<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
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! Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
! (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
! with the License.
! You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
! or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the License.
! When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
! file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt.
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! fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
! information:
! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
! Copyright 2009-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
! Portions Copyright 2012 ForgeRock AS
! -->
<!-- Definition of Test Cases -->
<!--- Test Case : Core : Binary Attributes : Makeldif-->
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Schema
#@TestName Core : Binary Attributes
#@TestID Makeldif
#@TestPurpose Test create of ldif using binary attributes
#@TestSteps Make an ldif containing binary attributes
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="core_binaryattr_001" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Makeldif Binary Attributes.')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
binaryattrLdif='%s/binaryattr.ldif' % remote.temp
<!-- MakeLDIF template -->
<message>'Generating template (%s).' % templateName</message>
template.append('define suffix=%s' % __baseDN)
template.append('define maildomain=%s' % dn2rfcmailaddr(server.suffix))
for rdn in dnList:
template.append('branch: %s' % list2dn(dnRelList))
template.append('branch: ou=people,[suffix]')
template.append('subordinateTemplate: certificationAuthority:1')
template.append('subordinateTemplate: cRLDistributionPoint:1')
template.append('subordinateTemplate: person:100')
template.append('subordinateTemplate: certificatePerson:100')
template.append('subordinateTemplate: photoPerson:100')
template.append('template: certificationAuthority')
template.append('rdnAttr: cn')
template.append('objectclass: applicationProcess')
template.append('objectclass: certificationAuthority')
template.append('cn: myCA')
template.append('description: The authority on certificates.')
template.append('cACertificate;binary:: &lt;random:base64:20>')
template.append('certificateRevocationList;binary:: &lt;random:base64:20>')
template.append('authorityRevocationList;binary:: &lt;random:base64:20>')
template.append('crossCertificatePair;binary:: &lt;random:base64:20>')
template.append('template: cRLDistributionPoint')
template.append('rdnAttr: cn')
template.append('objectclass: cRLDistributionPoint')
template.append('cn: myCRLDP')
template.append('certificateRevocationList;binary:: &lt;random:base64:20>')
template.append('authorityRevocationList;binary:: &lt;random:base64:20>')
template.append('deltaRevocationList;binary:: &lt;random:base64:20>')
template.append('template: person')
template.append('rdnAttr: uid')
template.append('objectClass: top')
template.append('objectClass: person')
template.append('objectClass: organizationalPerson')
template.append('objectClass: inetOrgPerson')
template.append('givenName: &lt;first>')
template.append('sn: &lt;last>')
template.append('cn: {givenName} {sn}')
template.append('initials: {givenName:1}&lt;random:chars:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:1>{sn:1}')
template.append('employeeNumber: &lt;sequential:0>')
template.append('uid: user.{employeeNumber}')
template.append('mail: {uid}@[maildomain]')
template.append('userPassword: password')
template.append('telephoneNumber: &lt;random:telephone>')
template.append('homePhone: &lt;random:telephone>')
template.append('pager: &lt;random:telephone>')
template.append('mobile: &lt;random:telephone>')
template.append('street: &lt;random:numeric:5> &lt;file:streets> Street')
template.append('l: &lt;file:cities>')
template.append('st: &lt;file:states>')
template.append('postalCode: &lt;random:numeric:5>')
template.append('postalAddress: {cn}${street}${l}, {st} {postalCode}')
template.append('description: This is the description for {cn}.')
