# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
# or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information:
# Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright 2007-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Portions Copyright 2013 Forgerock AS
TEST_OS_STRING = '${tests.os.string}'
TEST_JVM_STRING = '${tests.jvm.string}'
STAF_LOCAL_HOSTNAME = '${local.hostname}'
STAF_REMOTE_HOSTNAME = '${remote.hostname}'
STAF_CLIENT_HOSTNAME = '${client.hostname}'
TMPDIR = '${temp.dir}'
PRODUCTNAME = '${product.name}'
OPENDSNAME = 'opendj'
ZIPNAME = '${opends.name}.zip'
ZIPPATH = '${opends.dir}'
UPGRADE_OPENDJNAME = '${upgrade.opendj.name}'
UPGRADE_ZIPNAME = '${upgrade.opendj.name}.zip'
UPGRADE_ZIPPATH = '${upgrade.opendj.dir}'
TESTS_TIMESTAMP = '${tests.timestamp}'
TESTS_TYPE = '${tests.type}'
TESTS_ROOT = '${basedir}'
TESTS_DIR = '${tests.dir}'
TESTS_SHARED_DIR = '${tests.dir}/shared'
TESTS_FUNCTIONS_DIR = '${shared.dir}/functions'
TESTS_JAVA_DIR = '${shared.dir}/java'
TESTS_TOPOLOGY_DIR = '${shared.dir}/topology'
TESTS_XSL_DIR = '${shared.dir}/xsl'
TESTS_DSML_DIR = '${shared.dir}/dsml'
TESTS_RESOURCE_DIR = '${shared.dir}/resource'
DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_DN = '${opends.admin.dn}'
DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_PSWD = '${opends.admin.pwd}'
DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_BIN = '${instance.bin}'
DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_DIR = '${instance.dir}'
DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_HOST = '${remote.hostname}'
DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_PORT = '${opends.port.ldap}'
DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_ADMIN_PORT = '${opends.port.admin}'
DIRECTORY_INSTANCE_SSL_PORT = '${opends.port.ldaps}'
REPLICATION_CONFIG_DIR = '${tests.run.dir}/${tests.run.time}/config'
REPLICATION_SPLIT_SERVERS = '${replication.split}'
REPLICATION_ECL_MODE = '${replication.eclmode}'
JAVA_HOME = '${remote.javahome}'
LOCAL_JAVA_HOME = '${local.javahome}'
LOGS_ROOT = '${tests.run.dir}/${tests.run.time}'
LOGS_URI = '${logs.uri}'
SEND_MAIL_AFTER_TEST_RUN = '${email.enabled}'
SEND_MAIL_TO = '${email.to}'
SEND_MAIL_SUBJECT = '${email.subject}'
WC_TYPE = '${wc.type}'
WC_VERSION = '${wc.version}'
WC_ZIPPATH = '${archives.dir}'
WC_ZIPNAME = '${wc.archive}'
WC_DIRECTORY = '${tests.tmp.dir}'
WC_PORT = '9000'
WC_SSL_PORT = '9001'
WC_HOST = '${remote.hostname}'
DSML_WARNAME = '${opends.name}-DSML.war'
DSML_WARPATH = '${opends.dir}/${opends.name}-DSML.war'
SNMP_OPENDS_JARFILE = 'opendj/lib/extensions/snmp-mib2605.jar'
SNMP_OPENDMK_LIBDIR = '${snmp.opendmk.lib.dir}'
SNMP_OPENDMK_JARFILE = '${snmp.opendmk.lib.dir}/jdmkrt.jar'
SNMP_PORT = '8085'
DEBUG_PORT = '${debug.port}'
LDCLT_DIR = '${ldclt.dir}'
VERBOSE_MODE = '${verbose.mode}'
TEST_PLAN_CUSTOM = '${test.plan.custom}'
ORIGINAL_ARCHIVE = '${original.archive}'
SDK_BIN = '${sdk.dir}'