lookup methods, because they do not parse this value correctly. This configuration option allows the server to be configured to provide schema definitions these APIs can parse correctly.