template.append('template: certificatePerson')
template.append('rdnAttr: uid')
template.append('extends: person')
template.append('objectclass: strongauthenticationUser')
template.append('objectclass: userSecurityInformation')
template.append('userCertificate;binary:: &lt;random:base64:1000>')
template.append('supportedAlgorithms;binary:: &lt;random:base64:20>')
template.append('template: photoPerson')
template.append('rdnAttr: uid')
template.append('extends: person')
template.append('jpegPhoto:: &lt;random:base64:2000>')
<!-- Write template to file -->
ftemplate=open('%s/%s' % (local.temp,templateName),'w')
for line in template:
ftemplate.write('%s\n' % line)
<!-- Copy template to SUT -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
'srcfile' : '%s/%s' % (local.temp,templateName),
'destfile' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,templateName),
'remotehost' : server.location
<!-- Generate an ldif file containing binary attributes -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'MakeLdifWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Generate LDIF file.' ,
'functionException' : 'Tools.MakeLdifException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'templateFile' : '%s/%s' %
(remote.temp,templateName) ,
'ldifFile' : binaryattrLdif }
<catch exception="'STAXException.Tools.MakeLdifException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: MakeLdif failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case : Core : Binary Attributes : Import Binary Attributes from File -->
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Schema
#@TestName Core : Binary Attributes
#@TestID Import Binary Attributes from File
#@TestPurpose Test import of ldif containing binary transfer option
#@TestSteps Import ldif containing binary attributes
#@TestResult Test is successful if the result code is 0
<function name="core_binaryattr_002" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Import Binary Attributes from File.')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
binaryattrLdif='%s/binaryattr.ldif' % remote.temp
<!-- Turn off the strict Certificate Syntax checking -->
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'Modifying Certificate Syntax string-format to false.' }
options.append('--syntax-name "Certificate"')
options.append('--set "strict-format:false"')
dsconfigOptions=' '.join(options)
<call function="'dsconfig'">
'subcommand' : 'set-attribute-syntax-prop',
'optionsString' : dsconfigOptions
<call function="'testStep'">
{ 'stepMessage' : 'On line import of ldif file containing binary attributes.' }
<!-- On line import of ldif file containing binary attribute -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ImportLdifWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Import ldif file with binary entries' ,
'functionException' : 'Admin.ImportException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstanceAdminPort' : server.adminport ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'backEnd' : server.backend ,
'ldifFile' : binaryattrLdif ,
'rejectFile' : '%s/rejects.txt' % remote.temp }
<!-- Check that the import task is complete-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'manage-tasks' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Manage the online import task' ,
'functionException' : 'Admin.ManageTaskException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsQuiet' : ' ' }
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'searchStringForSubstring' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check import is completed successfully.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'returnString' : _functionResult ,
'testString' : 'Completed successfully' ,
'expectedResult' : '1' }
<!-- Count the number of entries in backend -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Count number of imported entries.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : __baseDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'dn' ,
'dsCountEntries' : 'True' ,
'expectedRC' : 0 }
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'searchStringForSubstring' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check import is completed successfully.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'returnString' : _functionResult ,
'testString' : 'Total number of matching entries: 304' ,
'expectedResult' : '1' }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the usercertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : __baseDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check usercertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<catch exception="'STAXException.Admin.ImportException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: Import failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.Admin.ManageTaskException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: ManageTask failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.SearchException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LDAPSearch failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.Utils.CheckStringException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: UtilsCheck failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<function name="core_binaryattr_003" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Add userCertificate no binary option.')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
ldifFile='%s/userCertificate.ldif' % remote.temp
targetDN='ou=core binaryattr 003,ou=people,%s' % __baseDN
<!-- MakeLDIF template -->
<message>'Generating template (%s).' % templateName</message>
ldifEntry.append('branch: %s' % targetDN)
ldifEntry.append('subordinateTemplate: certificatePerson:5')
ldifEntry.append('template: person')
ldifEntry.append('rdnAttr: uid')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: top')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: person')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: organizationalPerson')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: inetOrgPerson')
ldifEntry.append('givenName: &lt;first>')
ldifEntry.append('sn: &lt;last>')
ldifEntry.append('cn: {givenName} {sn}')
ldifEntry.append('employeeNumber: &lt;sequential:0>')
ldifEntry.append('uid: stronguser.{employeeNumber}')
ldifEntry.append('template: certificatePerson')
ldifEntry.append('rdnAttr: uid')
ldifEntry.append('extends: person')
ldifEntry.append('objectclass: strongauthenticationUser')
ldifEntry.append('userCertificate: &lt;random:base64:1000>')
<!-- Write template to file -->
ftemplate=open('%s/%s' % (local.temp,templateName),'w')
for line in ldifEntry:
