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Manual test for Issue 464, Access Control "dayofweek" Client Target
1. Unzip and start OpenDS.
2. Add some entries (shared/data/aci/manual_tests/aci_startup.ldif).
Note there is a user, uid=auser,ou=People,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com
which will modify the entry, uid=scarter, ou=People, ou=aci branch, o=ACI Tests, dc=example,dc=com.
3. The user, uid=auser, attempts to modify entry, uid=scarter (shared/data/aci/manual_tests/replace_l.ldif).
Error 50 (Insufficient Access Rights) results.
/tmp/mikek/OpenDS-0.9.0-build004/bin/ldapmodify -a -h auseng013 -p 389 -D "uid=auser,ou=People,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com" -w ACIRules -f /tmp/manual_tests/replace_l.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for uid=scarter,ou=People,ou=aci branch,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation failed
Result Code: 50 (Insufficient Access Rights)
Additional Information: The entry uid=scarter,ou=People,ou=aci branch,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com cannot be modified due to insufficient access rights
4. Add ACI with the dayofweek set to whatever it is today. The day today happens to be Tuesday. (shared/data/aci/manual_tests/add_aci_right_day.ldif)
5. Repeat step 3. Now it is successful.
/tmp/mikek/OpenDS-0.9.0-build004/bin/ldapmodify -a -h auseng013 -p 389 -D "uid=auser,ou=People,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com" -w ACIRules -f /tmp/manual_tests/replace_l.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for uid=scarter,ou=People,ou=aci branch,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN uid=scarter,ou=People,ou=aci branch,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com
6. Replace the ACI with whatever today is not. This example sets the day to Saturday. (shared/data/aci/manual_tests/add_aci_wrong_day.ldif)
7. Repeat step 3.
Error 50 (Insufficient Access Rights) results.
The output is like that in step 3.
8. Replace the ACI with a day that does not conform to the standard described in the users guide. This example uses tuesday for the dayofweek. (shared/data/aci/manual_tests/add_aci_bad_day.ldif)
Error 21 (Invalid Attribute Syntax) results.
bash-3.00# /tmp/mikek/OpenDS-0.9.0-build004/bin/ldapmodify -a -h auseng013 -p 389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -f /tmp/manual_tests/add_aci_bad_day.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for ou=aci branch,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com
MODIFY operation failed
Result Code: 21 (Invalid Attribute Syntax)
Additional Information: When attempting to modify entry ou=aci branch,o=ACI Tests,dc=example,dc=com to replace the set of values for attribute aci, value "(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "add_aci_right_day"; allow (add,delete,write) dayofweek="tuesday";)" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: The provided Access Control Instruction (ACI) bind rule dayofweek expression value "tuesday" is invalid, because of an invalid day of week value. A valid dayofweek value is one of the following English three-letter abbreviationsfor the days of the week: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, or sat