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dn: cn=added-user.1,ou=People,o=example
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: organizationalperson
description: This is the description for added-user.1
description: This is another description
description;lang-fr:: Q2VjaSBlc3QgbGEgZGVzY3JpcHRpb24gZW4gRnJhbsOnYWlzIHBvdXIgYWRkZWQtdXNlci4w
description;lang-es:: RXNvIGVzIGxhIERlc2NyaXBjacOzbiBlbiBFc3Bhw7FvbCBwYXJhIGFkZGVkLXVzZXIuMA==
description;lang-jp:: YWRkZWQtdXNlci4w44Gu5pel5pys6Kqe44Gu6Kqs5piO44Gn44GZ44CC
cn: added-user.1
sn: Amar