* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at
* trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable,
* add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
* by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2009-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* The panel that allows the user to specify when a task will be launched.
sunday =
monday =
tuesday =
thursday =
friday =
saturday =
* Default constructor.
* @param taskName the name of the task to be scheduled.
* Creates the layout of the panel (but the contents are not populated here).
private void createLayout()
cronPanel = createCronPanel();
boolean launchLaterVisible = false;
boolean launchDailyVisible = false;
boolean launchWeeklyVisible = false;
boolean launchMonthlyVisible = false;
boolean cronVisible = false;
if (element instanceof CategorizedComboBoxElement)
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
* {@inheritDoc}
// Reset the schedule and the labels
if (visible)
* {@inheritDoc}
* {@inheritDoc}
public void okClicked()
schedule = createSchedule();
* Checks the validity of the provided information and updates the provided
* collection of messages with the errors that have been found.
* @param errorMessages the collection of messages to be updated.
if (type == LAUNCH_LATER)
else if (type == LAUNCH_DAILY)
else if (type == LAUNCH_WEEKLY)
else if (type == LAUNCH_MONTHLY)
* Checks the validity of the launch later information and updates
* the provided collection of messages with the errors that have been found.
* The associated labels are also updated.
* @param errorMessages the collection of messages to be updated.
int d = -1;
int m = month.getSelectedIndex();
int[] h = {-1};
int[] min = {-1};
if ((d < 0) || (d > 31))
// Check that the actual date's month date corresponds to a valid day
// (for instance if user specifies 30th of February, the resulting date
// is 2nd (or 1st depending of the year) of Mars.
* Checks the validity of the launch daily information and updates
* the provided collection of messages with the errors that have been found.
* The associated labels are also updated.
* @param errorMessages the collection of messages to be updated.
int[] h = {-1};
int[] min = {-1};
* Checks the validity of the launch weekly information and updates
* the provided collection of messages with the errors that have been found.
* The associated labels are also updated.
* @param errorMessages the collection of messages to be updated.
private void updateLaunchWeeklyErrorMessages(
int[] h = {-1};
int[] min = {-1};
boolean oneSelected = false;
if (cb.isSelected())
oneSelected = true;
if (!oneSelected)
* Checks the validity of the launch monthly information and updates
* the provided collection of messages with the errors that have been found.
* The associated labels are also updated.
* @param errorMessages the collection of messages to be updated.
private void updateLaunchMonthlyErrorMessages(
int[] h = {-1};
int[] min = {-1};
boolean oneSelected = false;
if (cb.isSelected())
oneSelected = true;
if (!oneSelected)
* Checks the validity of the cron schedule information and updates
* the provided collection of messages with the errors that have been found.
* The associated labels are also updated.
* @param errorMessages the collection of messages to be updated.
0, 59,
0, 23,
0, 6,
1, 31,
1, 12,
* Checks the validity of the cron schedule information tab and updates
* the provided collection of messages with the errors that have been found.
* The associated labels are also updated.
* @param value the value of the cron schedule tab.
* @param label the label associated with the cron schedule tab.
* @param errorIfEmpty the message to be displayed if the value tab is empty.
* @param contentError the message to be displayed if the value tab is not
* valid.
* @param minValue the minimum value accepted.
* @param maxValue the maximum value accepted.
* @param errorMessages the collection of messages to be updated.
* Returns the schedule type corresponding to the input provided by user.
* This method assumes that all the date provided by the user has been
* validated.
* @return the schedule type corresponding to the input provided by user.
if (type == LAUNCH_NOW)
else if (type == LAUNCH_LATER)
int m = month.getSelectedIndex();
else if (type == LAUNCH_DAILY)
else if (type == LAUNCH_WEEKLY)
boolean oneDayAdded = false;
if (weekDays[i].isSelected())
if (oneDayAdded)
oneDayAdded = true;
else if (type == LAUNCH_MONTHLY)
boolean oneDayAdded = false;
if (monthDays[i].isSelected())
if (oneDayAdded)
oneDayAdded = true;
return schedule;
* Convenience method to retrieve the time specified by the user.
* @param time the text field where the user specifies time.
* @param lTime the label associated with the text field.
* @param h an integer array of size 1 where the value of the hour specified
* by the user will be set.
* @param m an integer array of size 1 where the value of the minute specified
* by the user will be set.
* @param errorMessages the collection of error messages that will be updated
* with the encountered problems.
if (h[0] < 0 || h[0] > 23)
if (m[0] < 0 || m[0] > 59)
* Tells whether the user chose to close the dialog discarding the provided
* input.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user chose to close the dialog discarding
* the provided input and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isCanceled()
* {@inheritDoc}
* {@inheritDoc}
return scheduleType;
* Returns the schedule provided by the user.
* @return the schedule provided by the user.
return schedule;
plainTextDocument = new PlainDocument();
int[][] maxMin =
int[] currentValues =
int selectedIndex = 0;
int index = 0;
String s;
if (j < 10)
s = "0"+j;
if (j == currentValues[i])
if (selectedIndex != 0)
Message[] monthMessages =
Message[] inlineHelp =
if (inlineHelp[i] != null)
return panel;
return panel;
return panel;
int x = i % 7;
if (x == 0 && i != 0)
if (x != 0)
return panel;
return panel;
* The main method to test this panel.
* @param args the arguments.
while (true)