ftemplate.write('%s\n' % line)
<!-- Copy template to SUT -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
'srcfile' : '%s/%s' % (local.temp,templateName),
'destfile' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,templateName),
'remotehost' : server.location
<!-- Generate an ldif file containing binary attributes -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'MakeLdifWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Generate LDIF file.' ,
'functionException' : 'Tools.MakeLdifException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'templateFile' : '%s/%s' %
(remote.temp,templateName) ,
'ldifFile' : ldifFile }
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapModifyWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Add ldif with userCertificate;binary entry' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.AddException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'dsInstanceHost': server.host ,
'dsInstancePort': server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd': server.password ,
'dsAdd' : 'TRUE' ,
'dsFilename' : ldifFile }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the userCertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : targetDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check userCertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the userCertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : targetDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate;binary' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check userCertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<catch exception="'STAXException.Tools.MakeLdifException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: MakeLdif failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.AddException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LdapAdd failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.SearchException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LDAPSearch failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.Utils.CheckStringException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: UtilsCheck failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<function name="core_binaryattr_004" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Add userCertificate with binary transfer option')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
ldifFile='%s/userCertificate.ldif' % remote.temp
targetDN='ou=core binaryattr 004,ou=people,%s' % __baseDN
<!-- MakeLDIF template -->
<message>'Generating template (%s).' % templateName</message>
ldifEntry.append('branch: %s' % targetDN)
ldifEntry.append('subordinateTemplate: certificatePerson:10')
ldifEntry.append('template: person')
ldifEntry.append('rdnAttr: uid')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: top')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: person')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: organizationalPerson')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: inetOrgPerson')
ldifEntry.append('givenName: &lt;first>')
ldifEntry.append('sn: &lt;last>')
ldifEntry.append('cn: {givenName} {sn}')
ldifEntry.append('employeeNumber: &lt;sequential:10>')
ldifEntry.append('uid: stronguser.{employeeNumber}')
ldifEntry.append('template: certificatePerson')
ldifEntry.append('rdnAttr: uid')
ldifEntry.append('extends: person')
ldifEntry.append('objectclass: strongauthenticationUser')
ldifEntry.append('userCertificate;binary:: &lt;random:base64:1000>')
<!-- Write template to file -->
ftemplate=open('%s/%s' % (local.temp,templateName),'w')
for line in ldifEntry:
ftemplate.write('%s\n' % line)
<!-- Copy template to SUT -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
'srcfile' : '%s/%s' % (local.temp,templateName),
'destfile' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,templateName),
'remotehost' : server.location
<!-- Generate an ldif file containing binary attributes -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'MakeLdifWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Generate LDIF file.' ,
'functionException' : 'Tools.MakeLdifException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'templateFile' : '%s/%s' %
(remote.temp,templateName) ,
'ldifFile' : ldifFile }
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapModifyWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Add ldif with userCertificate;binary entry' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.AddException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'dsInstanceHost': server.host ,
'dsInstancePort': server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd': server.password ,
'dsAdd' : 'TRUE' ,
'dsFilename' : ldifFile }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the userCertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : targetDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check userCertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the userCertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : targetDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate;binary' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check userCertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<catch exception="'STAXException.Tools.MakeLdifException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: MakeLdif failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.AddException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LdapAdd failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.SearchException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LDAPSearch failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.Utils.CheckStringException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: UtilsCheck failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<function name="core_binaryattr_005" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Add file based userCertificate with no binary transfer option')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
orgUnit='core binaryattr 005'
targetDN='ou=%s,ou=people,%s' % (orgUnit,__baseDN)
<!-- Generate Ldif file -->
<message>'Generating ldif (%s).' % ldifFile</message>
ldifEntry.append('dn: %s' % targetDN)
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: top')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: organizationalUnit')
ldifEntry.append('ou: %s' % orgUnit)
ldifEntry.append('dn: cn=Johnny Strong, %s' % targetDN)
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: top')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: person')
ldifEntry.append('objectclass: strongauthenticationUser')
