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package org.opends.server.types;
import org.opends.server.config.ConfigException;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
public class TestAddressMask extends TypesTestCase {
/* These are all valid rules -- should all pass. */
@DataProvider(name = "validRules")
public Object[][] validData() {
return new Object[][] {
{ ""},
{ "129.*.78.55"},
@DataProvider(name = "invalidRules")
public Object[][] invalidData() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "129.*.900.67" },
{ "129.67" },
{" "},
{"foo bar.com"},
{".central.sun day.com"},
@DataProvider(name = "toStringRule")
public Object[][] toStringData() {
return new Object[][] {
@Test(dataProvider = "validRules")
public void testValidDecode(String mask)
throws Exception {
@Test(expectedExceptions=ConfigException.class, dataProvider="invalidRules")
public void testInvalidDecode(String mask)
throws Exception {
try {
} catch (ConfigException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
"Invalid mask <" + mask + "> threw wrong exception type.");
throw e;
throw new RuntimeException(
"Invalid mask <" + mask + "> did not throw an exception.");
@DataProvider(name = "matchRules")
public Object[][] ruleMatchData() {
return new Object[][] {
new String[] {
"129.56.*.22", //1
"*.domain.com", //2
"foo.example.com", //3
"", //4
"", //5
".test.com", //6
""}, //9
new String[] {
"", //rule 7
"", //rule 8
"", //host
"", //rule 1
"", //host
"", //host
""}, //rule 5
new String[] {
"some.host.name", //addr
"some.host.name", //addr
"foo.example.com", //rule 3
"some.host.name", //addr
"foo.test.com", //rule 6
"foo.domain.com", //rule 2
"some.host.name" //addr
@DataProvider(name = "noMatchRules")
public Object[][] ruleNoMatchData() {
return new Object[][] {
// Rule to not match
new String[] {
"129.56.*.22", //1
"*.domain.com", //2
"foo.example.com", //3
"", //4
"", //5
".test.com", //6
""}, //9
new String[] {
new String[] {
@DataProvider(name = "matchWCRules")
public Object[][] ruleMatchWCData() {
return new Object[][] {
new String[] {
new String[] {
new String[] {
"some.host.name" ,
@Test(dataProvider = "matchRules")
public void testMatch(String[] rules, String[] addrs, String[] hostNames)
throws Exception
assertTrue(match(rules, addrs, hostNames));
@Test(dataProvider = "matchWCRules")
public void testWildCardMatch(String[] rules, String[] addrs,
String[] hostNames) throws Exception
assertTrue(match(rules, addrs, hostNames));
@Test(dataProvider = "noMatchRules")
public void testNoMatch(String[] rules, String[] addrs, String[] hostNames)
throws Exception
assertFalse(match(rules, addrs, hostNames));
@Test(dataProvider = "toStringRule")
public void testToString(String rule) throws Exception
AddressMask m = AddressMask.decode(rule);
assertEquals(rule, m.toString());
public void testNullMatch() throws Exception {
AddressMask m = AddressMask.decode("*.*.*.*");
assertFalse(AddressMask.maskListContains(null, Arrays.asList(m)));
private boolean match(String[] rules, String[] addrs, String[] hostNames)
throws Exception
int i=0;
Collection<AddressMask> m = new ArrayList<AddressMask>(rules.length);
try {
for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
} catch (ConfigException ce) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Invalid mask <" + rules[i] +
"> all data must be valid for this test");
for(int j = 0; j < addrs.length; j++) {
InetAddress addr =
InetAddress.getByAddress(hostNames[j], InetAddress
if (!AddressMask.maskListContains(addr, m))
return false;
return true;
IPV6 data and tests.
//Invalid IPv6 expressions.
@DataProvider(name = "invalid6Rules")
public Object[][] inValid6Data() {
return new Object[][] {
//Valid IPv6 expressions.
@DataProvider(name = "valid6Rules")
public Object[][] valid6Data() {
return new Object[][] {
@DataProvider(name = "match6Rules")
public Object[][] ruleMatch6Data() {
return new Object[][] {
//IPV6 Rules
new String[] {
//IPv6 Addresses
new String[] {
//ignored Hostnames
new String[] {
@Test(dataProvider = "valid6Rules")
public void testValid6Decode(String mask)
throws Exception {
@Test(expectedExceptions=ConfigException.class, dataProvider="invalid6Rules")
public void testInvalid6Decode(String mask)
throws Exception {
try {
} catch (ConfigException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
"Invalid mask <" + mask + "> threw wrong exception type.");
throw e;
throw new RuntimeException(
"Invalid mask <" + mask + "> did not throw an exception.");
@Test(dataProvider = "match6Rules")
public void testMatch6(String[] rules, String[] addrs, String[] hostNames)
throws Exception
assertTrue(match(rules, addrs, hostNames));