<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "/shared/stax.dtd">
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<defaultcall function="clus_jks" />
<function name="clus_jks">
<block name="'clus_jks'">
<!--- Test Suite information
#@TestSuiteName JKS certificates
#@TestSuitePurpose Create server certificates
#@TestSuiteGroup clus_secure
#@TestScript clus_jks.xml
if not CurrentTestPath.has_key('group'):
CurrentTestPath['group'] = 'clu_secure'
CurrentTestPath['suite'] = STAXCurrentBlock
<call function="'testSuite_Preamble'"/>
<!--- Test Case information
#@TestMarker Certificates
#@TestName Create : server Certificates
#@TestIssue none
#@TestPurpose Create certificates needed to setup authentication
#@TestPreamble none
#@TestStep Generate and self-sign the two server certificates
#@TestPostamble none
#@TestResult Success if test pass
<testcase name="getTestCaseName('Create server certificates')">
<call function="'testCase_Preamble'"/>
<!--- Generate the two server Certificates -->
'Security : Server certicates :Step 1. Generating 1st server certicate'
<call function="'genCertificate'">
'certAlias' : 'server-cert1' ,
'dname' : "cn=server-dname1,O=Sun Microsystems,C=US",
'keystore' : 'serverkeystore',
'storepass' : 'keystorepass',
'keypass' : 'keystorepass',
'storetype' : 'JKS'
'Security: Server certicates :Step 1bis. Generating 2nd server certicate'
<call function="'genCertificate'">
'certAlias' : 'server-cert2' ,
'dname' : "cn=server-dname2,O=Sun Microsystems,C=US",
'keystore' : 'serverkeystore',
'storepass' : 'keystorepass',
'keypass' : 'keystorepass',
'storetype' : 'JKS'
<!--- Self-Sign the two Server Certificates -->
'Security: Server certificates :Step 2. Self-Signing 1st server certicate'
<call function="'SelfSignCertificate'">
'certAlias' : 'server-cert1' ,
'storepass' : 'keystorepass',
'keypass' : 'keystorepass',
'keystore' : 'serverkeystore',
'storetype' : 'JKS'
'Security: Server certificates : Step 2bis. Self-signing 2nd server certicate'
<call function="'SelfSignCertificate'">
'certAlias' : 'server-cert2' ,
'storepass' : 'keystorepass',
'keypass' : 'keystorepass',
'keystore' : 'serverkeystore',
'storetype' : 'JKS'
<!--- Export then import server certificates into the client truststore -->
'Security: Server certificates : Step 3. Export 1st server certificate'
<call function="'ExportCertificate'">
'certAlias' : 'server-cert1' ,
'keystore' : 'serverkeystore',
'storepass' : 'keystorepass',
'outputfile' : 'server-cert1.txt',
'storetype' : 'JKS',
'format' : 'rfc'
'Security: Server Certificates : Step 3bis. Export 2nd server certificate'
<call function="'ExportCertificate'">
'certAlias' : 'server-cert2' ,
'keystore' : 'serverkeystore',
'storepass' : 'keystorepass',
'outputfile' : 'server-cert2.txt',
'storetype' : 'JKS',
'format' : 'rfc'
'Security: Client certificates : Create a client folder'
<call function="'createFolder'">
'foldername' : '%s/client_cert' %InstanceInstallDir
'Security: Client certificates : Import 1st server certificate to client truststore'
<call function="'ImportCertificate'">
'certAlias' : 'server-cert1',
'inputfile' : 'server-cert1.txt',
'keystore' : '%s/client_cert/clientruststore' %(InstanceInstallDir),
'storepass' : 'clientruststorepass',
'storetype' : 'JKS'
'Security: Client certificates : Import 2nd server certificate to client truststore'
<call function="'ImportCertificate'">
'certAlias' : 'server-cert2',
'inputfile' : 'server-cert2.txt',
'keystore' : '%s/client_cert/clientruststore' %(InstanceInstallDir),
'storepass' : 'clientruststorepass',
'storetype' : 'JKS'
<call function="'testCase_Postamble'"/>
<call function="'testSuite_Postamble'"/>