ldifEntry.append('cn: Johnny Strong')
ldifEntry.append('sn: Strong')
ldifEntry.append('userCertificate:&lt; file:///%s/%s' % (remote.temp,pemFile))
<!-- Write template to file -->
fldif=open('%s/%s' % (local.temp,ldifFile),'w')
for line in ldifEntry:
fldif.write('%s\n' % line)
<!-- Copy ldif to SUT -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
'srcfile' : '%s/%s' % (local.temp,ldifFile),
'destfile' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,ldifFile),
'remotehost' : server.location
<!-- Generate PEM file -->
<message>'Generating ldif (%s).' % ldifFile</message>
<!-- Write template to file -->
fpem=open('%s/%s' % (local.temp,pemFile),'w')
for line in pemEntry:
fpem.write('%s\n' % line)
<!-- Copy PEM to SUT -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
'srcfile' : '%s/%s' % (local.temp,pemFile),
'destfile' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,pemFile),
'remotehost' : server.location
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapModifyWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Add ldif with userCertificate;binary entry' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.AddException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'dsInstanceHost': server.host ,
'dsInstancePort': server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd': server.password ,
'dsAdd' : 'TRUE' ,
'dsFilename' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,ldifFile) }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the userCertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : targetDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check userCertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the userCertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : targetDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate;binary' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check userCertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<catch exception="'STAXException.Tools.MakeLdifException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: MakeLdif failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.AddException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LdapAdd failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.SearchException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LDAPSearch failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.Utils.CheckStringException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: UtilsCheck failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<function name="core_binaryattr_006" scope="local">
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Add file based userCertificate with binary transfer option')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
'Test Name = %s' % STAXCurrentTestcase
orgUnit='core binaryattr 006'
targetDN='ou=%s,ou=people,%s' % (orgUnit,__baseDN)
<!-- Generate Ldif file -->
<message>'Generating ldif (%s).' % ldifFile</message>
ldifEntry.append('dn: %s' % targetDN)
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: top')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: organizationalUnit')
ldifEntry.append('ou: %s' % orgUnit)
ldifEntry.append('dn: cn=Jeff Grapes, %s' % targetDN)
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: top')
ldifEntry.append('objectClass: person')
ldifEntry.append('objectclass: strongauthenticationUser')
ldifEntry.append('cn: Jeff Grapes')
ldifEntry.append('sn: Grapes')
ldifEntry.append('userCertificate;binary:&lt; file:///%s/%s' % (remote.temp,pemFile))
<!-- Write template to file -->
fldif=open('%s/%s' % (local.temp,ldifFile),'w')
for line in ldifEntry:
fldif.write('%s\n' % line)
<!-- Copy ldif to SUT -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
'srcfile' : '%s/%s' % (local.temp,ldifFile),
'destfile' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,ldifFile),
'remotehost' : server.location
<!-- Generate PEM file -->
<message>'Generating ldif (%s).' % ldifFile</message>
<!-- Write template to file -->
fpem=open('%s/%s' % (local.temp,pemFile),'w')
for line in pemEntry:
fpem.write('%s\n' % line)
<!-- Copy PEM to SUT -->
<call function="'copyFile'">
'srcfile' : '%s/%s' % (local.temp,pemFile),
'destfile' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,pemFile),
'remotehost' : server.location
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapModifyWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Add ldif with userCertificate;binary entry' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.AddException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'location' : server.location ,
'dsInstanceHost': server.host ,
'dsInstancePort': server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd': server.password ,
'dsAdd' : 'TRUE' ,
'dsFilename' : '%s/%s' % (remote.temp,ldifFile) }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the userCertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : targetDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check userCertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<!-- Search for the usercertificate attributes-->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'ldapSearchWithScript' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Search for the userCertificate entry.' ,
'functionException' : 'LDAP.SearchException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'dsInstanceHost' : server.host ,
'dsInstancePort' : server.port ,
'dsInstanceDn' : server.dn ,
'dsInstancePswd' : server.password ,
'dsBaseDN' : targetDN ,
'dsFilter' : 'objectclass=*' ,
'dsAttributes' : 'usercertificate;binary' }
<!-- Check that usercertificate;binary is returned in search result -->
<call function="'runFunction'">
{ 'functionName' : 'checktestString' ,
'functionMessage' : 'Check userCertificate attribute is returned.' ,
'functionException' : 'Utils.CheckStringException' ,
'functionArguments' : { 'expectedString' : 'usercertificate;binary' ,
'returnString' : _functionResult }
<catch exception="'STAXException.Tools.MakeLdifException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: MakeLdif failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.AddException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LdapAdd failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.LDAP.SearchException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: LDAPSearch failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<catch exception="'STAXException.Utils.CheckStringException'" typevar="eType" var="eInfo">
<message log="1" level="'fatal'">
'%s: UtilsCheck failed. eInfo(%s)' % (eType,eInfo)
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>